
The largest single layer industrial park in central China, the eggs produced will enter the Hong Kong market in June

author:Chicken hemp

Eggs can reach Hong Kong within 24 hours, and 100 tons of eggs will enter the Hong Kong market every day, with sales of up to 10 million US dollars.

Recently, good news came from Hongnong Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Huangpi District, Wuhan City: the eggs produced by it will enter the Hong Kong market in June and go to the table of Hong Kong citizens.

The largest single layer industrial park in central China, the eggs produced will enter the Hong Kong market in June

There is an intelligent "housekeeper" in the life of laying hens

On the shore of Mulan Lake, in Wuhan Hongnong Industrial Park, feeding, feeding, egg picking, manure removal and other links do not require manual operation.

In 2012, Zhang Honglin, chairman of Wuhan Hongnong Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., returned to his hometown and invested more than 100 million yuan to build a million-level intelligent chicken farm with the support of relevant departments of Wuhan City and Huangpi District.

Zhang Honglin's father has been engaged in laying hen breeding for decades, but it has always been a small-scale operation, with about 100,000 laying hens.

Before the construction of the new factory, Zhang Honglin led the team to more than ten countries in Europe and the United States to investigate, and found that the local layer breeding has achieved intelligent production, and one or two people can manage a layer factory of 100,000 birds. In comparison, Hubei laying hen breeding are small-scale, large groups, "50,000 birds, 100,000 birds in Wuhan City are large, 1 million birds above the scale of the province only 2-3, and artificial breeding is more common, 100,000 farms often need more than 20 people to manage. ”

In Zhang Honglin's view, laying hen breeding should develop in the direction of scale, intensification and intelligence, otherwise it will lag far behind its European and American counterparts. He took the lead in introducing imported MOBA and Big Dutchman's fully automated equipment in central China to build a high-standard intelligent chicken farm.

The largest single layer industrial park in central China, the eggs produced will enter the Hong Kong market in June

In the Hongnong Industrial Park, the constant temperature chicken coop is equipped with a 24-hour ventilation system, and the digital facilities provide a "mansion" daily life guarantee for millions of laying hens.

There is also a hidden mystery on the egg sorting machine: after the eggs are quickly and automatically cleaned and air-dried, the moment before they are automatically sorted, they will be gently grabbed by the machine after a short suspension of less than a second, so that the end of the lighter air chamber is facing upward. Chen Jianbin, general manager of Wuhan Hongnong Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, said, "After each egg enters the sorting line, the orientation is different. The air chamber of the egg is facing upwards to facilitate its contact with the air and avoid eccentricity and yellowing. ”

Before entering the final packing, the automatic sorter will also gently tap the eggs with a soft probe, and use light to irradiate the sound waves and other data back to the database of the Dutch MOBA company headquarters, and identify which eggs have cracks and poor quality according to the big data, and then enter their respective "lanes" according to the number of grams, and distribute them to different enterprises by order.

After years of development, Hongnong has been successfully rated as a national leading key enterprise in industrialization.

The goal is to move towards the "Belt and Road" market

Hong Kong and Wuhan are thousands of miles apart, in order to meet Hong Kong's strict control standards for poultry and egg products and ensure product quality, Hongnong Agriculture and Animal Husbandry has made sufficient preparations in the early stage.

Today, a new round of upgrading is underway in Hongnong Industrial Park. The chicken house is being renovated and expanded, and there have been significant improvements in feed production, water quality and environmentally friendly treatment of chicken manure.

The largest single layer industrial park in central China, the eggs produced will enter the Hong Kong market in June

Chen Jianbin said that after the improvement of environmental control technology, the chicken coop has changed from 4 floors to 9 layers, and the number of laying hens in a single chicken coop has increased from 100,000 to 160,000 birds, which has doubled production capacity, improved product quality, and increased enterprise efficiency. In addition, Hongnong has also built a new 9,000-square-meter egg grading and packaging workshop, and two fully automatic egg sorting machines support each other, which can keep the factory running all year round.

Chen Jianbin introduced that previously, the company's egg products were mainly sold to Wuhan and South China, and the customers were mainly food companies such as Crown, Dali Garden, Hsu Fu Chi, and Infinite Food. With the active coordination and help of the Huangpi District Bureau of Commerce and Mulan Township, Hongnong Agriculture and Animal Husbandry successfully solved the problem of independent customs declaration, and the eggs can arrive in Hong Kong within 24 hours, and 100 tons of eggs will enter the Hong Kong market every day, with sales of up to 10 million US dollars. Subsequently, the company will also take the opportunity of exporting to Hong Kong to gradually move towards the "Belt and Road" market.

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