
Cognitive upgrading: How to stop the brain's cranky thinking?

author:On the Heart Hall

The reason why you love to be cranky is not because you have too many chores, but because you are "too idle"!

The reason why we think cranky is because the brain can't "idle", that is, we can't do nothing, the brain has to think of something.

Just like any other organ, the heart has to beat constantly to supply blood to the whole body. The lungs have to breathe constantly to supply oxygen to the blood. The same is true of the brain, which must be constantly functioning in order for the nervous system to be in harmony with the various organs.

Cognitive upgrading: How to stop the brain's cranky thinking?

So the question is, why do we often think cranky?

You may say, "It's because there are so many things to worry about, and I'm always worried about this, I'm afraid of that, and of course I'm cranky." ”

But in fact, the reason may not be what you expected.

The reason why we are cranky is not because there are too many things, but because our brains are "too idle", have no goals, and "have nothing to do".


Many people think that my brain is equal to "me" consciousness. But in reality, the brain is just a tool for us to think, and it has its own unique preferences.

The brain likes to feel in control of the outside world and also likes to ask for it. So when the brain is idle and has nothing to do, it will follow its instincts and start to try to control the people around it, let the people around it do things according to their own hearts, or try to get the property they want.

But the problem is that people in the outside world have their own consciousness and will not follow your ideas and will not be at your mercy. Outside objects are not something you can take casually, so the brain's desire to "control everything" is destined to be unsatisfied, so we will constantly breed disappointment and pain.

These painful feelings make our brains further trigger associations.

If you are a person with a weak character, then it will start thinking about the things that scare you. If you are a person who gets angry easily, then the brain starts to recall the things that make you angry. If you are a person who is prone to nervousness and anxiety, then the brain will start imagining the things that worry you.

Cognitive upgrading: How to stop the brain's cranky thinking?

So how can you avoid being cranky?

The answer is to find something clear and clear to do.

Imagine the following scenario.

When you're on the exam, do you get cranky?

When your deadline is approaching, do you get cranky?

Of course not, because at this moment, you only have one thought, and that is to complete the things you have to do within the allotted time, otherwise there will be serious consequences.

So, if we want to avoid crankiness, we have to do some serious things, and it's best to set deadlines.

When you're feeling anxious, stop thinking about the situations that make you anxious and do something specific that will ease your anxiety.

For example, if you have an interview tomorrow, you may be too nervous to sleep. At this time, stop thinking, "This interview is important to you. "Can I play well?" "If I make a mistake, the interviewer won't laugh at me." And so on useless questions. Instead, write a detailed self-introduction and read it several times to prepare for your interview.

For example, if you are worried that you will lose your job and suffer a midlife crisis, then stop thinking and start learning something new to prepare for a career change, or try to do some side hustles to prevent being caught off guard by sudden unemployment.

In this way, you can keep your brain occupied and solve problems effectively.

Cognitive upgrading: How to stop the brain's cranky thinking?

Of course, there is another reason for crankiness, and that is "lack of energy".

If our minds are clear enough, it is easy for us to control our consciousness and know clearly what to do and what not to do. However, if your mind is not clear every day, you will be in a state of "sleepwalking". The day passed in a daze, and I felt as if I hadn't done anything.

Therefore, adequate and effective sleep and moderate exercise are the physical basis to prevent us from thinking cranky.

In short, the reason why we are cranky can be summed up in three words, that is, "too idle". If we have specific and clear things to do at all times, the brain won't think about the things that make you sad, sad, anxious, and painful, so find something to do for yourself.

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