
Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception


China has a long history, and thousands of years of civilization accumulation have created a rich and colorful cultural system. However, it is precisely under this tradition that the Chinese people, with amazing wisdom and perseverance, have carried out an unprecedented subversion.

This subversion, which encompasses all fields, from politics to technology, from culture to economics, fully demonstrates China's bold questioning and reimagining of tradition. In the process, China has found its own unique path and achieved a rise that has attracted the attention of the world.

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

Professor Chapman, who has studied China's development in depth, believes that China's strength comes from the Chinese's careful thinking about tradition. The past models and ideas are not static, and the Chinese are constantly seeking better ways with the spirit of daring to question.

This spirit of disruption has prompted China to constantly push through the old and bring forth new ideas, constantly try new ideas and methods, and achieve remarkable achievements. The country, from feudal society to the rise of modernization, is the result of a bold challenge and redefinition of traditional perceptions. This unique way of thinking has become one of the reasons why China is strong.

The Mystery of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: Chinese Mythology and the Cult of Self-Reliance

For thousands of years, Chinese culture has been known for its unique mythological heritage, among which the Classic of Mountains and Seas is known as a precious treasure trove of Chinese mythology. In the profound insight of Harvard University professor Chapman, we find a profound contrast between Chinese mythology and Western mythology.

These contrasts are not only reflected in the myths themselves, but also in the core values of Chinese culture. Chinese mythology is characterized by its emphasis on self-reliance and resistance, which is markedly different from Western mythology's emphasis on divine intervention.

The heroes and gods of Chinese mythology often represent the qualities of perseverance and self-reliance. They faced adversity and did not rely on the intervention of the gods, but relied on their own wisdom and courage to overcome all difficulties. This characteristic is vividly reflected in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

In this ancient text, we find numerous mythological tales in which the heroes are often ordinary people who overcome monsters, natural disasters and other challenges through courage and unwavering will. This spirit of self-reliance runs through the entire Chinese mythology and becomes part of Chinese culture.

The spirit of resistance in Chinese mythology is also evident in various legends. Unlike the intervention of the gods in Western mythology, the stories in Chinese mythology place more emphasis on the struggle of the individual and society. This can be seen in the many stories in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

For example, the Classic of Mountains and Seas describes the confrontation between mythical beasts and humans, and behind these confrontations often lies the worship of nature and the desire for survival. This spirit of resistance has played an important role in Chinese culture, emphasizing the value of courage and perseverance, qualities that have long been seen as one of the reasons for the strength of Chinese history.

In ancient Eastern mythology, traditional Chinese culture shines with a unique spirit, a spirit of self-reliance and resistance, in stark contrast to Western mythology. This difference is like two very different paintings, each depicting the way humans interact with divinity.

In Western mythology, God's intervention is often the focus of stories, providing strength or wisdom to humans, as in the legend of God giving fire, or the magnificent narrative of Prometheus stealing fire, all of which show the theme of human dependence on the gods. Similarly, the story of Noah's Ark emphasizes God's dominance and protection.

In Chinese mythology, however, these elements are almost subverted, replaced by stories that emphasize human self-reliance and struggle. There is no miraculous assistance from God here, but a triumph of humanity's own wisdom and perseverance.

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

A vivid example is the legend about Dayu. In his time, China was threatened by terrible floods. Without God's protection, Dayu led the people to build embankments to resist floods. In this story, the emphasis is on the perseverance and self-reliance of human beings, who rely on their own hands to finally overcome the wrath of nature.

There are many similar stories. In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, we can find a series of breathtaking legends depicting how ordinary people face monsters, natural disasters, and other dangers. In these narratives, divine intervention is only secondary, with more emphasis on human beings' own abilities and their reverence for the natural world.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas": The treasure house of the Chinese national spirit

For thousands of years, China's culture and history have shone with its magical and profound mythological heritage. In this ancient country, every myth and story is a bright starlight, outlining the rich spiritual history of the Chinese nation. Among them, "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is the culmination of this inheritance, which is the treasure house of the Chinese nation, containing strong emotions and precipitated wisdom.

In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, like glittering gems, we discover a sea of myths and stories, each with its own unique color and its own dazzling brilliance.

The story of Kuafu's chasing the sun outlines the romantic feelings of ancient China. In this myth, Kuafu, a heroic and open-minded god, was ignited with an endless desire for the sun. In pursuit of this fiery dream, he traveled across the earth, challenged the pride of nature, climbed mountains and rivers, and finally made a heroic sacrifice. The story of Kwafu is not just a legend, but an inspiring hymn to show us that perseverance can overcome anything.

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

The legend of Jingwei reclamation teaches us perseverance. In this story, a small bird is swallowed up by the abyss of the sea, but it is not discouraged. With tenacious determination, it does its best to fill this deep sea, and although it cannot make up for all the sorrows in the end, its tireless efforts inspire us and teach us to keep our faith and strive for excellence in the face of adversity.

The myth of Nuwa mending the sky is the supreme work of Chinese culture. Nuwa, she is the supreme wisdom, the mother of Chinese culture, and a symbol of wisdom. With great wisdom and miraculous power, she healed the brokenness between heaven and earth, restored order, and set an example of wisdom and love for us. The legend of Nuwa symbolizes the perfect combination of wisdom and tenacity, inspiring us to keep moving forward with confidence.

Finally, the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun outlines the perfect fusion of bravery and wisdom. Hou Yi is a mythical marksman who, with his courage and intelligence, saved the world from the threat of the Japanese disaster. The story not only highlights the heroic spirit of the ancient Chinese tradition, but also emphasizes tenacity and wisdom in the face of adversity.

These myths and stories are not only symbols of ancient culture, but also spiritual totems of the 5,000-year-old history of the Chinese nation. They have traveled through time and have been passed down to the present day, inspiring the hearts of every Chinese. Therefore, the new edition of the primary school Chinese textbook includes the requirements of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", aiming to guide children to read these myths and stories in depth, because they contain the emotions, spiritual inheritance and enlightenment of the Chinese nation.

The mystical beauty of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: Ancient wisdom has attracted the admiration of American scholars

In the long river of time, the intersection between ancient Chinese mythology and modern science always seems to contain a mysterious force, outlining the unsolved mysteries of history. Among them, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, as a document full of mysterious elements, was once regarded as a myth and legend, however, the geographical information recorded in it has aroused great interest among American scholars.

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

Through the fog of time, in the 60s of the last century, a doctor named Motz, called by the unknown, embarked on an unprecedented journey of discovery. He set his sights on the mysterious geography of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, an ancient document that was regarded as myths and legends, but he was determined to reveal the mysteries within.

Dr. Murtz embarked on a delicate and time-consuming research mission. Like an ancient navigator, he held this ancient map in his hand, trying to trace the curves of the mountains, explore the source of the rivers, outline the peaks, and record the distance between the mountains. This is a quest through the millennium, and he seems to be in the > described in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

However, to his own shock, the results of the research gradually emerged, showing one by one the magical fit between the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and the real world. The mountain ranges of the central and western United States, such as the magnificent Rocky Mountains and the majestic Sierra Nevada, bear a striking resemblance to the Four Heavenly Mountains described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

The arrangement of the peaks, the course of the rivers, and the curves of the mountains are almost inconsistent. The most striking thing is the Four Heavens Mountains, an ancient place name that has found a mirror image in reality, as if a page of ancient documents has been vividly displayed on the surface of the earth.

In that emotional moment, Dr. Motz's eyes were filled with incredulity. His research has revealed the astonishing nature of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and ancient Chinese texts seem to foresee real-world geography. This discovery was like a bright star, lighting up the deepest respect and admiration in his heart.

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

Late at night, when a lone lamp illuminates his research room, Dr. Murtz falls into the intoxication of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. He gradually became attracted to the wisdom and mysteries contained in this ancient text, as if he had intersected with the minds of ancient wise men. Every word, every sentence is played like a musical note, depicting a magnificent symphony of ancient wisdom. It's a fascinating feeling, and it's also a deep admiration for ancient Chinese culture.

His admiration not only stayed in his heart, but was also turned into words, and he wrote the remarkable book "Faint Ink Marks". This book is like a cultural bridge, bridging the gap of time and culture, combining ancient Chinese whimsy with modern science. It is a magnificent attempt to cross boundaries, blending the ancient with the modern, giving us a deeper understanding of the wonders of human civilization.


In this long history, we have drawn wisdom from ancient sages and sages and passed it on to the present day. It is these cultural essences accumulated over thousands of years that have built the tower of our civilization, as indestructible as stone. The wind and rain of history and the baptism of time have not destroyed our cultural genes.

Today, when we look back on the past, we can't help but be in awe of those wise people and inheritors. Their wisdom is like a lighthouse, guiding us in the direction of progress. In the torrent of modern society, we still hold on to this precious heritage, breathe life into our culture, and pass on the spirit of antiquity.

Harvard Professor Chapman: The reason why China is strong is that they have subverted the traditional perception

Chinese culture, like a thousand-year-old tree, is still verdant despite the wind and rain. It is our roots, our wings, that connect us to the depths of history and inspire us to fly forward. This treasure house of the Orient is not only our pride, but also our strength to move forward.

Therefore, no matter what the future holds, we must remember the wisdom of the ancients, cherish our own traditions, and move forward with determination. Chinese culture will always stand tall in the east of the world, illuminating our way forward and injecting brilliance into our future. In this long history, we will continue to inherit this precious heritage, contribute more wisdom and innovation to the world, and continue to write a magnificent chapter of Chinese culture.

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