
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

author:National Pavilion
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Behind these little things,

There is a period of time that cannot be forgotten.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Once, taking a family photo was a New Year's ritual for many families.

Nowadays, who still remembers the heavy photo album at home, the cover is rustic, and the yellowed photo paper is turned over, and there are photos one after another in it.

The unclipped photographs have long since faded and even become moldy.

However, the scenery and objects in the photos are really experienced by people.

The first page may be a family photo of the grandparents, the family was very strong at that time, and if you turn a few more pages, you will see the wedding photos of the parents, not the wedding photos of the suits; A photo of myself in the photo studio when I was a child......

It is these photographs that capture the moment of change in the torrent of the times.

In fact, our lives have changed dramatically over the past few decades.

Among them, the most intuitive embodiment of this change is the family.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | "I Love My Home"

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"The 70s, the age of simplicity"

This was a time when cars, horses, and mail were slow.

"Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing" is the loudest slogan shouted by people.

At this time, China was still in the era of planned economy.

At that time, everyone was still living in the tube building.

Each floor has a long corridor with private rooms lined up on both sides, and the corridors are the kitchen, toilets and bathhouses are shared.

Every day, when it comes to meals, the smoke-filled corridors are full of laughter and laughter, and the smell of stews wafts from time to time.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | The prototype of this type of tube building was the Khrushchev building in the Soviet Union, which was widely promoted. These buildings are now called old and shabby, but they used to be luxury apartments. Because, at that time, only those who worked in public institutions were eligible for such a house.

This small world has supported many people's childhood memories.

At that time, the happiness of children was very simple, they ran downstairs and yelled "XXX, come down", and they played together wantonly.

Throwing sandbags, rolling hoops, jumping squares...... No matter how many years have passed, there is still a smile on the corner of my mouth when I think about it.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

It was also a time of scarcity of supplies, and people needed to exchange tickets for goods. It was the daily routine of that generation for children to help adults line up for purchases.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In the Spring Festival Gala in 1999, a dialogue in the sketch "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" restored people's lives at that time.

Cui Yongyuan: I can hear it, this love object is actually not given, so there must be a decent bride price when you get married, is there any?

Song Dandan: I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes when I say it, his poor family shouldn't care about anything.

Zhao Benshan: Don't be blind, there was still a household appliance at that time!

Cui Yongyuan: And household appliances?

Zhao Benshan: Flashlight!

The flashlight is also an electrical appliance, which is a humor that belongs to that era.

In the spacious family at that time, the emphasis was on "three turns and one ring". The "three turns" refer to the bicycle, the watch and the sewing machine, and the "one ring" refers to the radio. They are also known as the four major pieces.

At that time, the man had these four major pieces before he had the confidence to propose.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Bicycles are the pride of ordinary people, and a "permanent" is now BMW.

At that time, Shanghai Forever played "Walk with your lover, forever is the best!" At that time, the bicycle was full of stories of ordinary people.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

This is an era where bicycles are property. If a person's bicycle is lost, the public security bureau will file a case for investigation.

Watches, on the other hand, are equivalent to luxury goods.

The posture of looking at the watch must be enough to pull the wind, first raise your hand, and then face the sky, and slowly show the watch, hoping that everyone can see it.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At that time, mothers were all good sewingers.

"Three years of the new, three years of the old, and another three years of patchwork" is no joke.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Not to mention, there are also old photo frames. The inheritance and changes of a family are all in this.

Here, you can see the brother-in-law when he graduated, his parents when he got married, and the family photos when he was a child......

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At that time, the wedding photo was in a simple style.

The two men were dressed in grass-green military uniforms, wearing five-pointed star hats, with their backs to the white wall, looking at the camera side by side.

This wedding photo was a rare sense of ceremony at that time, full of parents' vows and promises.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | Photography from Zhihu @CVC

Even though life was far from affluent, people were at peace.

Jin Kaicheng, a professor at Peking University, wrote about how he and his family lived in a space of 10 square meters in the article "The Changes of the Study".

"There are two desks in the room, one for the child, so that she can study hard. Half of it is for her lover to prepare for class and write articles, and the other half is also for her to prepare three meals a day.

There is also a double bed in the room, which sleeps three people at night, and becomes my work during the day. It's nothing more than moving a small bench and sitting in front of the bed, rolling up the futon in half of the bed, and putting a glass plate without glass, so that you can read and write at the same time.

The collection of books is under the bed, and it is often possible to reach out and use it on the bed. ”

At that time, they firmly believed that as long as they worked hard with their hands, they could grow flowers in a barren life.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"The 80s, the age of passion"

In the 80s, the spring breeze of reform and opening up was blowing all over China, and people ran hard to shake off the burden of the 70s.

With the rise of the wave of part-time jobs and the activity of the market, people's wallets have become bulging, and their living standards have also risen.

Many people left the building and moved into the unit building.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In terms of decoration, people began to pay attention to the decoration of the home.

First of all, the white walls of the living room are painted green and white, which is quite elegant.

In terms of furniture, modular cabinets became the trend of the time. The table top began to have some delicate ornaments: a table clock, a ceramic cup and a green lamp.

People are increasingly looking for a quality of life.

In the household appliances, the four major items have also been upgraded and become the "new four": color TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machines.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | © Historical silhouettes

At that time, a color TV was as high as 600 yuan, which was not affordable by ordinary families. Some people recalled: When I was a child, I watched TV, either to my grandmother's house or to the store at the entrance of the village......

In 1983, CCTV broadcast the first Spring Festival Gala.

Since then, turning on the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala and counting down the New Year's Eve with the program has become a must-have activity for countless Chinese families.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | Wang Jingyu, Liu Xiaoqing, Ma Ji, Jiang Kun

At that time, the TV series were also very classic, "Dream of Red Mansions", "Jigong", "Shanghai Tang" and "Volleyball Girl......

As soon as the time came, many people squatted in front of the TV, crying or laughing along with the plot.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure 1 | Dream of Red Mansions

Figure 2 | "Volleyball Girl"

There was also an open-air movie, which was also one of the few entertainments at the time. At that time, people brought their own benches or mats, and it was bustling and lively.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

After that, with the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, people also had more choices, and foreign film and television dramas such as "Manhunt", "Ashin", "Volleyball Girl", "Astro Boy" and other foreign film and television dramas poured into people's field of vision.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure 1 | Manhunt

Figure 2 | "Ashin"

At that time, fathers were keen to imitate Ken Takakura's trench coat, and various celebrity posters were also put up at home.

A small TV set condenses the happy time of Chinese families sitting together.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Back to the washing machine, at that time there were still single and double cylinder washing machines, and the new generation must be very unfamiliar. Because it has long since become an antique and withdrawn from people's lives.

But in the '80s, it was still a novelty.

At the beginning, the single-cylinder washing machine was still eluted and dissolved. Later, the dual-cylinder washing machine was used to wash clothes and spin at the same time.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At the same time, private restaurants are also ushering in spring.

In 1980, Beijing's first individual restaurant, "Yuebin Restaurant", opened.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Subsequently, more and more private restaurants appeared on the streets.

There is even a different choice: foreign fast food.

In 1987, China's first KFC settled in the bustling area of Beijing's Qianmen.

At that time, the propaganda was still very down-to-earth, and as soon as it appeared, it played the slogan of "KFC hometown chicken in the United States".

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

This way, the set meal is not a classic "fries burger coke" pairing.

Order a set meal for 9.9 yuan, and you will get two pieces of plain fried chicken, a piece of mashed potatoes with chicken sauce, a piece of bread, a cabbage salad, and a glass of Pepsi or Mirinda orange soda......

People chewed on the fresh fried chicken, drank soda, and sighed in their hearts: It turns out that this is a foreign thing.

In addition, people at that time were also keen to use film cameras to record the details of life.

For example, a play party with friends, the growth of children, and family photos during the Chinese New Year......

And the wedding photos of the parents have also become wedding photos in suits:

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | ©CVC photography

Of course, there are also people who like to go to the photo studio to take pictures.

First, there are professional masters to check, and secondly, there are various background papers to choose from: Tiananmen Square, Potala Palace, or foreign attractions, etc.

Even though the pose marks are serious and the painting style is peculiar, people still enjoy it. Because these background papers are the filters of the year.

At that time, it was necessary to wait for film photos to be shot and washed out, unlike now, when a mobile phone is pressed to shoot.

As a result, people cherish this photo even more, and will frame a photo or put it in a photo album.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Just like these color photos, people's lives are becoming more and more enjoyable.

At this time, bicycles are slowly being replaced by motorcycles, and everything is saying goodbye to the past.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"The 90s, the age of change"

In 1987, Qian Tianbai sent China's first e-mail to the world: cross the Great Wall and connect with the world.

This sentence set the tone of the 90s.

In 1993, the state announced the liberalization of the supply of grain and oil commodities, and bid farewell to the era of shopping by ticket.

In the mid-90s, China's annual production of TV sets was as high as 35 million units, which has met the needs of most families.

At that time, people may have been discussing "Desire", "Fengshen Bang" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

"The whole country mourns Liu Huifang, the whole country scolds Wang Husheng, and everyone sighs Song Dacheng" shouted out how many people watched "Desire" at that time.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

The emotional struggles and desires of the protagonists in the play are also like the people of this era: they seem to be introverted, but in fact they are gradually opening up.

At that time, Chinese children were chasing the two swimsuit brothers in front of the TV and following them around the world.

This animation is "The Haier Brothers".

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

As soon as the opening song sounded, many people's childhood memories were evoked: "Thunder to rain, rain to use umbrellas, wear cotton jackets when it's cold, and fan fans when it's hot."

This animation was filmed with a huge amount of money on Haier refrigerators, which were popular in thousands of families at that time.

At that time, people also had a light green refrigerator with the top for freezing and the bottom for refrigeration.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

This time, "I Love My Home" is being broadcast on TV, and the people in the play are also in the state of people at that time.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

For example, Jia Zhixin, who just bought a BP machine, couldn't help but show off: "5247711 call 8829, if you don't believe it, I'll try it." ”

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

This is also the equipment that fathers pinned to their waists back then. As soon as the BP machine rings, people can't wait to find the public phone booth and call back, read out a string of numbers, and then connect with the person on the other end of the phone.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At that time, different codes represented different "codes", and some people even invented unique digital expressions.

A string of simple numbers, but it hides the careful thoughts of people back then.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Motorola's BP machine was the standard equipment at that time, and the big brother of the same brand was the choice of a more spacious family.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

There is also Simmons mattress, a domineering advertising slogan - "Not all mattresses are called Simmons", which has since become the standard configuration of countless families.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

It was also at this time that the Xiaobawang game console appeared, and the children's childhood had a new "little friend".

In 1993, Xiaobawang launched the first generation of learning machines and invited Jackie Chan to be the spokesperson. The advertising slogan "The same parents in the world, hope that their son will become a dragon and a little bully" is well-known.

Playing games under the guise of learning is the tacit understanding of this generation of children.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At that time, people still used tape recorders to listen to songs, pressed the switch, put the tape in the card slot, and then pressed the play button, listened slowly, and an afternoon passed.


When you hear a song, you can immediately tell which album it is and what year it was released.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Anyone who has ever listened to tapes has done things like this: rewind them with a pencil to listen to songs, stack tapes neatly together, and put adhesive tape on the box to prevent wear and tear......

The walls have long been plastered with posters of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, such as Andy Lau, Lin Qingxia, Teresa Teng......

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"Going to the restaurant" has gradually become a daily routine for a family.

Back then, KFC set off a trend of foreign fast food, which gave a boost to the "rising star" McDonald's.

In 1990, the first McDonald's opened in the commercial street of Luohu District, Shenzhen.

At this time, people probably would not have thought that this foreign thing would become people's daily diet more than ten years later.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In terms of clothing, people have also begun to pursue more fashion. Specialty stores or foreign trade stores such as Jeanswest, Baleno, and Yichun have become the most frequented places for people.

Moms also began to dress up, with more makeup on their dressers and the most fashionable plastic sandals of the time.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In 1994, there was another thing that has to be said: a new gadget called "Internet" began to enter the homes of ordinary Chinese people.

At that time, people didn't know what Internet surfing was.

Since then, this year has been called the first year of China's Internet.

In 1999, a young man named Jack Ma climbed the Great Wall and decided to build a "different" company.

When he returned to Hangzhou, he founded Alibaba in an apartment......

These changes in the 90s, like a butterfly flapping its wings to disturb the air, caused a sea change in the days to come.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

图 | ©Alain Le Garsmeur

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"Millennium, a new era"

The quietly approaching millennium heralded the end of an era and the beginning of a new century.

At this time, household consumption soared with the "China speed". The standard of people's lives has become: automobiles, commercial housing and entertainment consumption.

Housing is a theme that Chinese are always concerned about.

In 2000, commercial housing was hot as soon as it was launched, and everyone rushed to buy it.

Mahogany furniture also began to enter thousands of households at this time.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In addition, the development and convenience of transportation have also set off a wave of tourism and study abroad fever.

Instant messaging, on the other hand, further shortens the distance between people.

People talk about it: a global village is no longer a dream.

In 2004, PHS stood out in the Chinese market due to its low cost and low tariff. At that time, it had another name: "Poor Man's Honeycomb".

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At this time, the exchange of information can only be in simple words, without bells and whistles. But smart people have invented more interesting expressions – such as expressions made of various symbols.

Perhaps, people's expressions are a little clumsy, but they are full of heart.

At that time, the maximum storage capacity of text messages was 200, and people would carefully select the messages and save the most memorable text messages; Some people even copy text messages by hand, just to leave the beauty brought by those words.

Later, Nokia, the page where the "handshake" opened the screen became the common memory of an era.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At that time, people often used "bricks" to ridicule the Nokia. Nowadays, it has become an outdated joke.

By 2005, most families had a mobile phone.

That was also the time when VCD machines were at their most popular.

Even if the highest resolution is only 352*240, it does not prevent people from indulging in it.

Because of the latest blockbusters such as "Plan A", "Police Story", etc., the tense and exciting plots have long taken away people's thoughts.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

A VCD machine is the collective memory of the post-90s generation, and it is also their earliest film enlightenment.

When the disc is stuck, people will take out the cleaning agent to spray and wipe it, and then put it into the disc player to continue playing.

What's even more interesting is that people also use VCDs to sing karaoke.

On weekends, everyone sat on the sofa, watched the MV on the TV, held the microphone, and sang along with the lyrics......

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | "I Love My Home"

Until 2009, VCD was eliminated by people and withdrew from people's lives.

But those scenes from the past, even if it is many years later, I guess I can't forget it.

At that time, MP3 and MP4 were not old antiques, and countless young people used it to listen to the songs of Jay Chou, Avril Lavigne and Lin Junjie over and over again.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Children, on the other hand, watched a lot of foreign anime on TV: "Pokémon", "Digimon" and "Crayon Shin-chan", among others.

At the same time, new toys were also introduced: a digital tyrannosaurus machine, a 4x4 car, a YOYO ball and a Yu-Gi-Oh card......

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

At this time, head-stickers are also popular in student circles.

At that time, before taking pictures, I would carefully select cartoon backgrounds with my friends, concave various shapes, and paste them on my wallet and guestbook after taking pictures.

Looking back now, who hasn't had such a youthful campus youth.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Computers have also made their way into most homes in China.

This will still be a heavy computer desktop, and the open page is the most primitive gray system page, and the Internet will still rely on dial-up Internet access.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Usually, the network speed can reach 50kps, which is not bad, and it is limited to opening a few web pages and QQ chats.

The games on the computer are nothing more than minesweepers, three-dimensional balls, stand-alone games, or some simple web games.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Figure | minesweeper

At that time, judging whether a person can use a computer or not depends on the person's typing ability.

There are even special typing classes on the market, and presumably every "typist" has been honed by Kingsoft Typing's game:

In the "Rapids" level, if you can't type a word, the frog will fall into the river;

At the level of "the police catch the thief", knock on the next word and start the thrilling "cat and mouse" chase......

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Online shopping has also begun to set off a small wave in this era.

In 2004, Alibaba began to test the waters of online shopping.

At that time, people only thought of it as a flash in the pan. This will try to buy online, usually computer enthusiasts.

At this time, online shopping is still like a magazine order, you have to go to the bank to transfer money to the other party's account, and the other party will start to send things after receiving the money, using postal express.

The nationwide online shopping boom did not gradually take shape until after 2008.

People prefer online chat to online shopping.

In the same year, China's SNS also developed rapidly, with the emergence of,, and intramural forums.

People began to chat with acquaintances online, became "online neighbors", and even went to QQ chat rooms to surf with freshness, "wearing" a QQ show, and chatting with strangers.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

People also like to express themselves online, and they start to publish articles and talk on blogs and QQ spaces.

Even, blogs have become platforms for celebrities to publish information, for example, Li Xiang once published divorce information with Li Houlin on his blog.

The catchphrase of the year was: Did you steal vegetables?

Some people will even set an alarm clock and steal food as soon as the time comes.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

By 2009, Sina Weibo began to enter people's field of vision.

Smartphones also appeared.

This refreshes people's perception of mobile phones: a swipe of a finger is the end of the era of button mobile phones.

On November 11 of the same year, Taobao launched a mall promotion day. This was an unintentional move, but it laid the groundwork for the future "Double 11 Carnival".

In the first decade of this century, everything was moving so fast that even love seemed to have become a fast food.

This kind of rapid development is also wrapped in the hearts of impetuous people.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned
50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"From the 10s to the present,

Our Times"

In the 10 years of the new century, everything has already been laid.

In 2010, Steve Jobs appeared at Apple's launch event with the "thinnest mobile phone".

It was the iPhone 4 that had been sold out offline.

Since then, different brands of mobile phones have been introduced every year, making people dazzled.

People like the new and hate the old at the speed of the style, and they can't keep up with the iteration of the product.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In January 2011, WeChat was born.

No one would have thought that this green icon would change people's lives dramatically.

The following year, WeChat launched a free video and voice call function. This allows people to stop dialing up and make direct voice calls.

Four years later, WeChat red envelopes also appeared.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

In 2014, Alipay has become the world's largest mobile payment manufacturer.

When people go out to shop, they no longer open their wallets and take out cash, but scan the code to pay.

With just a few swipes of their fingertips, people have already completed the shopping around on the Internet, and then they can get the express delivery thousands of miles away by placing an order with one click.

Even, people don't need to work in the kitchen to eat, and they don't need to go downstairs to find a restaurant, but open the app on their mobile phones, and the delivery person will deliver it to the door.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

The changes over the years are also enough to change the meaning of a festival.

Double 11, which was just a Singles' Day culture in colleges and universities at the beginning, eventually became a shopping festival under the promotion of e-commerce.

We went from 2G surfing to the 4G era and now to the 5G era.

"Moderately prosperous family" has slowly become a reality from a slogan.

Smart home is no longer the scene of science fiction films, it has become a reality.

A single button or a word from a person can make a machine clean the entire house.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Mobile phones have become the lifeblood of people, and losing them is like losing their souls.

At the same time, it also makes people ignore the people and things around them.

The more developed social networks are, the more offline interpersonal relationships are ignored.

It's easy for people to chat online, but it's hard to take the first step in offline relationships.

As a result, people at the table have their eyes on their phones, not on each other's eyes.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

"Involution" has also slowly become a phenomenon, and people have begun to struggle in the 996 and 007 styles.

Most young people suffer from various occupational diseases at an early age.

With people beating their bodies, there are also emotions.

People go hand in hand, and their heads are bleeding, just to chase a better life......

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

This is our time.

An era in which the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves.

A new thing makes a wave, and in an instant, it will be drowned in many waves.

When we are in it, we may feel a little "confused by the authorities", and sometimes it is inevitable that we will be confused and confused.

But it is precisely because we are born in this era that we need to live harder, to feel everything in this era, and to recognize the problems.

50 Years of Chinese Family Memory: Old Stories That Can't Be Forgotten, Old Times That Can't Be Returned

Write at the end:

As Luo Dayou sings in his song: The fluttering old times just slipped away. When I turned my head back to look, it had been several years.

Throughout the past few decades, we have come step by step from the era of scarcity of materials to today.

From the tube building to the commercial house, from the "three turns and one ring" to the smart home, from the black and white TV to the Internet TV......

The decades of family change are also the decades of great changes in China.

And we're all part of that.

Nowadays, our lives have already gone up more than one level, but at the same time, we are also pushed by this fast-paced life, and we are often so busy that we can't breathe, and we always feel that something is missing.

We're starting to feel nostalgic for the '80s and '90s, the people and the things we did.

It seems that the days of the past come with a layer of filters, and they are always free and beautiful.

People lamented: these good things have long dissipated in the great current of the times.

yes, it's changing too much and too fast. As Cui Jian's lyrics "It's not that I don't understand, the world is changing fast".

Change has become the daily routine of this era.

People are constantly weighing the old and the new, should they welcome it, or should they abandon it?

These choices are pervasive in this era.

Perhaps, how to deal with yourself in this rapid change is the proposition of everyone in this era.

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