
Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

author:Butterfly flower rain

Teachers are known as the engineers of the human soul. Therefore, the teacher is branded with the halo of a saint and is required to give silently without asking for anything in return. And back to reality, teaching is just a profession, and teachers are just ordinary people, how many people can do it completely?

Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

Being able to take education as a profession should be affirmed, but in reality, teachers who do this way are often coerced by some problems of one kind or another, so that they can't and dare not take responsibility seriously.

No, isn't there a joke circulating on the Internet? The current primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid: 1. Treat the school as a writer; 2. Take the title as the level; 3. Treat students as their own babies; 4. Treat parents as friends; 5. Treat famous teachers as idols; 6. Treat leaders as relatives; 7. Treat the Education Bureau as your mother's home; 8. Take the advanced as an example; 9. Take scores as ability; 10. Take the troll's words seriously.

How do you feel when you read such a statement? I'm afraid that many teachers will have the feeling of being empowered, because we are really stupid as teachers, I don't believe it, with the author's brushstrokes to analyze it carefully:

Treating schools as writers is the most ridiculous way to say it. When did school become a home, and can you just leave school without home? Isn't that a complete lie?

Thinking about the activity of the vice principal of a middle school in Jiangxi Province a few days ago to select the May Fourth Youth Medal, he actually regarded his school as his home as a highlight, saying that his wife almost had two miscarriages, and he was not around. At this glance, he seems to be focused on his work, but as a husband and a father, doesn't it make people feel funny? A person who doesn't even know how to care for his family, what qualifications does he have to say that he is excellent? It's just hilarious!

Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

Professional title is an important criterion for evaluating the level of teachers, but is it a high level to have a senior professional title? It's actually a complete illusion. The current job title is more related to salary, and how much is it related to the level?

As far as the education industry is concerned, many people are not on the front line of education at all, they can still be rated for professional titles, and more principals and other leaders have never attended classes at all, and they can even get senior professional titles, why? Because they have educational resources, they can dance with long sleeves. Take a look at the senior professional titles evaluated this year, how many of them are front-line teachers?

And the teachers who have obtained senior professional titles, although they have the ability, but after the salary rises, how many teachers are still teaching attentively? There aren't a few. So, to talk about ability, is not insulting to yourself.

Treating students as their own babies looks very responsible, and a heart is in the students. However, other people's babies will never become their own babies, this is a reality that teachers must see clearly. You can care for him in every way, but you can't be him.

Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

Although parents swear by this, when you are really strict with your children, or you are a temporary failure in education, then you will become the target of parental attacks. Even if his child does something wrong, the parent will still choose to trust the child instead of the teacher.

As a teacher, you must remember that other people's children are always someone else's, and you should not mistakenly treat him as your own child, otherwise it will be too late to regret it.

It is also debatable to treat parents as friends. Establishing a good relationship with parents is indeed helpful for the education and management of children, but excessive intimacy is not necessary because it can cause hidden dangers in your own life.

No one has their own life circle, and we only communicate with parents because of our children, and they are close to us for their children's learning. Under such a premise, what will happen if his children are not in our hands? Didn't some parents in Hefei, Anhui Province report the teachers who gave their children make-up lessons for three years in junior high school? This is only a rare case, but isn't it also a warning?

There is no need to treat famous teachers as idols, because everyone's environment and position are different, which is completely incomparable.

Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

It is often rumored on the Internet that a famous teacher spends most of the year lecturing outside, and the students they take are at the top of every exam because they have learned to study on their own. Do you believe such propaganda? I don't believe it, if he can really teach the children who are poor in learning, I am happy, but his students are the best of the best, can it be bad?

And more famous teachers are completely obtained through various means, and these people have nothing to say.

It is even more nonsense to regard the leaders as relatives and the Education Bureau as their mother's family. You treat the leader as a relative, and the leader treats you as an ant, playing in the palm of your hand, what kind of relationship can be established between you, this is conceivable.

It is even more impossible for the Education Bureau to become the mother's family of teachers, because more facts show that the Education Bureau completely treats teachers as dough in their hands, and can handle it as much as it wants. As soon as they encountered a problem, they pushed the teacher out, can such an education bureau be a mother's family? It's good not to fall into the ground.

Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

Don't think about it at all if you take the advanced as an example. You see, how many of them are teachers. They are close to the water and get the moon first, and some of the advanced ones have been left by the leaders themselves, and how many will fall into the hands of teachers?

There is not much that can be said about scores as abilities. Everyone knows that scores cannot be equated with ability, and more scores are spelled out by teachers and students with time.

And in reality, there is also an unavoidable reality that as long as you go to school, there will be plans and calculations, and those classes with good grades are mostly selected with excellent students, and the teachers are better equipped than other classes. In the case of inequality, can grades be equated with scores?

And last but not least, it's even more wrong to take the trolls' words seriously. Trolls complain from their own point of view, how many of them can speak from a fair and impartial standpoint? Just think about it.

Primary and secondary school teachers are ten stupid, every sentence is heart-piercing! Behind the banter, there is a lot of sadness and helplessness

Dear readers, what do you want to say about the ten stupid things about primary and secondary school teachers circulating on the Internet? Everyone is welcome to leave a message and discuss.

[I am Butterfly Flower Rain Education, focusing on current affairs and the latest education trends, and I like to express my thoughts and thoughts in words. Friends who like me, please follow me: Butterfly Flower Rain Talk Education]

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