
Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

author:The refreshing spring breeze is peaceful

In the hot summer, bathing has become an essential daily activity. But, you know what? Taking a bath, a seemingly simple thing, can also hurt your body if you don't do it properly! Especially for female friends, there are some health rules that need to be paid attention to when taking a bath. Today, let me reveal to you those health secrets that you have to know when taking a bath!

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

1. The water temperature is moderate, don't be greedy for cold

The summer heat makes you want to take a cold shower to cool off. However, while taking a cold bath can bring a short-term cooling sensation, it can lead to colds and joint pain in the long term. Especially for women, cold bathing may also affect the health of the uterus, leading to gynecological diseases such as dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation. Therefore, the water temperature must be moderate when bathing, and it is best to control it at about 37°C, which is close to the body temperature, so that it can not only clean the skin, but also will not cause adverse effects on the body.

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

2. The bathing time should not be too long

A lot of people like to take a bath and enjoy that feeling of relaxation. However, taking a bath for too long can cause discomfort such as fatigue and lightheadedness. This is because bathing for a long time can cause the body to sweat profusely, losing too much water and electrolytes, leading to dehydration. In addition, bathing for a long time may also make the skin dry and rough, affecting skin health. Therefore, it is recommended that female friends control the bath time within 20 minutes, which can keep the body clean and will not cause a burden on the body.

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

3. Choose the right bath products

The sheer variety of bath products on the market is dizzying, but not all products are suitable for everyone. When choosing bath products, choose them according to your skin type and needs. For women with dry skin, you can opt for a moisturizing body wash; For women with oily skin, you can opt for a shower gel with an oil-controlling effect. Also, avoid using bath products that contain too many chemicals or harsh ingredients to avoid damaging your skin.

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

Fourth, the order of bathing is exquisite

When taking a bath, it is also important to pay attention to which part to wash first. In general, it is recommended to wash your face before washing your body. Because the skin on the face is delicate and easily irritated by hot water and steam, washing your face first can avoid pores from expanding and reduce the possibility of dirt and oil entering the pores. Then wash your body, from top to bottom and from the inside to the outside, so that you can better clean your skin and avoid the growth of bacteria.

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

5. Pay attention to hygiene and avoid infection

Bathing is a cleansing process, but if you don't pay attention to hygiene, it can lead to infection. Therefore, before taking a bath, make sure that the bathing room is clean and hygienic, and avoid using unclean towels, bath towels and other items. At the same time, avoid excessive scrubbing of the skin with your hands or tools during bathing, so as not to damage the skin barrier and lead to bacterial invasion.

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

6. Do a good job of moisturizing after bathing

After bathing, the skin tends to become dry, so it's important to moisturize. Choose some moisturizing skincare products and gently apply them to your skin all over the body to help lock in moisture and keep it moisturized. In addition, you can also put on clothes immediately after bathing to avoid prolonged exposure of your skin to the air and reduce water loss.

Can taking a bath hurt you? Healthy bathing rules that women must know!

Female friends, although taking a bath is a small daily thing, it is related to our physical health and skin condition. Only by mastering the correct bathing method can we maintain our health and beauty while enjoying cleanliness. Hopefully, these healthy bathing rules will help you and make you have a refreshing and comfortable bathing experience in the hot summer!

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