
Taking the case as a lesson and ringing the alarm bell for a long time -- the Luoning Court organized an observer of a bribery case

author:Luoning City Affairs Li Xinguang

In order to further deepen the study and education of party discipline, guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline, and give full play to the deterrent effect of negative cases among party members and cadres. On May 15, the Luoning Court openly tried a bribery case. The Luoning County People's Procuratorate sent personnel to appear in court to support the prosecution, and the defendant and his defender appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. More than 60 cadres and workers from the Luoyang Human Resources and Public Employment Service Center and the Luoyang Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station attended the trial.

Taking the case as a lesson and ringing the alarm bell for a long time -- the Luoning Court organized an observer of a bribery case

01 Public Prosecution Charges

The public prosecution alleges that during his tenure as a former member of the party branch and deputy general manager of a state-owned company, the defendant Ran took advantage of his position to provide assistance to relevant enterprises and individuals in matters such as contracting construction projects and allocating project funds, and illegally accepted bribes from others, the facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is credible and sufficient, and he should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of accepting bribes.

Taking the case as a lesson and ringing the alarm bell for a long time -- the Luoning Court organized an observer of a bribery case

02 The scene of the trial

During the trial, the public prosecution presented relevant evidence, Ran and his defender conducted cross-examination in court, and the prosecution and defense fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court. The collegial panel fully hears the opinions of the prosecution and defense on the facts, characterization, sentencing, and other aspects of the alleged crime, and protects the procedural rights of defendants and their defenders in accordance with law. Ran made a final statement, pleaded guilty and accepted punishment in court, and sincerely repented. The verdict will be announced at a later date.

Taking the case as a lesson and ringing the alarm bell for a long time -- the Luoning Court organized an observer of a bribery case

The observers followed the rhythm of the trial, listened attentively, and were deeply touched. Through the people and things around them, this trial observation activity allows party members and cadres to receive warning education "immersively", feel the authority of the law and the tragic lessons of violations and crimes "at zero distance", and have the effect of "hearing a case and educating one".

The Luoning People's Court will observe the trial of crimes abusing public office and bribery cases as an important starting point for doing a good job in discipline and law education, turning the trial scene into an "open classroom", using negative cases as "living teaching materials", enriching the carriers and forms of warning education, increasing the intensity of warning education on clean government, giving full play to the warning education role of using cases to explain the law, clarifying discipline with cases, and promoting honesty with cases, guiding Party members and cadres to abide by discipline and law, and further building a strong ideological line of defense against corruption and degeneration.

Source: Loning Court

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