
80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

author:Lao Liang essay

80 billion chips involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

In the field of science and technology, a change in the future pattern of the chip industry is quietly taking place. Recently, Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, made a rare statement, pointing out that the "Chinese system" has begun to explode in the field of chips, and it is expected that in the next few years, it will involve the production and application of up to 80 billion chips. This remark not only attracted widespread attention from the industry, but also indicated that China's position in the global chip industry will undergo profound changes.

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

1. Academician Ni Guangnan's rare voice

Academician Ni Guangnan is an outstanding representative of China's scientific and technological circles and has long been committed to promoting the development of China's information technology. In this speech, he made a rare mention of the application of RISC-V architecture in China's chip industry, and emphasized China's independent innovation ability and development potential in the chip industry. Academician Ni Guangnan said that in the face of the risk that the ARM architecture may be controlled by foreign capital, China must increase independent innovation and build a chip industry ecology based on open source architectures such as RISC-V.

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

2. The rise of the RISC-V architecture

RISC-V is an open-source chip architecture based on the principle of Reduced Instruction Set (RISC), which has the characteristics of low power consumption, high performance, and easy customization. In recent years, with the rapid development of technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the RISC-V architecture has received extensive attention and application around the world. It is predicted that by 2025, the shipment of RISC-V architecture processors will exceed 80 billion, becoming the third largest chip architecture after ARM and x86.

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

In China, the RISC-V architecture has also received extensive attention and application. A number of chip manufacturers have begun to develop new products based on the RISC-V architecture, and have achieved remarkable results in the fields of Internet of Things and edge computing. In addition, China has actively promoted the construction and development of the RISC-V ecosystem, strengthened cooperation and exchanges with international organizations, and jointly promoted the application and promotion of the RISC-V architecture on a global scale.

3. The rise of China's chip industry

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

The rise of China's chip industry is inseparable from the support and promotion of the government. In recent years, the Chinese government has introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage and support the development of the chip industry. For example, increase investment in the chip industry and improve the independent innovation ability of the chip industry; Strengthen cooperation and exchanges with international advanced enterprises, introduce advanced technology and management experience; Promote the integrated development of the chip industry with the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other industries.

With the support and promotion of the government, China's chip industry has made remarkable progress. According to statistics, China has become one of the largest chip markets in the world, with many excellent chip companies and research institutions. At the same time, China has also made important breakthroughs in the fields of chip design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, and has made important contributions to the development of the global chip industry.

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

Fourth, the future development trend

Looking forward to the future, China's chip industry will continue to maintain a rapid development trend. With the wide application and popularization of technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the demand for chips will continue to grow. At the same time, the Chinese government will continue to increase investment and support for the chip industry, and promote the development of the chip industry in the direction of high-end, intelligent and green.

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

The RISC-V architecture will play an important role in this process. As an open-source chip architecture, RISC-V has the characteristics of strong flexibility and easy customization, which can meet the needs of chips in different fields. Therefore, China will continue to promote the application and development of RISC-V architecture in the chip industry, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with international organizations, and jointly promote the application and promotion of RISC-V architecture in the world.

In short, Academician Ni Guangnan's rare voice indicates that China's chip industry will usher in new development opportunities. With the support and promotion of the government, China will continue to increase independent innovation and promote the development of the chip industry in the direction of high-end, intelligent and green. At the same time, the rise of RISC-V architecture will also inject new impetus into the development of China's chip industry.

80 billion involved! Academician Ni Guangnan made a rare voice: "The Chinese system" began to break out!

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