
How much does your rental house cost per month? Netizen, housing prices have dropped, and renting a house is not cheap

author:Big Sister of the North
Hello everyone, I am the eldest sister of the north, a 90-year-old workplace mother, this is my 129th article, after a year, will I thank me for insisting now, continue to work for 54 days, resolutely will not break off, no matter how difficult this road is, I will continue to walk

Recently, my classmate rented a house, a girl, she was going to move, they used to live in a three-bedroom house, 3 girls rented together, recently another roommate disliked the noise, and planned to rent a house by himself, the two of them also had to change houses, 3 rooms this cost 2400, I feel that the two of them are a bit wasteful, so I quit the rent.

How much does your rental house cost per month? Netizen, housing prices have dropped, and renting a house is not cheap

Recently, I went to see the house every day after work, and yesterday I said that I found a house, 2000 yuan a month, two bedrooms and a living room, two people live just right, the space is quite large, the furniture and appliances are complete, that is, there is no elevator on the 5th floor, the old and dilapidated house, the decoration inside is also very good, so I live in this, 1000 yuan for one person, plus 1100 yuan for water and electricity, the old community, no property, no property fees.

I said that the price of the house has not been reduced recently, is it the price of renting a house, I said that I watched the video posted on the Internet, people in Beijing more than 5,000 houses, now the rent is less than 4,000 yuan, and some have dropped by 2,000 yuan? Isn't it cheaper for you to rent a house?

My classmate said, no, it's about the same as before, we don't live here now for 2400 yuan, I see him hanging on the Internet or this price? I don't think there is a price reduction, and it stands to reason that now that house prices are falling, rents should also be down.

How much does your rental house cost per month? Netizen, housing prices have dropped, and renting a house is not cheap

My eldest sister is about to go to the first grade recently, the place where they are in the first grade is the school district house, they are going to rent a house there, their family has a house over there, more than 60 square meters, a family of 6 people can't live in it, they go there to rent a big house, more than 5,000 in 4 rooms, 120 square meters. The 60-square-meter one in their house was rented out, and now it is 2,600 yuan, and it is just time to rent out the one they live in now, and the two houses can be rented into a big house. My eldest sister said that the price of the school district has not been reduced, and it is still not cheap.

Our family is old and small, our house to the door was originally an old grandparents lived, his son said that they are old, can no longer climb the stairs, too tired, let them go to their house to live, now rent out, more than 70 square meters of 3 bedrooms and a living room (no living room, only a small dining room), my mother-in-law said that recently quit the rent, they rented 1800 yuan last year this tenant, my mother-in-law said that if we rent it may rent a 1200 to 1500 should not be a big problem, the problem is not rented.

I haven't rented a house for several years, I remember renting a house when I just graduated from college, renting a single room, living in a house with my classmates, the house is partitioned, a house is separated from many rooms, the sound insulation is not good, we rent 700 a month, there are more than a dozen square meters, water and electricity bills are evenly shared, we get about 750 yuan per month, a person is less than 400 yuan, now there are few rents to rent partitions, rest is not good.

How much does your rental house cost per month? Netizen, housing prices have dropped, and renting a house is not cheap

A few days ago, my parents just came to Qingdao, lived in my uncle's side, he rented a house, 500 yuan a month, an old and small, very broken house, the ground is still cement, no decoration, but the price is really cheap, if you meet a person who loves to clean up and love to clean up, it is very comfortable to live in a very good way.

The rent for business is definitely not cheap, I don't know if it is cheaper this year, my brother did business last year and the price of rent increased by 10,000, my brother said that this year is due and will not rent, it is too pit.

Did you rent or buy your house? Is the rent cheaper?


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