
Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

author:Health records
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"Doctor, my weight has been rising, and I can't lose it, but I'm so worried!" In my office, a chubby lady spoke with a distressed face.

I asked her not to worry, and asked her about her daily diet and living habits in detail. After getting to know her better, I found out that she especially likes to eat all kinds of pastries and fried foods.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

"Those things are really delicious, I can't help but eat more." She said with some embarrassment.

I looked at her and said seriously, "There may be a reason for your obesity."

There is a thing called trans fatty acids, which are found in many processed foods, and eating too much is not good for the body.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

Her eyes widened: "Trans fatty acids? What is this? Is it really that scary? To give her a better understanding, I decided to tell her more about trans fatty acids.

Trans fatty acids, simply put, are fatty acids that are potentially harmful to health.

It has two main sources, one is natural sources, such as ruminant meat and milk will contain small amounts.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

The second is the source of processing, which is what we want to focus on.

In food processing, trans fatty acids can be produced by partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils.

So what are the dangers of eating too much trans fatty acids? It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

Numerous studies have shown that trans fatty acids can raise levels of LDL cholesterol (aka "bad" cholesterol) while lowering levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol).

As a result, it is easy to cause plaque to form on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing them and increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

"It's like the water pipe in your house, if there is a lot of impurities in it, is the water flowing not smooth? It's the same with blood vessels. "I try to explain it to her with easy-to-understand examples.

Trans fatty acids may also affect the body's metabolism.

It may interfere with the normal process of fat metabolism, leading to weight gain, especially the accumulation of belly fat. That's why some people get fat even though they don't eat much.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

Hearing this, the lady anxiously asked, "Is that not a single trans fatty acid that you can't eat?" ”

This is a common misconception. It's not that you can't eat a bite. Just try to minimize your intake.

Let's first take a look at which foods may contain more trans fatty acids. Like fried food, such as fried chicken, fries.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

all kinds of pastries, especially those with margarine, shortening; There are also some processed snacks such as certain chocolates, wafer cookies, etc.

"These are my favorite foods!" She said with some chagrin.

Don't worry, these foods may contain trans fatty acids, but that doesn't mean you can't eat them at all. It's okay to eat a little once in a while, but you can't use them as a staple food every day. I comforted her.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

So how can we avoid excessive intake of trans fatty acids in our daily life?

1. Learn to read food labels.

If hydrogenated vegetable oil, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, non-dairy creamer, margarine, shortening, etc. appear in the ingredient list, it means that it may contain trans fatty acids, so choose carefully.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

2. Choose foods that are natural.

For example, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, etc., these foods are not only nutritious, but also generally do not contain trans fatty acids.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

3. Cook your own meals at home.

This allows for better control of ingredients and oils, and reduces the intake of trans fatty acids.

"Then I can pay more attention in the future, and I can't keep my mouth like this anymore." The lady said thoughtfully.

I smiled and nodded, "yes, it's important to have healthy eating habits." In fact, not only trans fatty acids, but also other nutrients should be consumed in a balanced manner. ”

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

I think we need to have a correct understanding of the issue of trans fatty acids.

We should not talk about discoloration and completely eliminate all foods that may contain trans fatty acids, which may make life lose a lot of fun, but we should not take it lightly and eat it without moderation.

The key is to grasp a degree and pay attention to your health while enjoying the food.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

Like this woman, she may not have been aware of the potential risks in the foods she likes to eat, but now that she understands them, she can make more informed choices.

Each of us should take responsibility for our own health, and making small changes to our daily diet can make a big difference.

Obesity is not necessarily due to trans fatty acids, but trans fatty acids are a factor that needs our attention.

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

We must maintain a rational and scientific attitude and arrange our diet reasonably, so that we can have a healthy body.

I hope everyone can remember this knowledge, let us stay away from the harm of trans fatty acids and move towards a healthy life! Healthy living starts with every little detail!

Is obesity all because of trans fatty acids? What's the harm of eating too much, you really can't eat one bite?

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