
China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

author:The commander commanded the troops

Recently, the South China Sea has been "stormy and turbulent", and the situation in the South China Sea has become more and more complicated due to the efforts of the United States to stir up peace. In particular, the content of the "shoulder-to-shoulder" exercise between the United States and the Philippines is completely a frenzied test on the verge of death. The behavior of the United States and the Philippines repeatedly "rubbing the edges" makes it impossible for me to endure it anymore.

It is reported that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has deployed a Chinese task force in the South China Sea, of which 11 ships have been deployed, namely one 055 large drive, four 052D large drives, four 052A frigates and two Type 903 supply ships.

China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

In addition, the H-6 was also deployed in the South China Sea, and CCTV had previously disclosed the scene of the confrontation between the H-6 and the U.S. aircraft carrier with 4 YJ-12, and the H-6 also carried the YJ-21, these two different missiles show that the H-6 can perform more complex bombing missions and open the way for the troops behind.

According to the current anti-aircraft missile performance of the US aircraft carrier, once the combination of the H-6 and the YJ-21 is carried on it, it cannot be intercepted, and the only way is to be blown up and sunk.

In addition, the PLA should have deployed 3,000 Long Sword-10s in the South China Sea. As for the other "Dongfeng Express", I don't know how much, but the number should not be small, after all, our purpose is to deter the United States and the Philippines, and we can't even rule out the possibility of war.

China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

The 11 warships have their own skills, strong firepower and supply power, who can come forward?

The mainland's 055 drive has single-handedly confronted the US aircraft carrier, and the most important thing is that we still won, all thanks to its dense and very powerful firepower strike capabilities.

The 055 is equipped with 113 vertical launch units, which can not only launch anti-aircraft missiles with a high interception rate, and most importantly, can carry other strike missiles, but also can launch missiles in bursts at one time, showing super saturation combat capabilities. As for the main gun, the 055 is equipped with a 130 mm caliber main gun, and the firepower is absolutely terrifying.

055's radar detection, stealth, all-electric silent propulsion and other capabilities are also among the best in the world. Not only is it not easy to be detected by enemy radar, but it can also detect enemy warships in a very short time, so as to launch an attack on its own initiative.

China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

And those 4 052Ds, although not as advanced as the 055 drive, but when they are pulled out and walked around the world, there are very few warships of the same type that can be compared.

The most outstanding point of the 052D is its powerful firepower, when equipped with the new YJ-21E anti-ship missile, it can hit the US aircraft carrier thousands of miles away, and the opponent has no room for defense.

And the 054A frigate, with its absolutely first-class anti-submarine capabilities, can pose a great threat to the enemy's aircraft carrier formations. Especially with 052D, the combat effectiveness is directly doubled.

The supply strength of the Type 903 supply ship is also extraordinary, which can meet the supply needs of the Continental Army ships at sea.

China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

As for missiles, in addition to the YJ-21, these warships can also carry DF-21D, Changjian-10, Dongfeng-26 and other missiles with very long power and range.

The DF-21D has always been known as the "aircraft carrier killer"; if the US aircraft carrier sails into the South China Sea, according to the DF-21D's range of 1,500 km, only two or three launches are needed to sink the US aircraft carrier into the sea, so that it will never be able to return home.

The Longsword-10 has a range of 1500-2500 kilometers, and it also has the strength to effectively strike enemy warships. As for the DF-26, it has a range of 4,000 kilometers, and the US military does not know where the missile was launched from until death. This ultra-long range also has a good protection ability for our army, which is not easy to be detected by the enemy and give a counterattack.

China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

The task force is like a needle in the sea, in case the Philippines suddenly shoots

The fundamental reason for China's deployment of so many ships in the South China Sea is to prevent the United States and the Philippines from doing things in. These days, the Philippines has been planning the invasion of 100 civilian ships into Scarborough Shoal, and although our military has already been deployed, it can also show that the Philippines has the mentality of going against China to the end.

Marcos is getting mader and madrive, and who can guarantee that one day he will suddenly give the order to shoot at our troops? Once it comes to this point, it will be a sure thing for China and the Philippines to fight. At that time, even if the US military does not end up in person, it will carry out a certain amount of military assistance to the Philippines, just like it did with Ukraine.

The fundamental purpose of the United States is to drag down China through war, and in order to achieve this goal, the United States' assistance to the Philippines may be more violent than its aid to Ukraine, after all, the PLA's "Dongfeng Express" is far more difficult to handle than Russia's "Dagger".

China has prepared for the worst! 11 warships and 3,000 missiles sat in the South China Sea to prevent the United States and the Philippines from firing the first shot

Marcos is now stunned, and he only thinks about one thing in his head every day, and that is how to do things in the South China Sea! In this state of madness, the South China Sea war could start at any time. In order to avoid being caught off guard, we will control it in advance.

A task force of 11 warships is on standby, with thousands of missiles on the command, and the YJ-21 is ready to target those forces with malicious intentions and attempts to cause trouble in the South China Sea. Such a high-strength and high-power structure will definitely be able to counter-kill all the countries and militaries that come to the South China Sea to make trouble.

Even the world's strongest US Navy has to be "served" by China's various missiles and dare not squeak when it does things at China's doorstep.

This task force is like a needle that fixes the sea, defending the South China Sea from wind and waves. This needle can help some unconscious minds to be sober, see the situation clearly, and don't have to be stupid.

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