
It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

author:Pomegranate Institute
It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

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Mr. Zhao Benshan was born in an ordinary and simple family, and since he was a child, he has shown the spirit of diligent and unremitting pursuit of progress. His first marriage was when his career had not really set sail, when he was just a folk artist in the cold wind and rain.

After eight years of hard work, Mr. Zhao Benshan became a household name and became famous with his work "Falling the Three Strings", like a butterfly out of a cocoon.

However, while his career was booming, Mr. Zhao Benshan was unable to take care of his family. His first wife conceived twin sons for him, one of whom unfortunately had congenital diseases such as deafness and infirmity.

Faced with such a cruel reality, Mr. Zhao Benshan chose to escape, he ended his marriage with his ex-wife, paid only a sum of financial compensation, and left this former home alone.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

Shortly after the divorce, Mr. Zhao Benshan unexpectedly met his current wife, Ms. Ma Lijuan, during a performance. The two fell in love at first sight, and their feelings for each other grew stronger, and as time went on, they eventually entered the palace of marriage.

Two years after marriage, something happened that made Mr. Zhao Benshan's heart ache - the frail and sickly son born to his ex-wife unfortunately passed away. Mr. Zhao Benshan once pinned all his expectations on this son, trying to fill the regret in his heart, and the departure of his son undoubtedly hit him hard and made him fall into a spiritual trough.

At the moment when Mr. Zhao Benshan's mental state was extremely low, Ms. Ma Lijuan found out that she was pregnant, which brought Mr. Zhao Benshan new hope and an opportunity for rebirth. Soon after, Ms. Ma Lijuan successfully gave birth to a pair of twin boys, the eldest son Zhao Yinan and the second son Qiuqiu were born.

As the only son of Mr. Zhao Benshan, Zhao Yinan has been endlessly loved and spoiled by his family since he was born. At that time, Mr. Zhao Benshan already had a certain amount of wealth, no longer need to worry about trivial things in life, he provided the most superior living environment for his two children, whether it is food, clothing, housing or learning and education, everything is the best, everything.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

However, due to the heavy workload, Mr. Zhao Benshan's attention and education for the children mainly focused on the material aspects, and lacked the necessary life guidance and spiritual nourishment. Under the meticulous care of Mr. Zhao Benshan, Zhao Yinan gradually formed the habit of extravagance and waste, which also laid hidden dangers for his future lifestyle.

Zhao Yinan, who was born in the Zhao family with amazing wealth and power, grew up in the pampering and care of everyone since he was a child, and lived a carefree and extremely extravagant life. He was dismissive of money, always splurging as he pleased, indulging in extreme luxury.

Zhao Yinan's display of luxury lifestyle is undoubtedly the pet dog he introduced from abroad at great expense. According to reliable sources, Zhao Yinan did not hesitate to spend an astonishing 2.6 million yuan in pursuit of this rare golden retriever, of which the shipping fee alone was as high as 600,000 yuan, totaling more than 3 million yuan! However, this dog is nothing special except for its unique coat color, and it is really impossible to understand why it is so expensive.

It can be seen that Zhao Yinan's wealth is so strong that it can be squandered at will.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

What's even more jaw-dropping is that Zhao Yinan once created a pipe cast from pure gold and inlaid with countless gemstones, and it is rumored that its production cost is as high as 20 million yuan! Such an astronomical amount makes ordinary people can only sigh. However, in Zhao Yinan's eyes, this money is just a drop in the bucket, as easy as buying daily snacks.

In the face of doubts and condemnations on the Internet, Zhao Yinan did not choose to remain silent, but responded and explained through live broadcasts. With a proud face and a contemptuous tone, he said to the camera: "Are you people too serious about hating the rich? My family's wealth is enough for ten generations of us to enjoy it, and we can live a privileged life with interest income alone. ”

Over the years, Zhao Yinan's luxury lifestyle has been the subject of controversy and criticism. Some people angrily denounced him as a "loser", and some ridiculed him as a "stupid son of a landlord's family". However, in the face of all kinds of doubts and abuses from the outside world, Zhao Yinan didn't care, he still went his own way, spendthrift, and was a typical image of the "rich second generation".

In addition, Zhao Yinan also frequently went in and out of the live broadcast rooms of major female anchors, spending money on them, and often rewarding hundreds of thousands, becoming the "top of the list of local tyrants" that everyone in the live broadcast industry knows and knows. He even did not hesitate to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy an ordinary bracelet in order to satisfy his momentary vanity, which is simply an unimaginable luxury for ordinary people.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

As Zhao Benshan's only son, Zhao Yinan undoubtedly took on the important mission of taking over the Zhao family business. In order to ensure that this day came as soon as possible, Zhao Benshan skillfully introduced Zhao Yinan's university studies into his own company for practice, allowing him to start training from the bottom.

In the initial stage, Zhao Yinan did not have much resistance to stepping into the media empire created by his father. According to Zhao Benshan's careful planning, his monthly salary is only a paltry 7,500 yuan, but despite this, his quality of life is slightly higher than that of ordinary working families.

For Zhao Benshan's generation, this kind of income was once the ideal state they dreamed of, and now it is quite rich.

However, Zhao Yinan, who grew up in a social environment with a huge gap between the rich and the poor, has been pampered and cared for since he was a child, how can he endure this so-called "poor" life? He turned a blind eye to money, disdained the meager salary, and gradually developed a strong boredom and aversion to the job.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

At the same time, Zhao Yinan's twin sister Qiuqiu has emerged in the field of online live broadcasting, and has won warm pursuit and high praise from the audience with her unremitting efforts and outstanding talents. Seeing his sister of the same age as himself achieve such brilliant achievements in her career, Zhao Yinan couldn't help but feel ashamed, and he was also eager to show a better self in front of his father and win Zhao Benshan's appreciation and recognition.

Therefore, with a firm belief in proving his self-worth, Zhao Yinan resolutely resigned from the company's position and decided to find another way to develop his ambitions, so as to calm the doubts of the outside world about him.

After in-depth thinking, Zhao Yinan decided to devote himself to the fitness industry because he has a strong interest and deep understanding of this field.

When Zhao Benshan learned of his son's decision, he did not object, but frankly gave Zhao Yinan full support. As a famous business giant in the family, Zhao Benshan naturally has no shortage of wealth, and he is not stingy and provides his son with the start-up capital needed to start a business.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

With his father's strong support and sufficient start-up capital, Zhao Yinan was full of confidence and devoted himself to the establishment of his own gym business.

In the process of preparing his own gym, Zhao Yinan poured countless efforts into making it extremely spectacular. At the grand opening ceremony of the gym, gongs and drums sounded in unison, red flags fluttered, and the lively atmosphere was enough to be described as "unprecedented". In order to ensure the smooth progress of the event, Zhao Yinan did not hesitate to invest a lot of money and specially hired as many as 200 security personnel to maintain order on the spot.

The venue is even more ingenious, with hundreds of meters of red carpet laid in front of the gym, and hundreds of luxury Rolls-Royce cars parked along the way to welcome distinguished guests. Almost all celebrities who have had a relationship with Zhao Benshan, whether they are giants in the sketch industry or celebrities in the cross talk industry, have attended the celebration and offered their most sincere wishes to this young entrepreneur.

On the opening day, the scene was lively and crowded, but this was only the appearance. In fact, the gym founded by Zhao Yinan foreshadowed failure from the beginning. The main reason is that Zhao Yinan himself lacks rich management experience and excellent leadership skills.

It was revealed that Zhao Benshan's son spent 2.6 million yuan to buy a pet dog, and the shipping cost reached 600,000 yuan, and I responded arrogantly

According to Zhao Yinan's former assistant, because Zhao Yinan's body is on the fat side, he cannot become a "seed player" to attract members, which directly leads to the loss of customers and the downturn in business. Although the business was barely able to survive in the early days of the operation, as time went on, the business situation continued to deteriorate and eventually fell into trouble.

What's more serious is that in order to hide the real predicament, Zhao Yinan had to hire some "nurseries" to deliberately create the illusion of a thriving business in the gym. In the face of his father's doubts, Zhao Yinan even often faked some short videos of the gym being full of customers, trying to make Zhao Benshan feel at ease about his career.

However, this kind of self-deception will not last in the end, and even if the family has a lot of wealth, it is difficult to afford such a huge investment loss. According to insiders, the gym founded by Zhao Yinan has a loss of hundreds of millions of yuan, which is undoubtedly a jaw-dropping figure.

In this way, Zhao Yinan's poetic entrepreneurial dream is like a meteor in the night sky, fleeting. thought that this career could bring her her father's appreciation and recognition, but the reality backfired, creating huge economic losses for her and causing her to fall into a trough in public opinion.

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