
From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

author:The old donkey talks about history

In the long river of Chinese cuisine, the time-honored brand "Quanjude" was once a bright pearl in the roast duck industry, and won the reputation of "the king of roast duck" with its long history, unique production technology and profound cultural heritage. However, in recent years, this 159-year-old brand has fallen into the predicament of consecutive losses, from the glorious altar to the decline step by step, which can not help but sigh. To explore the fall of Quanjude, the reasons behind it are complex and diverse, including the challenges of the external environment and the mistakes of internal management:

From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

1. The imbalance between price and value

In the tide of consumption upgrading, consumers have increasingly higher requirements for catering experience, not only satisfied with the taste of food, but also pay more attention to the dining environment, service quality and cost performance. Quanjude's high pricing strategy, especially the roast duck that is as high as hundreds of yuan a piece, has discouraged many consumers. At the same time, there are many competitors with affordable prices and high quality in the market, such as Da Dong Roast Duck, Four Seasons Minfu, etc., which attract diners with higher cost performance and innovative tastes.

From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

Second, the backwardness of the service concept

In the Internet era, service has become one of the core elements of competition in the catering industry. However, the service quality of Quanjude has not kept up with the pace of the times, but has been frequently criticized. Judging from the evaluation on the Internet, consumers generally report that the service attitude is cold, the efficiency is low, and there are even complaints about charging high service fees but not providing corresponding services. This practice of "high profile and low service" seriously violates the essence of the service industry, which greatly reduces the image of Quanjude in the hearts of consumers and loses a large number of customers.

From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

Third, product innovation is insufficient

With the passage of time, consumers' tastes are also changing, but Quanjude's menu and cooking methods are relatively conservative, and it has failed to innovate products in time to meet the diverse needs of the market. Under the impact of many new roast ducks and fusion cuisines, the traditional taste of Quanjude is monotonous and boring, and it is difficult to stimulate the interest of young consumers. In addition, the lack of response to modern dietary trends such as healthy and light food has also made Quanjude lose its attractiveness among consumers who pursue a healthy life.

From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

Fourth, the brand image is aging

The long history is a major advantage of Quanjude, but it has also become a shackle that restricts its development. For a long time, Quanjude has relied too much on the brand halo of its time-honored brand, ignoring the rejuvenation and modernization of the brand image. Among young consumer groups, the image of Quanjude is often linked to "tradition" and "old", lacking freshness and fashion elements, which is difficult to resonate with young people, thus losing important market potential.

From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

Fifth, the management mechanism is rigid

As an enterprise with a history of 100 years, there is a certain rigidity in the management mechanism of Quanjude. Decision-makers are slow to respond to market changes and lack of momentum for internal reforms, resulting in slow action in the face of market challenges and difficulty in quickly adjusting strategies to respond. In addition, frequent personnel changes also affect the stable development of the enterprise, which is not conducive to the formulation and implementation of long-term strategies.

From the "King of Roast Duck" to consecutive losses, what mistakes did the time-honored brand Quanjude make?

The decline of Quanjude is the epitome of the pain of transformation of traditional time-honored brands in the new era. In order to regain its vitality, Quanjude needs to carry out a comprehensive reform from the inside out: adjust the price system to make it more in line with market acceptance; Improve service quality and enhance customer experience; Actively innovate dishes to meet diversified consumer needs; Reshape the brand image to attract younger consumers; At the same time, strengthen internal management and establish a flexible and efficient operation mechanism. Only in this way can Quanjude get rid of the predicament, regain its past glory, and continue to shine on the stage of Chinese cuisine.

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