
Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

author:Ash laughs about the past and the present

There was once a Chinese officer who shone in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and he was not only the backbone of the Air Force, but also used his wisdom and courage to win glory for the country on the battlefield. Imagine how an officer with the rank of colonel, who is actually only a battalion commander, has been quickly promoted from an ordinary major to a colonel that even the founding marshals toast in just ten years?

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

Yue Zhenhua, this name may not have been heard by many people, but in the history of China's military, he has left an indelible mark. Yue Zhenhua was born in Wangdu County, Hebei Province in 1925, a turbulent era. At the age of 17, he resolutely threw himself into the torrent of revolution, and at the age of 18 he joined the Communist Party of China and became a real revolutionary. In 1945, he joined the Eighth Route Army and participated in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, fighting all the way to the final victory.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

What really made him stand out was the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the 1950s. At that time, China had just been liberated, and the country was so poor that it could not even build its own cars, let alone advanced weapons and equipment. With this, the United States, the most powerful industrial country in the world, their army is well-equipped and can be said to be "armed to the teeth".

Against this backdrop, Yue Zhenhua and his comrades-in-arms faced an almost unimaginable challenge. U.S. planes hovered over their heads almost every day, threatening to drop deadly bombs at any moment. This extreme inequality makes every volunteer soldier have to put life and death out of the way.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

At that time, China relied on Soviet aid even for anti-aircraft guns. It was not until the summer of 1951 that the Soviet Union really began to supply aircraft. Under these circumstances, Yue Zhenhua's unit could only rely on the limited antiaircraft guns in its hands to maneuver with US aircraft. With his outstanding command ability, Yue Zhenhua has demonstrated extraordinary military talent in firepower confrontations again and again. He and his comrades even managed to shoot down the most advanced B-29 bomber in the U.S. military at the time.

With the deepening of the war, Yue Zhenhua's military talent was more recognized, and he gradually grew from an ordinary antiaircraft artillery soldier to a regiment commander. But his legend didn't stop there. After the war, China began to pay attention to the development of the air force, and Yue Zhenhua was selected to serve as a battalion commander in the ground-to-air missile unit, which was extremely rare at that time. His unit excelled in numerous exercises and in real combat, making his name and the "Battalion of Heroes" a legend.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

Yue Zhenhua's bravery is not only reflected on the battlefield. In peacetime, he was also an active promoter of national defense construction. He knows very well that the strength of a country does not only depend on temporary bravery, but also requires long-term scientific and technological progress and strategic vision. In the post-war years, Yue Zhenhua devoted himself to improving the level of scientific and technological equipment and combat technology of the troops, thus bringing about a qualitative leap in China's air defense forces.

Speaking of which, you may wonder why such an outstanding military talent has only been a battalion commander for a long time? Behind this is actually a reflection of a special situation in the army at that time. In the Chinese army, rank does not fully represent a position. With the rank of colonel, he usually held a higher position, but Yue Zhenhua chose to stay in his familiar field and continue to command his "hero battalion", which was rare at the time.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

His choice also reflects his character and persistence from the side. Yue Zhenhua is a typical person who "would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail". He would rather contribute more in the field he is good at and passionate about than change his direction just for a higher position. This spirit is still of great significance in today's society.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

What's even more interesting is that Yue Zhenhua's troops were also highly praised by Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou. Once, because of their outstanding performance, they were invited to Beijing and enjoyed a special treatment - even eating roast duck until everyone said they were tired of eating it. This kind of honor is not something that every unit can enjoy, and it is enough to see the weight of Yue Zhenhua and his troops in the minds of their superiors.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

The story of Yue Zhenhua is a bright spot in China's military history. He was not only a hero on the battlefield, but also a witness of the times. From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and then to the period of peaceful construction, Yue Zhenhua has always stood on the front line and written his own legend with his own practical actions. And such a legend is not only reflected in his personal honor, but also in his contribution to the country and the people. Whether it was in the war-torn years or in the era of peaceful construction, Yue Zhenhua showed infinite loyalty and deep feelings to the country and the people as a soldier.

Colonel and battalion commander Yue Zhenhua and the founding marshal lined up to toast in turn, and the officers and men of the battalion ate roast duck until they vomited

In Yue Zhenhua's life, he was not only a military genius, but also an admirable personality model. From an ordinary soldier to a hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and then to a promoter of national defense construction, Yue Zhenhua has proved with his actions that the strength of one person can affect the course of history.

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