
Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

author:Billy says history

2. Sun Li's persistent pursuit of "Vegetarian Day".

Sun Li, who is over 40 years old this year, has always regarded health preservation as an important issue in her life. Whenever asked about her health secrets, Sun Li is always amazed and shares her "Vegetarian Day" concept that she has adhered to for nearly 20 years.

"I have a set number of days a month to choose a vegan diet, and I am very detail-oriented, and I always consult with TCM experts to understand how to adjust my diet for each solar term to achieve the best healthy nutritional results.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Sun Li spoke earnestly, with a satisfied and happy expression on her face.

However, a senior reporter who has been tracking the entertainment industry for a long time recently expressed regret about this, he shook his head helplessly, and said with emotion: "When I saw Sun Li's true face with my own eyes, I could hardly identify whether it was really her!" His tone was full of regret, "Compared to her peers, she looks like she is more than ten years older."

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

The journalist is not exaggerating. Sun Li's latest set of street photos is truly jaw-dropping — her entire figure looks thin and weak, her eyes are covered with deep dark circles, and her nasolabial folds are clearly and visibly depicted on the contours of her face.

The delicate facial features of the past no longer exist, and the whole person exudes a decadent atmosphere of aging.

Unbelievably, this is the self-proclaimed "health expert" Sun Li? She has insisted on maintaining health for nearly 20 years, but now her appearance is even more haggard than Chen Zihan of the same age.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

It seems that the "vegetarian day" she advocates is not a panacea, but can lead to bodily dysfunction and accelerate the aging process.

It is no wonder that many people in the industry privately questioned Sun Li's behavior, and even bluntly said that her health regimen has gone crazy and runs counter to scientific rationality.

3. Li Bingbing's "Mind Eating Method"

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

If you talk about the deviant of health preservation, it is undoubtedly the 50-year-old actress Li Bingbing. This actress, who has won the title of actress many times, has completely abandoned the regular meal of ordinary people and created a new health concept called "Mind Eating".

At a dinner party, when everyone was preparing to enjoy a sumptuous lunch, Li Bingbing showed off her unique "ingredients"—just a few broccoli, a few small pieces of meat, and a glass of warm water.

While others were feasting, she quietly savored the bland glass of water, occasionally taking a sip of the lightest vegetables and slices of meat.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Surprisingly, Li Bingbing firmly believes in his "mind eating method"! Driven and passionate, she firmly believes that this method will help her to maintain her good health and get rid of diseases.

Facing the camera, she does everything possible to promote the benefits of "vegetarianism" as if it were all impeccable truth.

It's a pity that reality slapped her hard! Soon after, Li Bingbing published articles on major social media, confiding in the troubles caused by the recent deterioration of her physical condition - general fatigue, chills, insomnia and other symptoms followed.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Apparently, her "mindful eating" did not work out, but instead tortured her to the point of exhaustion.

In the face of such a situation, the experts can only sigh helplessly, admitting that this is a complete neglect of the basic physiological needs of the human body, which is undoubtedly a harm and absurd move to their own body.

The nutrition community has also severely criticized Li Bingbing's extreme vegetarian concept, calling it "pseudo-health".

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Fourth, Haiqing's "detoxification" obsession

On the road of "ineffective health preservation", the 47-year-old Haiqing can be said to be the most persistent and obsessed. For this middle-aged woman, "detoxification" has become an irrepressible obsession, even to the point of pathology.

Recalling a scene in the variety show "Longing for Life", Haiqing was nicknamed "Doctor Hai" by Huang Lei because of his unique detoxification habits. At that time, it was a hot summer day, and while everyone was enjoying cold drinks, Haiqing insisted on drinking a glass of steaming milk, claiming that it was for "detoxification".

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

At the dining table, she was also not sloppy, and took the initiative to stick out her tongue and signal everyone to check the color of the tongue coating. What's more, a puppy at the scene was not spared from Haiqing's "fiery eyes" and was forcibly pulled by her to check his physical condition.

Relatives and friends could only shake their heads and smile bitterly, after all, Haiqing's behavior was like an experienced "old Chinese medicine doctor", which made people laugh. Some people joked about whether she opened a clinic in private, specializing in the "detox" industry.

Haiqing initially formed these healthy habits from the perspective of maintaining her own health, but she soon fell into the so-called "detoxification" and found it difficult to save herself.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Although she has since frequently posted many beautiful photos showing her stretching exercises and yoga on major social platforms, it is still shocking when the audience sees her old image when she exercises in person.

Is this the price she paid for years of obsessing over the "way of detox"? Friends looked at her now, and they were all full of emotion, glad that they did not blindly follow the so-called health concept like her.

Fifth, the road of "ineffective health" of other celebrities

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

In addition to Sun Li, Li Bingbing and Haiqing, there are also several celebrities who have also entered the dilemma of "ineffective health preservation", and their endings are all regrettable.

For example, Li Yapeng, who is over half a hundred years old, has chosen a path of "precision health preservation". In his eyes, health preservation has been completely distorted, becoming an illusion and persistence, and even drinking water and sunlight exposure need to follow the laws of solar terms, even if it is a subtle living habit, it must strictly follow the theories and methods handed down by the ancients.

originally thought that such a strict health regimen would make him physically and mentally healthy and youthful, but it backfired, and Li Yapeng's physical condition deteriorated day by day. Seeing that his eyes were hollow, his spirit was sluggish, his hair was gradually thinning, and his whole person looked old, which made people wonder if he was suffering from some kind of disease.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Looking at the 41-year-old Wu Xin, she has pushed her health to a new extreme. In order to maintain a slim figure and delay aging, she is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, never forgetting to take various nutritional supplements, massage, foot soaking, etc.

Even in her daily activities, she wears a corset, an energy bracelet, and a physiotherapy patch...... Her posture is strange and her behavior is hilarious.

Wu Xin is intoxicated with this so-called "health preservation" like a demon, and for her, this has become an almost pathological obsession. However, this excessive behavior does not bring benefits to the body, but a heavy burden.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

Soon after, Wu Xin revealed in a media interview that his liver had suffered damage and had to temporarily stop and recuperate.

Witnessing these phenomena with his own eyes, the senior doctor couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "When did health care become such a pathological trend? What we need is a balanced diet and moderate physical activity, not an almost brutal grind on ourselves! ”

Huang Xiaoming, a 46-year-old male artist who was once known as the "focus of the screen", also took an extreme weight loss method because of the portrayal of a movie role, and finally paid a heavy physical price.

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

In order to achieve the ideal figure, Huang Xiaoming strictly controlled his diet at all costs, and in the long run, he became skinny, pale as paper, and his eyes were empty, making it difficult to recognize the energetic "sunshine boy" in the past.

It was not until the end, when his physical condition deteriorated severely, his face was old and haggard, and a series of complications occurred in his stomach, heart, and other organs, that he had to stop this self-harming lifestyle.

Afterwards, Huang Xiaoming said helplessly in an interview with the media: "If I can choose again, I will never do such an act that hurts my body again." ”

Shriveled and collapsed, these 6 "health experts" perfectly showed the pathology of "ineffective health preservation".

However, what is unexpected is that even Jin Sha, a 40-year-old female artist who has always been known for her attention to health preservation, has not escaped the trap of "ineffective health preservation". Once, when everyone was having a dinner, she took out a precision electronic scale, weighed each ingredient one by one, and used her mobile phone to calculate its calorie content.

While others are laughing and sharing food, she is alone silently calculating and selecting food, acting carefully, as if she is dealing with a major test of life.

What's even more amazing is that Jin Sha even shared on social platforms an experience of being hospitalized due to excessive massage, calling on fans to be sure to master the degree of health preservation and avoid blindly following the trend.

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