
Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

author:Happy peach 5o0

Just recently, Jiang Pengfei, a famous scientist in the mainland, publicly "proved his innocence" for the Apollo program, and revealed some convincing key evidence, allowing us to relive that glorious history again.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

Jiang Pengfei, as the chief engineer of Guangqi Group, is a well-respected scientist who has made outstanding contributions in the field of scientific research. Pengfei Jiang, who has long devoted himself to lunar and planetary scientific research, has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and has brought many important discoveries to people to a deeper understanding of the universe.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

In an interview, Jiang Pengfei mentioned a very important observation about the observation of the Apollo 13 lunar module by a large ground-based telescope. At that time, observatories around the world noticed the movement of the lunar module in lunar orbit, and this observation preliminarily confirmed the authenticity of the historical events of the lunar landing. Jiang's words have provided a more convincing answer to the doubts of the world's scientists and the general public about the moon landing.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

He analyzed the significance of this observation in depth, pointing out that this discovery not only proves the authenticity of the first human landing on the moon, but also provides an important reference for subsequent planetary exploration missions. Jiang Pengfei also stressed the importance of international cooperation in promoting scientific development, and called on all countries to work together to carry out more in-depth space exploration to enhance mankind's understanding of the universe.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

It is worth mentioning that the stronger evidence comes from the Apollo 14 mission. In February 1971, the Apollo 14 astronauts placed a seismograph on the surface of the moon. The role of this seismograph is to record seismic activity on the Moon and thus further study the internal structure and surface activity of the Moon.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

Scientists in the United States collected and analyzed the data sent back by this seismograph. Shockingly, the data clearly shows that the seismographs were laid on site by astronauts and not installed in advance. Through further research and comparison, the scientists ruled out other factors that could have caused anomalies in the data and finally confirmed the reliability of this result.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

Jiang Pengfei added that the discovery confirms beyond any doubt the authenticity of the moon landing. The fact that the astronauts had their own seismographs on the moon dispelled any doubts about the mission to the moon. This result is undoubtedly an important breakthrough evidence for those who have doubts about the moon landing. It cemented the credibility of the moon landing and paved the way for subsequent space exploration missions.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

In addition to the above-mentioned striking evidence, there is also a very important piece of evidence, which is that the United States has succeeded in bringing back nearly 400 kilograms of lunar rock and soil samples. These samples are considered to be one of the most important achievements of the lunar landing program, and they played a crucial role in confirming the authenticity of the lunar landing.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

These rock and soil samples have been studied and analyzed for a long time, and scientists have carried out various tests and experiments to prove that they are indeed from the moon. Their composition, structure, and characteristics are markedly different from those found on Earth, showing strong lunar features. These samples contain material from the surface and subsurface of the Moon, and their true nature and organization have given scientists a deeper understanding of the Moon's origins, evolution, and geological activity.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

For those who doubt the authenticity of the lunar landing program, Jiang Pengfei asks rhetorically: If the lunar landing was just a hoax, how could it succeed in bringing back so many real lunar samples? The existence of these samples and the results of their research are very convincing evidence of the fact that man has successfully landed on the moon.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

It is worth mentioning that the reason why the Apollo program was able to achieve such brilliant success was inseparable from the strong support and active participation of the US government and all the people. From 1961 John President F. Kennedy announced the start of the program, and the Apollo program lasted 11 years until the completion of the last mission to the moon in 1972. During this time, more than 400,000 workers and scientists were actively involved in this huge project.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

Jiang Pengfei pointed out that a huge project like the Apollo program requires strong social support and the participation of the whole people to achieve ultimate victory. The U.S. government provided tremendous financial support and organizational coordination in this process, which ensured the smooth running of the program. The government has also set up special agencies, such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), to manage and execute the entire lunar landing program.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

At the same time, the entire nation of the people has participated in this feat. Many workers and scientists have dedicated their lives to the aerospace industry, and they have played an important role in the design, manufacture, testing and launch of spacecraft and supporting equipment. A large number of research institutes, universities and technology companies are also actively involved in the relevant research and development work. The nationwide community support and enthusiasm inspired everyone involved to contribute to the success of the moon landing program.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

Jiang Pengfei added that the success of the Apollo program is due to the close cooperation between the various teams. Within NASA, there are various professional groups and teams, such as spacecraft design teams, rocket engine development teams, navigation and control teams, and so on. Each team brings their expertise and skills to work together to solve technical problems and achieve mission goals.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

In addition to cooperation within NASA, the Apollo program also brings together the strength of many external partners. In this ambitious program, many companies, universities, research institutes, and teams of engineers worked closely with NASA to contribute greatly to the moon landing program. Together, the collaboration has contributed to the development and innovation of space technology, while also providing a broader range of resources and expertise for the Apollo program.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

This spirit of close cooperation still has important reference significance in today's aerospace industry. To achieve more ambitious goals, such as space exploration, solar system exploration, and the human landing on Mars, space agencies and research teams from various countries need to cooperate with each other and make full use of their respective strengths and areas of expertise to jointly solve scientific and engineering problems.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the American moon landing and gave evidence for the United States!

Jiang Pengfei is convinced that continuous cooperation and collaboration are the key to promoting the development of the aerospace industry. By sharing knowledge, resources, and technology, and continuously improving and innovating, humanity can better explore the mysteries of the universe together and create a better future.

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