
The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

author:Be smart and healthy
The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

"Doctor, my body has been feeling something wrong lately." It was a 45-year-old eldest sister with a slightly haggard face.

I looked at her and asked gently, "Eldest sister, don't worry, what's wrong?" ”

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

The eldest sister frowned and said, "I've been a vegetarian for five years, and I've always felt that being a vegetarian is healthy, but recently I always feel that I have no strength and am easily dizzy, what's going on?" ”

While recording the symptoms that my eldest sister said, I began to think about various possibilities.

I asked my eldest sister to go for a series of tests first, and while waiting for the results of the tests, my thoughts began to drift away.

In today's health-conscious era, many people choose to go vegetarian, believing that it can not only maintain their figure, but also make their bodies healthier.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

But is that really the case? What are the differences in the body after five years of vegetarianism? When the results of the inspection came out, some problems were found.

The eldest sister is mildly malnourished and has symptoms of anemia. The eldest sister looked at the inspection report with an incredulous expression: "How can this be?" I've always thought that being a vegetarian is good for my health. ”

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

I patiently explained to my eldest sister: "Eldest sister, being vegetarian is not a bad thing in itself, but if you don't pay attention to balanced nutrition, it is easy to have problems.

Vegetarian foods such as vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, but nutrients such as protein, certain vitamin B12, and iron may be found in relatively small amounts or not easily absorbed in vegetarian diets.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

Long-term deficiency of these nutrients can lead to various discomforts in the body.

I went on to say: For example, protein, which is an important component of the body's building and repairing tissues, can lead to fatigue if you don't consume enough.

While vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods, a deficiency of it can lead to problems such as anemia.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

There is also iron, the iron in plant foods is relatively difficult to absorb, and if you eat a vegetarian diet for a long time and do not pay attention to iron supplementation, it is also easy to cause iron deficiency anemia.

The eldest sister asked a little anxiously, "Then what should I do now?" I told my eldest sister: don't be too nervous. From now on, you'll want to adjust your diet.

You can still continue to eat vegetarian, but you should add some protein-rich vegetarian food, such as beans and soy products.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

At the same time, you should pay attention to eating more iron-rich foods, such as black fungus, spinach, etc., and you can supplement some iron supplements when necessary. Vitamin B12 You may need to supplement with supplements.

I also emphasized: Sister, don't think that eating a vegetarian diet is necessarily the healthiest, and the diversity and balance of the diet is the key.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

Like this time, you have been a vegetarian for five years and neglected to supplement some important nutrients, and as a result, your body has problems.

The eldest sister nodded again and again: "So that's the case, I thought everything would be fine if I was vegetarian." ”

In the following period, the eldest sister adjusted her diet according to my advice and supplemented the corresponding nutrients.

When I saw her again, her mental state was much better, and she no longer had any more energy and dizziness.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

From the example of this eldest sister, I would like to tell you a few important points.

1. Going vegan is not an absolute way to be healthy.

A vegetarian diet has its benefits, but it should not be used to ignore the intake of other nutrients.

For protein supplements, you can choose soy products such as tofu, soy milk, and bean skin, which are rich in high-quality protein.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

Nuts are also a good choice, providing both protein and healthy fats.

2. Focus on some nutrients that are easily overlooked.

Like vitamin B12, it is very important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and blood system. If you eat a vegetarian diet for a long time and do not supplement it, it may lead to a series of health problems.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

3. Don't blindly follow the trend of vegetarianism.

Everyone's physical condition and nutritional needs are different.

Before deciding to go vegan, it is best to consult the advice of a medical professional or dietitian to ensure that your body can adapt to this diet.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

4. Whether you are a vegetarian or not, a balanced diet is crucial.

In addition to nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, moderate carbohydrates and healthy fats should be consumed.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

Going vegan can be a healthy choice, but only if it's nutritionally balanced. Don't ignore your body's actual needs by pursuing a certain way of eating.

I hope everyone can learn from the experience of this eldest sister, arrange their diet more scientifically and reasonably, and keep their bodies in a healthy state.

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

The wisdom of eating lies in balance and variety, let's take responsibility for our own health together, starting with every meal!

The 45-year-old sister has insisted on eating vegetarian for 5 years, what is the difference in her body after going for a physical examination? See what the doctor says

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