
Injured in the line of duty, he did not give up, put on a prosthesis and set sail again

author:Smoke Moon wrote

It was a sunny day, and I was on vacation as a firefighter. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a rapid ringing of the phone, and a fire broke out in the city, requiring us to urgently dispatch. Without saying a word, I grabbed my equipment and rushed out.

By the time we arrived at the scene, the fire had already spread. Without hesitation, I led the team into the fire. Just as we were about to successfully control the fire, a burning beam suddenly slammed down. In order to protect my teammate, I pushed him away, but I was hit by the beam and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in the hospital with one leg having been amputated. The doctor told me that I might never be able to stand up again. At that moment, my heart was extremely heavy, as if I had fallen into the abyss.

However, I didn't give up. With the encouragement of my family and friends, I began to actively engage in rehabilitation. After a few months, I finally got my prosthetic leg on and got back on my feet. Although I am not comfortable yet, I firmly believe that as long as I don't give up, I will be able to return to work one day.

One day, the captain came to see me and asked, "Do you still want to go back?" Without hesitation, I replied, "Of course!" I'm a firefighter and it's my job to put out fires. ”

The captain was silent for a while, and then said, "Okay, when you return from injury, we welcome you." ”

After a period of hard work, I finally got back into the team. Although some of the movements were not very proficient, I still gave it my all. The brothers in the team also gave me a lot of help and made me feel a strong sense of camaraderie.

However, the good times were short-lived. During a rescue operation, I had a problem with my prosthetic leg that caused me to lose my mobility and almost cause a catastrophe. The team leaders began to question whether I could still work as a firefighter.

I was so depressed that I started to doubt myself. That's when the captain came to me and said, "Do you really want to give up?" Have you forgotten how you convinced me in the first place? ”

I raised my head, looked into the captain's eyes, and said firmly: "I don't want to give up, I want to prove myself." ”

The captain patted me on the shoulder: "Okay, then go prove it to them." ”

Since that day, I have worked harder to train, not only mastering various firefighting skills, but also researching a lot of information about prosthetics to find the right prosthetic accessories for me. In the following rescue operations, I did not lag behind, but became the leader of the team.

Finally, in a fire, I successfully rescued the trapped people, winning praise from leaders and colleagues. I know I've proven myself and I'm still the fearless firefighter.

Today, I am still at my post, wearing a prosthetic leg, guarding the peace of the city. Whenever someone asks me, "Do you regret your choice?" I would smile and answer: "I don't regret it, because I am a firefighter, and I am willing to give everything for the safety of the people." ”

As the days passed, my life was filled with the affairs of the fire brigade. One weekend, I came home and saw my father trimming the flowers in the yard. He looked up at me and smiled, a smile that was both pride and concern.

"Dad, look, I'm still busy." I tried to break the silence easily.

My father put down the scissors in his hand, walked up to me, and patted me lightly on the shoulder: "Son, you have always been great, we all know it." However, you also need to pay attention to your body. ”

I nodded, knowing that they were always worried about me, "I will, Dad." ”

Just then, my phone rang. It was the captain who called, saying that there was an urgent mission that required me to return to the team immediately. I said goodbye to my parents and hurried to the fire brigade.

This mission was a wildfire rescue. The fire was so fierce that by the time we arrived, the entire hill had been engulfed in flames. I led my group and rushed to the line of fire. In the thick smoke and heat, I felt a challenge that I had never felt before. The prosthesis was painful to rub against during the strenuous exercise, but I gritted my teeth and didn't flinch.

Every breath in the fire was like a battle against death. Just when we were about to lose it, the captain led another team to extinguish the fire from the side, and we finally had a chance to breathe.

At the end of the mission, I sat down next to the fire truck, took off my protective suit, looked at the blackened prosthetic leg, and sighed deeply. The captain came over and sat down next to me.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Sort of." I'll be honest.

The captain was silent for a moment, then said, "You know what, you are now the hero of the team. ”

I smiled wryly: "I just did what I had to do." ”

"But you're doing better than a lot of people." The captain's words warmed my heart.

In the days that followed, I became a role model for the team. Although it can still be painful and inconvenient at times, I have learned how to live peacefully with the prosthesis and even make it an advantage in my rescue work.

One day, a special visitor came to the team, an old man who was rescued by us. He carried a pennant with the inscription "Brave and fearless, People's Defender". When he knew I was the firefighter who saved him in that rescue, he held my hand tightly.

"Young man, you are the bravest man I have ever met." The old man's eyes glistened with tears.

I was speechless and just shook his hand tightly.

At that moment, I deeply realized what it means to be a firefighter. We're not just putting out fires, we're saving lives and spreading hope.

I know that there is still a long way to go and more challenges await me. But I am not afraid, because I know that as long as I have love and responsibility in my heart, I can overcome all difficulties and move on.

Time is like flowing water, fleeting. With my continuous efforts and persistence, my firefighting skills have become more and more exquisite and I have become the best in the team. And my story is also a good story among my teammates.

Early one morning, I was woken up by a cacophony of sounds. It turned out that it was a sudden flood that swept through the nearby villages. My teammates and I immediately set off to fight the flood and rescue the flood.

The floods were raging and the muddy roads made it extremely difficult for me to walk with my prosthesis. But instead of backing down, I led my team through the flood to help the trapped villagers.

Just as our rescue operation was in full swing, I suddenly noticed a little boy swept away by the flood, and his frightened cries for help seemed so helpless in the flood. Without hesitation, I jumped into the water and swam to him with all my might.

When I grabbed the little boy's hand, he looked at me with wide eyes, his eyes full of fear and despair. I comforted him, "Don't be afraid, uncle will help you out." ”

In the flood, I tried my best to finally rescue the little boy. His parents wept with gratitude, held my hand tightly, and thanked me repeatedly.

After this rescue operation, I was interviewed by the media. Facing the camera, I calmly said, "I am a firefighter, and it is my duty to save people in danger." As long as the masses of the people need it, I will not hesitate to rush to the forefront. ”

However, life isn't always about exciting rescue operations. Sometimes, a peaceful life can bring us unexpected warmth.

One day, I received an anonymous letter. The letter reads: "Thank you for saving my child and for giving hope to our family. Although we have never met, allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to you on behalf of the whole family. At the end of the letter, there was also a picture drawn by a child with my back in a firefighting suit, brave and fearless.

Looking at this painting, my eyes couldn't help but moisten. I know that everything I do is worth it. In this world, there is always something that cannot be replaced by money and status, and that is the love and trust between people.

The days are still busy, and I continue to find my own value and meaning in firefighting work. I also began to pay attention to more social welfare activities and do my part to help more people in need.

In the process, I have made many like-minded friends, and we work together to contribute to the harmony and tranquility of society.

I firmly believe that as long as there is love and responsibility in my heart, the path of life will be full of light. And I will continue on this path, firmly walking.

On an ordinary weekend, I came home and wanted to spend some time with my family. However, just as I was about to have dinner with my parents, my phone rang suddenly. It was a call from the captain.

"Xiao Li, can you rush to the team right now? There is an urgent mission that needs you. The captain's voice was nervous and urgent.

I immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks and said to my parents, "Dad, Mom, I have an urgent task and I have to go back immediately." ”

My father and mother looked at me with worry in their eyes. The mother whispered, "Son, be careful. ”

I nodded, and hurried out of the house.

When I arrived at the team, the captain told me that there was an explosion at a chemical plant and the fire was very fierce. My teammates and I immediately set off and rushed to the scene.

When I arrived at the scene, I was stunned by what I saw. The entire chemical plant was engulfed in flames and smoke billowed from it. We quickly launched a rescue operation, rushed into the fire, and rescued the trapped workers.

In the midst of the fire, I felt pressure like never before. The heat and smoke of the flames made it almost impossible for me to breathe, but I didn't flinch. I know that I am a firefighter and I have a responsibility to protect people's lives.

After several hours of hard work, we finally brought the fire under control. However, while evacuating the fire, I accidentally fell and my prosthetic leg was hit, and the pain made it almost impossible for me to stand.

The captain walked over, looked at me, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?" ”

I gritted my teeth, tried to hold back the pain, and said, "I'm fine, captain." ”

The captain patted me on the shoulder and said, "You did a great job, everyone admires you." ”

Hearing the captain's words, I felt a wave of warmth. I know that despite my physical impairments, I can still prove my worth with my actions.

In the days that followed, I continued to devote myself to firefighting. Although it was painful and difficult at times, I never gave up. I know that as long as I have love and responsibility in my heart, I can overcome all difficulties and move on.

During my days in the fire brigade, I made many like-minded friends. We train together, we carry out missions together, and we face life and death together. We encourage each other, support each other, and grow together.

I am convinced that as long as we have love and responsibility in our hearts, we can bring light and hope to society. And I will continue to walk on this road firmly, in order to protect the lives of the people, in order to pass on love and hope.