
In 79, the army was discharged, my comrades-in-arms refused to be called by the commune, and the leader asked me to go to the countryside

author:Smoke Moon wrote

That was in 1979. I had just been discharged from the army, and I was full of expectations that I would be assigned to a good unit in the city.

On that day, the commune leader called me and my comrade-in-arms Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang looked unhappy, and discussed with me in private: "We have worked hard in the army for so many years, and now that we are discharged from the army, do we still have to go to the countryside to suffer?" I was silent for a while and said, "We are party members, and we will go wherever the party tells us." ”

When he arrived at the commune, Xiao Zhang bluntly refused the call of the leadership. The leader frowned and turned his head to look at me: "Xiao Liu, what do you think?" My eyes widened, I didn't expect Xiao Zhang to be so direct, although I was also a little apprehensive in my heart, but I still puffed up my chest and said, "Leader, I obey the arrangement." ”

And just like that, I went to the countryside alone. As soon as I arrived in the country, I was in trouble. The production captain in the countryside was a stubborn old man, and when he heard that I was a veteran, he squinted his eyes and said, "What can I do when I come out of the army?" Don't be here to mess around, right? I was furious, but after thinking about it, I was here to work, not to quarrel, so I suppressed my anger and said: "Old captain, don't worry, I will work hard and win glory for you." ”

That is not the end of the conflict. The days in the countryside were hard and the work was tiring, so I gritted my teeth and persevered, but I was always sneered at by the old captain. One day, I couldn't help myself and found the old captain: "Why do you always target me?" The old captain glared and said, "You veterans, you will talk about it, what can you do?" ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect the old captain to misunderstand us so deeply. I took a deep breath and said, "Old captain, you give me a chance, I will definitely show you what our veterans are capable of." ”

The opportunity was not long in coming. The township wants to build a canal, but there is a shortage of funds and cannot afford to hire a professional construction team. I took the initiative to ask for help, and with a group of veterans, I started the construction of the canal. During that time, we got up early and stayed up late, ate and slept in the open, and finally completed the task ahead of schedule.

The old captain looked at the brand-new canal, with tears in his eyes, held my hand and said, "Xiao Liu, you veterans, you are really good!" "At that moment, I felt pride and joy that I had never felt before.

After this happened, I became good friends with the old captain. Together, we led the villagers on the road to poverty alleviation and prosperity. Time flies, decades have passed in a blink of an eye, and those ups and downs have become the most precious memories of my life.

Now, I have left that village, but the mountains and rivers there, the people there, will always remain in my heart. And those days of working together with the old captain and the veteran brothers have become the most beautiful scenery in my life.

Time flies, and those days of fighting together with comrades in the countryside seem to be still in sight. Since the completion of the canal, the life of the villagers has gradually improved, and I have put down roots in the village.

One day, the old captain found me and said hesitantly: "Xiao Liu, the township plans to let our village be responsible for the development of a mountain forest, this is a big project, but the ability of our village is limited, you see ......" I immediately understood what the old captain meant, patted his chest and said: "Old captain, don't worry, our veterans will definitely be able to complete this task well." ”

So, I took a group of veterans and started the work of mountain forest development. During that time, we worked side by side and worked together to overcome one difficulty after another. Sometimes, when I look at those familiar backs, I can't help but sigh in my heart: these former comrades-in-arms have now become the most important partners in my life.

One day, we met a huge python in the mountain forest. Everyone looked at me nervously, and I rushed forward without hesitation and started a life-and-death struggle with the python. Eventually, I got the better of the python, but it also left me with a deep scar.

After the old captain learned of this, he said with tears in his eyes: "Xiao Liu, you are dying!" I replied with a smile: "Old captain, for the sake of the village, for the sake of everyone, I am willing." ”

With the smooth progress of mountain forest development, our reputation spread in the township. One day, the township leader found me and said, "Xiao Liu, we have all seen your performance, and the township has decided to let you be the head of the forestry station, responsible for the development of mountains and forests in the township." "I was stunned, I didn't expect to get such a reuse.

Back in the village, I found the old captain and told him the news. The old captain shook my hand excitedly and said, "Xiao Liu, you have won glory for our village!" I was filled with emotion and said, "Old captain, this is inseparable from your support and the help of your comrades. ”

During my tenure as the head of the forestry station, I led the veterans of the whole township to open up forests and manage barren mountains, turning the former desolate land into an oasis. In those days, although we worked hard, our hearts were full of hope.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have reached retirement age. On the day I retired, the whole village came to see me off. The old captain held my hand tightly, tears sliding down his cheeks: "Xiao Liu, thank you for everything you have done for our village. ”

I smiled and comforted the old captain: "Old captain, this is what I should do. We, the veterans, are here to serve the people. "Bidding farewell to the old captain and the villagers, I left the place where I once spent my youth with a lot of memories.

Today, I have spent my old age in my hometown, but I still remember those days of working together with my veteran brothers. Whenever I think about that time, my heart is filled with warmth and pride. It was the most precious treasure of my life, and it is also a memory that I will always remember.

Life after retirement is calm and fulfilling, and I often walk alone on familiar country roads, reminiscing about those years. On that day, I received an invitation to the forestry exhibition held in the township, and I wanted to attend as a special guest. My heart moved, this may be a good opportunity to see the old captain and his comrades again.

On the day of the exhibition, I came to the site early. The familiar local accent and warm smiling face made me feel extremely cordial. When the old captain saw me, his eyes couldn't help but moisten: "Xiao Liu, you're back." I smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Old captain, let's meet again." ”

At the exhibition, I saw that the mountains and forests that we once developed are now green and vibrant. At the exhibition, the township leaders announced a decision: to name this mountain forest after me as a memorial to the hard work of our veterans. I was so moved that I couldn't speak, so I could only silently shake the old captain's hand.

After the exhibition, I returned to the village with the old captain and my comrades. We sat under the big tree at the entrance of the village and recalled the days of struggle together. The old captain said with emotion: "Xiao Liu, thanks to you, our village can have today." I shook my head: "Old captain, this is not my credit alone, it is the result of the joint efforts of all of us. ”

At this moment, a young villager ran over and said breathlessly: "Stationmaster Liu, it's not good, there is a fire on the mountain!" I immediately stood up and looked at the smoke, and my heart tightened. The old captain also said nervously: "Xiao Liu, you can't go up the mountain, it's too dangerous." My eyes widened and I said firmly: "Old captain, we are veterans, not at this time, when will we go?" ”

Without saying a word, my comrades-in-arms picked up our tools and ran towards the fire. The fire was fierce, but we were not afraid because we knew that behind us was our home. After several hours of hard fighting, the fire was finally brought under control. We sat on the rocks tired, looking at the twinkling stars in the night sky, and our hearts were filled with satisfaction.

The old captain led the villagers to the foot of the mountain to welcome us heroes. He held my hand tightly, tears rolling in his eyes: "Xiao Liu, you are really the pride of our village. ”

I smiled, although tired, but my heart was warm: "Old captain, this is our responsibility and our honor." ”

That night, we had a simple celebration in the village. Although there is no sumptuous food and drink, our hearts are tightly connected. I know that no matter how the years change, this time spent with the old captain and my comrades-in-arms will always be the most precious treasure in my life. And our story, like this mountain forest, is full of greenery and endless.

As the days passed, we, the veterans, lived a peaceful life in the village. The old captain often took us around to see the trees we had planted with our own hands and now grown into towering trees. Every time we walk under these shades, we feel extremely proud and satisfied.

One day, the old captain mysteriously pulled me aside and said, "Xiao Liu, I have an idea, I want to build a veterans' memorial hall in the village, record our stories over the years, and let more people understand our struggle." My eyes lit up and I immediately agreed: "That's a good idea, the story of our veterans deserves to be known by more people." ”

So, we started to prepare for the construction of the memorial. I flipped through the photos and materials of those years with the old captain, recalling those bits and pieces. In the process of preparation, we also found our old comrades-in-arms who had fought together in the past, and after hearing the news, they rushed back from all over the world to join in the preparations for the memorial.

After the completion of the memorial hall, a grand opening ceremony was held in the village. On that day, the whole village came, and we, the veterans, dressed in neat military uniforms, stood in front of the memorial hall, looking at those young faces, and our hearts were full of emotion. The old captain said excitedly: "Today, the story of our veterans will be passed on here forever. ”

The memorial hall displays our photographs, honorary certificates and various memorabilia, each of which tells a story of our struggle. Villagers and tourists come in droves, listening to our stories, feeling our spirits, and being touched by our deeds.

Over time, the memorial hall has become a beautiful sight in the village, attracting more and more people to visit. Our story is also known to more people and has become an inspiring model. The old captain often said with emotion: "Xiao Liu, the story of our veterans has really affected many people. ”

I smiled and replied, "Old captain, this is the mission of our veterans, and our story is to inspire more people and let them understand that as long as they have faith, they can overcome all difficulties." ”

As the years go by, we veterans live a quiet life in the village, but our story has been passed on. Whenever someone asks us about our story, we always proudly say, "We are a group of veterans, and our story is to struggle, fight, and never give up." ”