
In 1987, he bid farewell to his younger brother to join the army and wore a patch coat for a happy family

author:Smoke Moon wrote

In the summer of 1987, the sun scorched the earth like a fireball. At that time, I was a hairy young man of twenty years old. On that day, I wore clothes that my mother had sewn with my own hands to bid farewell to my younger brother Xiao Ming, who had enlisted in the army and embarked on the road to join the army.

"Brother, wait for me to come back." Xiao Ming's eyes were firm, and he looked particularly heroic in a green military uniform.

"Well, it must be safe." I held his hand tightly, and my heart was mixed.

On that day, our family was wearing patched clothes, and although life was hard, the smiles of our family members were heartfelt. My mother is frugal by nature, always mending our clothes again and again, but never letting us be wronged.

It didn't take long for Xiao Ming to send back the first letter. In the letter, he wrote that the training of the recruit company was extremely difficult, but he would definitely persevere and bring glory to us. However, in addition to the joy, I found that there was more worry in my mother's eyes.

One day, the village chief came to my house in a hurry and said, "Auntie, it's not good, the army has written from the army saying that Xiao Ming was injured during training and needs immediate surgery." ”

When the mother heard this, she immediately panicked, and the needlework in her hand fell to the ground. I hurriedly comforted her: "Mother, don't worry, Xiao Ming will be fine." ”

In order to raise money for the surgery, I decided to go to the town to work. Before leaving, I told my mother: "Mother, don't worry, I will definitely make up Xiao Ming's surgery fee." ”

In the town, I worked as a coolie during the day and wrote letters to people at night, saving money and finally scraping together the cost of the operation. When I went home with the money in my heart, I found that my mother was sick.

"Mother, why are you sick?" I was so anxious that tears were about to fall.

"It's okay, I'm just worried about Xiao Ming, and I'm panicking." The mother said softly.

I hurriedly sent the surgery fee to Xiao Ming, and at the same time silently prayed in my heart for a speedy recovery.

Soon after, Xiao Ming received a letter, saying that the operation was successful and that he would be able to go home to visit his family in a few months. When my mother learned the news, her condition gradually improved.

Finally, that day has come. Xiao Ming appeared in front of us in a military uniform and heroically. At that moment, the whole family cried with joy and hugged each other tightly.

"Brother, thank you." With tears in his eyes, Xiao Ming thanked me.

"Silly boy, what's polite to my brother." I gently patted him on the shoulder.

That night, our family sat around under a kerosene lamp and chatted about family life. Although life is still hard, the strong family affection makes us feel happy.

This is our family, supporting each other and weathering the storm together in difficult times. That time, although hard, became the best memory of our lives.

When Xiao Ming went home, our family seemed to have returned to the old days of laughter and laughter. The mother always has a smile on her face, and she will prepare the meals that Xiao Caritin eats in advance and wait for him to return from training. I, on the other hand, took Xiao Ming to work in the fields, taught him farming, and told him everything at home.

"Brother, after I am demobilized, we will work together to let my mother live a good life." Xiao Ming helped me turn the ground while planning for the future.

"Okay, let's work together." I looked at Xiao Ming, and my heart was warm.

One day, a merchant came to the village, and he brought a novelty - a radio. I decided to buy one for my mother so that she would not be alone when she was at home. When the seller saw that I wanted it sincerely, he agreed to exchange it for my old pocket watch.

When my mother received this gift, her eyes widened and she said in disbelief, "How much does this cost?" You brothers are really, you buy such a valuable thing. ”

"Mother, this is for my pocket watch, if you like it." I explained with a smile.

Xiao Ming also echoed on the side: "Yes, mother, we can listen to the radio and eat while listening to the radio in the future, how good." ”

From that day on, her mother's life was no longer monotonous, and she always stayed in front of the radio and listened to those distant and affectionate stories.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Xiao Ming suddenly received an urgent order to immediately return to the team to participate in an important mission. He didn't have time to say anything, just hugged his mother tightly and said to me, "Brother, the family will be handed over to you." ”

I looked at the back of Xiao Ming's departure, and I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in my heart. The mother was even more teary-eyed, and reluctantly waved goodbye.

After Xiao Ming left, I took over the burden of my family and worked harder. Every night, I would look into that radio and pray that Xiao Ming was safe.

A few months later, I finally received a letter from Xiao Ming. In the letter, he wrote that the mission had been completed, but could not be told in detail because of the confidentiality involved. He also said that the mission has made him grow a lot and cherish his family even more.

I breathed a sigh of relief and handed the letter to my mother, who held it tightly and tears fell again.

"Mother, Xiao Ming will go home, he will go home safely." I whispered comfort.

The mother nodded, put away her tears, and said with a smile: "Yes, he will go home." ”

Our family was stuck in waiting again, but this time, we had more determination and confidence in our hearts. Because we know that no matter when and where, that strong family bond will connect us closely, and we will survive the storm together and meet every challenge in the future.

As the days passed, my mother and I were still standing by the radio every day, looking forward to Xiao Ming's news. The crops in the fields are thriving in the sun, as if to indicate that the future of our family will also be full of hope.

Early one morning, I was woken up by the noise coming from the entrance of the village. It turned out that Xiao Ming's unit was going to pass through our village, and everyone in the village came out to greet him. I hurriedly woke up my mother, and the two of them hurried towards the entrance of the village.

The team came majestically, and Xiao Ming stood in the middle of the team, heroic. He saw us with a big smile on his face and waved at us. At that moment, my mother's tears welled up, and the excitement in my heart was indescribable.

When the team stopped to rest, Xiao Ming ran over, hugged us tightly, and said excitedly: "Brother, mother, I'm back, I don't have to leave you again." ”

"Xiao Ming, my good boy, you are finally back." The mother couldn't cry silently.

I patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's good to come back, our family can finally be reunited." ”

Back home, Xiao Ming told us that he had been demobilized early because of his outstanding performance in the mission. He said it lightly, but we know that there must have been a lot of hardship.

In order to celebrate Xiao Ming's homecoming, his mother made a table of sumptuous meals. We sat around and talked about how things had changed over the years. Xiao Ming said that he plans to use the skills he learned in the army to set up a breeding farm in his hometown to promote the economic development of the village.

"Brother, what do you think?" Xiao Ming looked at me, expecting my opinion.

I nodded and said seriously, "It's a good idea, and we'll work together as a family to get the farm up and running." ”

From that day on, our family started a new life. Xiao Ming is responsible for the planning and management of the farm, I am in charge of the farm work, and my mother is busy taking care of our lives. Relatives and friends in the village also came to help, and the farm soon took shape.

One day, Xiao Ming brought back good news from the town: the government encourages rural entrepreneurship, and we can apply for loans to expand the scale of the farm. When our family heard the news, they couldn't sleep.

With the support of the government, our farms are getting bigger and bigger, which not only drives employment in the village, but also attracts foreign businessmen to come to cooperate. The living conditions at home have gradually improved, and we can finally say goodbye to those patched clothes and live in a spacious and bright house.

The mother looked at all this, and her eyes were full of relief. She often said to us: "You brothers are my pride, and if we work so hard as a family, life will definitely get better and better." ”

I looked at Xiao Ming and felt a lot of emotion in my heart. Over the years, our family has supported each other and faced the hardships of life together. Now, we are finally out of the predicament and ushering in a new life.

And all of this is the result of the joint efforts of our family. In the days to come, we will continue to move forward hand in hand, meet more challenges together, and write a beautiful chapter for our family.

Over time, our farm has gradually become famous in the town, not only driving the economic development of the village, but also improving the lives of the villagers. As the person in charge of the farm, Xiao Ming often has to go out to negotiate cooperation with customers, while I am responsible for the daily management of the farm.

One day, Xiao Ming brought back an exciting news: "Brother, the government has just issued a new policy to encourage the development of characteristic farming in rural areas. Our farm just meets the conditions and can apply for more policy support. ”

"That's great!" "In this way, our farm will be able to expand further and bring more jobs to the village." ”

When the mother heard the news, her face was filled with a smile of joy: "Xiao Ming, you are really the pride of our family." You brothers work so hard, and our family's life will definitely get better and better. ”

With the support of the government, the scale of our farm has been expanding, introducing more excellent varieties and attracting more and more customers. Young people in the village have joined our farm, learned farming techniques and improved their living standards.

However, as the farm grew, we also encountered some challenges. A sudden outbreak hit our farms, and many poultry fell ill and died. In the face of this dilemma, our family was not discouraged, but worked together to deal with it.

Xiao Ming and I consulted the veterinarian in the village, and took strict epidemic prevention measures, isolating sick birds in time and vaccinating them. The mother and the women of the village took the village to disinfect the farm, clean up the manure and keep the farm clean.

After a period of hard work, the epidemic was finally brought under control and our farm gradually recovered. The pandemic has made us deeply aware that only by working together can we overcome difficulties.

With the development of the farm, our life is getting better and better. Not only have we improved the living conditions of our families, but we have also helped our relatives and friends in the village to improve their lives. My mother often said with emotion: "You brothers are really my pride, our family works so hard, life will definitely get better and better." ”

In the days to come, our family will continue to move forward hand in hand, meet more challenges together, and write a beautiful chapter for our family. No matter how many hardships lie ahead, we will strengthen our faith and move forward bravely, because we know that as long as we are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.