
Large cherry seedlings, cherry seedlings and other deciduous trees are recommended to be planted in autumn! What are the advantages of autumn seedling planting?

author:Small wave plum seedling base

After entering the autumn, the temperature gradually drops, the amount of water transpiration is low, the soil moisture content is stable, and in the case of high soil temperature, planting cherry seedlings can make the underground root wound heal quickly, the evaporation of the aboveground part is small, and the survival rate is high. In addition, trees are planted in the autumn and seedlings germinate in the following spring.

Large cherry seedlings, cherry seedlings and other deciduous trees are recommended to be planted in autumn! What are the advantages of autumn seedling planting?

Key points of autumn cultivation techniques for cherry seedlings.

1. It can be planted from the time the saplings fall to the time the soil freezes. Autumn should be planted as early as possible, and the leaves are best.

2. Autumn cherry seedlings should be selected from high-quality seedlings with high degree of lignification. Before the seedlings are raised, the field should be watered once, with a complete root system, the main root is more than 30 cm long, and the side roots and whisker roots are less injured. Before the root leaching solution, it is impregnated with an anti-rhizogenetic agent for cancer roots, and the seedlings should be planted with it.

3. According to the requirements of digging pits (ditches), fertilization, watering "stepping on the ground" water, configuration of pollinator trees, colonization and other technical requirements.

Large cherry seedlings, cherry seedlings and other deciduous trees are recommended to be planted in autumn! What are the advantages of autumn seedling planting?

4. Water after planting, water enough water after colonization, water the first time immediately after planting, water the second time after 1 week, water the third time after 3 weeks, and water the third time after 3 weeks.

5. When the drying is cut off after planting, the dry height is about 10 cm higher than the fixed drying requirement to prevent dry piles in winter. When the dry height is determined during the spring germination period, or when the anvil is unbound or sheared, the colonized sprouts will be unbound and the rootstock will be cut.

Key points of antifreeze technology for Cherry seedlings:

Cherry seedlings and large cherry seedlings planted in autumn have poor stress resistance, and they should do a good job in winter such as antifreeze, anti-pumping strips, and anti-winter drought.

Large cherry seedlings, cherry seedlings and other deciduous trees are recommended to be planted in autumn! What are the advantages of autumn seedling planting?

1. Tree disc cultivation soil, film, in the planted seedling rhizome part of the soil 30 cm thick, cultivated into a pile, and then covered with film, or covered grass 20 cm thick, so that both can protect the moisture, but also antifreeze, can make the saplings safely through the winter, improve the survival rate. The cultivated soil is removed at the seedling stage.

2. Wrap plastic strips on the soil in winter and wrap the saplings with plastic strips. You can choose a film film, first roll the film into rolls, cut into small pieces with pruning, and the width is about 5 cm. When winding, first wrap up from the top of the dried seedlings, press one circle at a time, tie one end of the rubber strip tightly, wrap tightly without exposing the bark, and untie the plastic strip when the spring buds germinate.

3. The northwest of the young tree is 50 cm from the root, the heap circumference is about 50 cm, and the semi-circular windshield is used to block the pile, when the northwest wind blows, the wind damage can be reduced, and at the same time, a leeward wind is formed near the root system, preventing the root extraction to form a leeward wind. This method is suitable for places where the strip is light.

4. Before the soil freezes in mid-to-late November, flood the whole park with frozen water.

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