
It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

author:Early in the morning to talk about technology

Recently, an internal notice suspected to be from a well-known car company caused an uproar on the Internet.

The content of the notice was shocking, and the senior leaders directly questioned the salespeople's performance in a stern tone, and the words were full of threats and oppression, which made people feel suffocated.

This incident quickly detonated on the Internet and became a hot topic on major social platforms.

It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

Judging from the internal notice exposed, the senior leadership of the car company requires managers at all levels to keep an eye on sales employees and exert huge pressure on them to ensure that all sales targets and work processes are strictly implemented.

The notice even reads, "At all times, under all circumstances, every sales person must be aware of their responsibilities."

If you can't do it, then you will face elimination, and the company will not raise idlers".

The leader's tone is extremely tough, as if the employees are puppets, as long as they do what they tell them to do.

It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

In the face of such a notice, many netizens felt very angry and expressed their dissatisfaction in the comment area.

Someone questioned: "The sales task is so heavy, have the company's leaders thought about improving everyone's salary?" Is the market recognition of the brand enough? Is the quality and reputation of the product acceptable? Can the intensity of marketing and promotion keep up? "Everyone thinks that the improvement of sales performance is a systematic project, which cannot be achieved by simply blaming employees, and the company's senior management must comprehensively consider all factors and come up with practical measures, rather than simply and rudely throwing the blame.

Some netizens sharply criticized this kind of leadership management style, pointing out that they only care about squeezing employees, but they are unwilling to face the root of the problem, and have no sense of empathy at all.

One netizen wrote: "Sales is not a machine, and leaders can't expect them to work day and night and treat people as cash cows."

It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

On the contrary, the company should strive to enhance the market competitiveness of products, optimize sales channels and methods, and use humanized management to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, rather than engaging in simple and crude command push, and finally forcing people away.

In addition to the dissatisfaction with the leaders of the car companies, there is also a lot of speculation about the company's identity in the comment area.

Many people have tried to deduce the source of this notice based on clues.

It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

At the same time, some enthusiastic netizens called on everyone to join the relevant discussion groups to discuss the incident and continue to pay attention to the latest developments of the situation.

It should be pointed out that there is no official response to this revelation at present, and the specific situation needs to be further verified.

We call on the majority of netizens to remain rational, not to jump to conclusions or take drastic behaviors, but to analyze the problem objectively and calmly, MultiPerspective, get comprehensive information and arguments before making judgments.

In the final analysis, the healthy development of an enterprise is inseparable from the hard work of employees, and the happiness and sense of belonging of employees are directly related to the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise.

It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

Managers and employees are a community of shared future with both prosperity and loss, and the two sides should establish a relationship of mutual trust and love, communicate sincerely, understand each other, cooperate sincerely, advance and retreat together, and work together to tide over difficulties, rather than confrontation and self-suffering.

Only in this way can the enterprise be stable and far-reaching, and the employees can live and work in peace and contentment to achieve common development.

No one is perfect, and no one is perfect.

In the face of crises and challenges, every enterprise will have more or less such problems and defects, the key is to accept criticism with an open mind, improve mistakes in a timely manner, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and take precautions.

It was reported on the Internet that a car company questioned the internal notice of its subordinates, netizens: The feeling of suffocation is coming, and no one will live

Employees should understand the current difficulties faced by the company, work together with the company, and work together to tide over the difficulties; Enterprises should also care for employees, improve the mechanism, create a good development environment, and solve the worries of employees.

Only when employees and enterprises resonate at the same frequency and work together can we work together to create a better tomorrow.

What do you think about this? Feel free to interact with me in the comment section!