
Insomnia and dreams? I will give you a "quick sleep prescription", only 2 flavors of medicine, one up and one down, and never miss

author:The director of Chinese medicine said health

Hello, I am a Chinese medicine person, Zhou Guangbai.

Do you have any of these situations? Feeling anxious, dizzy, ringing in the ears, dry mouth, irritable, noisy, dreamy, or having trouble falling asleep. These are all manifestations of yin deficiency and fire.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance of yin and yang, yin fluid helps to moisturize the body, yin fluid deficiency, yang qi is hyperactive, and insomnia will occur after a long time.

Insomnia and dreams? I will give you a "quick sleep prescription", only 2 flavors of medicine, one up and one down, and never miss

So how should this situation be regulated? Generally, it is necessary to nourish yin and clear heat.

I would like to share with you two herbs, namely Mai Dong and Xuanshen.

Among them, Mai Dong, into the Heart Sutra, can nourish the heart yin and clear the heart. Radix ginseng can nourish the kidney yin, and at the same time reduce fire, and wheat winter can be used together to treat both the symptoms and the root causes.

How did this little recipe come about?

In my early years, I served beside my teacher, and when he was faced with patients with yin deficiency and insomnia, he always instructed that when he was fine, he could use Xuanshen and Mai Dong to make water instead of tea.

Sometimes, the main prescription is discontinued, and my teacher still advises the patient to use this method to deal with the aftermath and consolidate the curative effect.

Insomnia and dreams? I will give you a "quick sleep prescription", only 2 flavors of medicine, one up and one down, and never miss

Gradually, I became impressed. Once, I asked my teacher, and he told me that this little medicine pair is called Xuandong Soup, which is from "Dialectical Theory".

Later, I also consulted the "Dialectical Record". Sure enough, I saw this in the fourth volume of "The Door of Trouble".

It also makes perfect sense to use this small recipe to treat insomnia and dreams.

In our daily life, we often suffer from excessive pressure, fatigue and exhaustion, and eventually kidney yin. Insufficient kidney yin will lead to heart and kidney disconnection, which will lead to restlessness, insomnia, dreams, and heart palpitations.

At this time, the patient's main tongue pulse is the red tongue and the pulse is fine.

Dreams, in particular, are more common. Since the patient collapsed, his mind was in turmoil, and he seemed to sleep all night, as if he had been dreaming. This phenomenon is particularly common in real life. People who always use their brains, people who have a lot of things on their minds, and people who are often depressed and unhappy are prone to this.

Insomnia and dreams? I will give you a "quick sleep prescription", only 2 flavors of medicine, one up and one down, and never miss

What to do at this time? It is necessary to nourish the yin of the heart and clear the void fire.

Therefore, we take two kinds of medicines, wheat dong and succulent, and combine them together to nourish yin and clear heat, calm the heart and calm the nerves. It is very suitable for people who are hot, noisy, dreamy, sleepless, awaken early, palpitations and palpitations, accompanied by red tongue and low spirit, and pulse count.

It's just that these two medicinal properties taste cold. Therefore, it is best to stop the illness immediately, and do not use it for a long time, so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach righteousness.

All right. I'll just tell you so much about this little experience. Hope this helps you a little.