
A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

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Zhou Xuemei, a 53-year-old bank clerk, has had an unusual habit for as long as she can remember — she never eats staple foods.

The people around her complained about it, but she enjoyed it.

It wasn't until one day three months ago that she felt inexplicably tired and weak while always in good health, and she realized that things didn't seem to be simple.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

Zhou Xuemei's eating habits have been around for a long time. Since she was a child, she didn't like to eat staple foods such as rice and steamed buns, and felt that starchy foods tasted too bland and tasteless.

On the contrary, she loves all kinds of vegetables and fruits, which she believes are not only delicious, but also rich in various nutrients. As a result, Zhou Xuemei developed a special eating habit - only eating vegetables and not staple foods.

At first, Zhou Xuemei didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

After all, she has always been healthy, energetic, and quite motivated to work.

However, as we get older, the problem becomes apparent. One day three months ago, Zhou Xuemei felt weak, dizzy, and even palpitated.

Only then did she realize that long-term picky eating may have buried hidden dangers in her body.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

After a doctor's examination, Zhou Xuemei was diagnosed with low blood sugar and a lack of B vitamins.

It turned out that not eating staple foods for a long time caused her to be seriously deficient in carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the human body, especially for organs such as the brain and muscles.

A lack of carbohydrates means that organs do not have enough "fuel" and naturally feel tired and weak [1].

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

In addition to this, staple foods are also rich in B vitamins. B vitamins are a general term for a group of water-soluble vitamins, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, etc., which are indispensable in substance metabolism and neurological maintenance [2].

Long-term deficiency of B vitamins can lead to anemia, neuritis and other diseases. Zhou Xuemei's recent fatigue, dizziness and other discomforts are closely related to the lack of B vitamins.

After learning the cause, Zhou Xuemei suddenly realized.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

What seemed to be a healthy diet has become a "killer" that endangers health.

Under the guidance of her doctor, she began to adjust her diet to moderate the intake of whole wheat bread, brown rice and other whole grains.

Since then, Zhou Xuemei no longer feels inexplicably tired and has regained her former vitality.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

"I know first-hand the importance of eating a balanced diet." Zhou Xuemei sighed, "No matter how much you like a certain food, you can't eat it partially."

Only the combination of meat and vegetables, taking into account the thickness and fineness, is the 'king' of healthy eating. "

Zhou Xuemei's story is a wake-up call for many people who are partial eaters. In fact, the hazards of picky eating are not unique.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

Studies have shown that long-term picky eating can easily lead to malnutrition, weakened immunity, and even chronic diseases [3].

Especially with age, the body's functions gradually deteriorate, and comprehensive and balanced nutritional support is more needed.

So, how to achieve a scientific and balanced diet? Nutrition experts recommend the following:

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

1. Cereals and potatoes, meat, eggs and milk, vegetables and fruits should be complete. Consume 30-50 grams of whole grains per day, with high-quality protein accounting for 10-15% of total energy, and eat more dark vegetables [4];

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

2. Less oil and less salt when cooking, mainly light;

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

3. Develop a good habit of eating regularly and quantitatively to avoid overeating;

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

4. Drink plenty of water, at least 1500ml per day;

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

5. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

A healthy diet requires a well-rounded and balanced diet.

Only by abandoning the bad habits of picky eating and picky eating, and carrying out dietary conditioning under professional guidance, can we ensure that all kinds of nutrients required by the body can be "in sufficient supply" to escort health.

Zhou Xuemei's story is a wake-up call, but it also points to a clear path to health.

May everyone take care of their "little body" and be a healthy person with a balanced diet!

A 53-year-old woman who eats only vegetables and does not eat rice every day, after three months, what changes have happened to her body?

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)


[1] Zhang Mei, Li Na. Chinese Journal of Diabetes,2010,18(3):159-162.

[2] Li Ning. Medicine and Health,2012(3):456-457.

[3] Xu Lina, Li Xiaoling. Dietary Health Care,2015(1):55-56.

[4] Chinese Nutrition Society. Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House,2016:16-25.

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