
"If you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry and cure all diseases", is there a scientific basis for the ancients not eating at noon?

author:Xiaoyu self-media 8Q
"If you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry and cure all diseases", is there a scientific basis for the ancients not eating at noon?

"Hunger cures all diseases", is it mistaken by health-conscious people? What is the scientific basis?

"If you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry and cure all diseases", is there a scientific basis for the ancients not eating at noon?

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in the mainland that "you don't eat at noon", and it is rumored that there are many high-ranking hermits who use the method of "Bigu" to make their cultivation more sophisticated. In the case that our modern living standards are getting better and better, people's dietary standards are getting higher and higher, and more and more people are beginning to pay attention to dietary health. It is even generally felt that eating too much and being healthy have become a contradictory thing. Let's talk about this phenomenon in depth today.

Nowadays, most families come home after a hard day's work, and all they want most is to prepare a good dinner with their family, and the family sits around the table while eating and chatting. Enjoy the warmest family atmosphere of the day, and you will eat before you know it. Some people are hungry and tired because of the hard work of the day.

"If you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry and cure all diseases", is there a scientific basis for the ancients not eating at noon?

The feeling of satiety after eating is particularly easy to make people sleepy, so many people choose to go to bed early, and there are also sitting still on the sofa to play mobile phone entertainment and rest, this kind of problem is now very common.

Our scientific advice for this group of people is that we try to drink a little soup before meals when we go home, which can protect the gastric mucosa and reduce some hunger, so that we can still achieve a certain amount of dieting when we are eating. In this way, the burden on the digestive system will be relatively reduced before we fall asleep.

"If you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry and cure all diseases", is there a scientific basis for the ancients not eating at noon?

There are also a large number of young people and migrant workers, most of their diet is based on fast food, because of the usual overtime and usually late sleep, many people will choose to order a takeout before bed. This lifestyle is very unhealthy. The principle of our dietary rules is to eat small and frequent meals, and to maintain a slight hunger pang on a regular basis has a very good effect on the circulation and digestive system in the body, which is what we often call the "seven points full" state.

"If you don't eat dinner, you will be hungry and cure all diseases", is there a scientific basis for the ancients not eating at noon?

In addition, because of some women's love for beauty, some healthy ways about controlling diet have evolved into many methods, and many people basically don't eat staple foods. Skip dinner and substitute fruits for grains and vegetables. In fact, each of these methods has its own drawbacks. We must choose the method according to our physical condition.

Many people are prone to lack of nutrition if they don't eat dinner, and after a period of time, it is easy to rebound back, and it is easy to cause gastrointestinal disorders. Impaired gastrointestinal function can lead to a series of reactions, such as diarrhea, bloating, indigestion and other phenomena.

Therefore, there is no scientific basis for saying that skipping dinner has no benefit for anything, we can eat less but not skip it, and we can do it in moderation.

Okay, I'll share this with you today,

Thank you for your interest and we'll see you next time!