
He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, and because of his whim, he quit the party and lived to be 93 years old

author:Meow meow talks about things

China in the 1920s was in turmoil. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the New Culture Movement swept across the country, and students and intellectuals became the vanguard of social change. Peking University is an important stage for this movement. In this context, Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and others began to explore Marxism, laying the groundwork for the later founding of the Communist Party of China. Zhang Shenfu, a talented man born in Hebei, also drifted here in such a wave of the times, and formed an indissoluble bond with the future party leaders.

He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, and because of his whim, he quit the party and lived to be 93 years old

Zhang Shenfu's life can be said to be full of ups and downs, full of drama. Born in 1893 in a wealthy family in Hebei, he received a good education from an early age and has a deep foundation in traditional culture. In 1911, Zhang Shenfu went to Beijing alone to study in the preparatory department of Peking University, and then was admitted to the Department of Philosophy, but finally turned to the Department of Mathematics before the threshold of the Department of Philosophy. In this process of transformation, Zhang Shenfu's interest in philosophy did not wane, and he was especially attracted by Russell's logical analysis.

In 1917, Zhang Shenfu became an assistant teacher at Peking University, during which he became acquainted with Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu. The three of them gradually reached a consensus on ideology, and their study of Marxism became more and more in-depth. When Li Dazhao was busy with official business, Zhang Shenfu often helped manage the library, and occasionally argued with the librarian, a young Mao Zedong.

He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, and because of his whim, he quit the party and lived to be 93 years old

"Teacher Zhang, I have already sorted out this book." The young Mao Zedong handed a stack of books to Zhang Shenfu.

Zhang Shenfu flipped through the pages, frowned and said, "The handwriting is still too sloppy, you can change it again." ”

This rigorous attitude has made Zhang Shenfu's prestige in Peking University increasing day by day. In 1920, under the impetus of Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu, he began to plan the establishment of a new political organization. With the joint efforts of the trio, the Chinese Communist Party was finally founded in 1921.

Zhangshenfu's influence is not limited to China. At the end of 1920, he went to France to teach logic at the recommendation of Cai Yuanpei. During his time in France, Zhang Shenfu continued to use his abilities to introduce a number of future party and state leaders to the Chinese Communist Party.

He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, and because of his whim, he quit the party and lived to be 93 years old

After returning to China in 1924, the fate of Zhang Shenfu gradually changed. He was appointed by Sun Yat-sen as the deputy director of the Whampoa Military Academy, responsible for the selection and education of cadets. The conflict with Chiang Kai-shek made him feel that it was difficult for the right-leaning forces in the Kuomintang to work together, and he finally resigned because he was dissatisfied with Chiang's right-leaning policies.

In 1925, the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party became increasingly apparent. At the Fourth Party Congress, Zhang Shenfu firmly opposed continued cooperation with the Kuomintang, believing that such cooperation put the Communist Party in a weak position. His position was so fierce that he even got into heated arguments with many of the leaders in the meeting. Emotional, he asked in a loud voice: "Are we really ready to succumb to someone else's conspiracy forever?" Where is our original intention? As soon as these words came out, the venue was silent, and although Zhang Shenfu's words were sharp, they also reflected the true thoughts of some people in the party.

He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, and because of his whim, he quit the party and lived to be 93 years old

The complexity of politics far exceeded Zhang's expectations. Most of the leaders present at the meeting finally decided to continue to cooperate, but Zhang Shenfu was deeply disappointed and finally chose to quit the party in 1927. After that, he stayed away from politics and lived a secluded life in the suburbs of Beijing.

There, he devoted most of his time to research and writing, occasionally interacting with former friends such as Chen Duxiu. Although he has left the political arena, he has always been concerned and worried about the changes in the country.

In 1986, Zhang Shenfu passed away peacefully in Beijing. Although his death did not cause much of a stir, the eulogy in the People's Daily referred to him as an "old friend of the Communist Party", and this subtle and affectionate mourning also reflected recognition and respect for his early contributions. His life is a microcosm of that turbulent era, full of ideals, frustrations and contemplations.

He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, and because of his whim, he quit the party and lived to be 93 years old

Zhang Shenfu's life is a profound embodiment of the compromise between ideals and reality. Although he eventually chose to retire from politics, his persistent pursuit of knowledge and unremitting search for justice are still remembered by future generations. His experience reminds us that history is not only written by the victors, but also by those who work silently behind the scenes, even to be thwarted by perseverance, and who also make up the richness of this vast history. In the torrent of each era, their choices and sacrifices are silent and powerful interpretations of the future.