
The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

In ancient China, there was a small mountain village called Qingyang, which was surrounded by mountains, with beautiful scenery and sparsely populated people. There is a family in the village, the male owner is named Li Zhong, his wife died of illness at an early age, leaving a lovely daughter named Li Wan'er. In order to take care of his daughter, Li Zhong never remarried. Until Wan'er was ten years old, Li Zhong couldn't stand the discussion in the village and remarried a woman named Wang Xiu'e.

Wang Xiu'e is beautiful, but her heart is not as pure as her appearance. After she married into the Li family, she didn't love Wan'er, but became jealous. She was jealous that Wan'er had inherited all of Li Zhong's favors, and she was jealous of Wan'er's innate beauty and intelligence. So, she often found fault and bullied Wan'er, making Wan'er's life very difficult.

One day, Wang Xiu'e suddenly fell ill, and the doctor invited her said that her illness needed a rare medicinal herb - ginseng to be cured. Ginseng grows deep in the mountains and is very rare. In order to save his wife, Li Zhong decided to go up the mountain to find it himself. However, he walked through the nearby mountains and forests, but found nothing.

Wang Xiu'e was dissatisfied when she saw Li Zhong returning empty-handed, so she said to Wan'er: "Wan'er, if you really want to save your mother, go to the mountain to find that ginseng." Mother knows that you are smart and clever, and you will definitely be able to find it. Although Wan'er was scared, she thought that her stepmother was seriously ill, so she mustered up the courage to agree.

Early the next morning, Wan'er carried a bamboo basket on her back, dry food and water, and embarked on the arduous road of searching for ginseng. She made her way through the jungle and over the stream, overcoming many difficulties along the way. By the time she reached the foot of a steep mountain, she was exhausted.

Wan'er was sitting resting under an old pine tree when she suddenly heard a faint cry. She followed the sound and saw a boy in ragged clothes sitting not far away with a white fox in his arms. The boy looked not much older than Wan'er, but his eyes were full of sadness and determination.

The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

Wan'er walked over curiously and asked, "Little brother, why are you here alone?" What happened to that white fox? The boy looked up at Wan'er with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He put down the white fox and said slowly: "My name is Xiaofeng, and this white fox is my friend. It was wounded, and I couldn't find a cure for it. ”

Wan'er listened to Xiaofeng's words, and couldn't help but feel a wave of sympathy in her heart. She took out the dry food and water she brought, handed it to Xiao Feng and said, "You can eat something first, I'll come and see this white fox." Wan'er squatted down and carefully examined the white fox's wound and found that it was very badly injured. She thought for a moment, took out some self-picked herbs from the bamboo basket, and gently applied them to the white fox's wound.

Xiao Feng watched Wan'er's skillful movements, and a trace of admiration flashed in her eyes. He asked, "Sister, are you here to collect medicine in the mountains?" Wan'er nodded and said, "I'm here to find ginseng, my stepmother is sick and needs ginseng for treatment." Xiao Feng listened, was silent for a while, and then said, "I know where there is ginseng, I can take you there." ”

Wan'er was pleasantly surprised and hurriedly thanked her. Xiaofeng picked up the white fox and led Wan'er to the deep mountains. They walked through the dense forest, over the stream, and into a secluded valley. The valley is full of herbs, including ginseng, which grows luxuriantly.

Wan'er carefully dug out the ginseng, her heart full of joy. She looked at Xiaofeng gratefully and said, "Thank you, little brother, if you hadn't brought me here, I might never have found this ginseng." Xiaofeng smiled and said, "No need to thank Sister Xie, I'm glad to help you." ”

After the two said goodbye, Wan'er returned home with ginseng. Wang Xiu'e saw that Wan'er had really found the ginseng, and although she was surprised, she was more happy. After she took ginseng, her condition gradually improved.

However, Wang Xiu'e was not grateful to Wan'er for this, but was even more jealous of her intelligence and bravery. She began to bully Wan'er even harder, and even tried to kick her out of the house. Although Li Zhong felt sorry for his daughter, he did not dare to disobey his wife's wishes.

The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

Wan'er was abused by Wang Xiu'e, and her life became more and more difficult. But she didn't succumb to fate, and she firmly believed that as long as she worked hard, she would one day change all that. And the friendship between Xiaofeng and her has also become the warmest force in her heart.

This bizarre and magnificent folk tale spread in Qingyang Village. People say that Wan'er is a brave and kind girl, while Xiaofeng is a mysterious and cute boy. Their friendship and experience have become the most touching legends in the village.

And Wang Xiu'e's jealousy and viciousness were also spurned and condemned by the villagers. She eventually died of a serious illness, and her death did not bring much sadness to the village, but rather made people breathe a sigh of relief.

Since Wang Xiu'e's death, Li Zhong's attitude towards Wan'er has changed significantly. He felt guilty that he had failed to protect his daughter and make her life so difficult in the shadow of her stepmother. He began to double down on Wan'er and try to make up for his past debts.

Although Wan'er has gone through many hardships, she has not become complaining. On the contrary, she became stronger and kinder. She knew her father's hardships and understood his efforts. Therefore, she did not resent her father because of the pain of the past, but cherished her family relationship with him even more.

Xiaofeng is still Wan'er's closest friend. The two often go up the mountain to collect medicine together and share the bits and pieces of life together. Although Xiaofeng's background is mysterious, he is very sincere to Wan'er. He often helped Wan'er solve difficulties, making her feel the warmth and care she had never felt before.

The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

One day, when Wan'er and Xiaofeng were collecting medicine on the mountain, they suddenly encountered a fierce beast. The beast opened its bloody jaws and pounced on the two of them. Wan'er was frightened and panicked, but Xiaofeng calmly blocked in front of her. At some point, a sharp dagger appeared in his hand, and a fierce fight began with the beast.

After a fierce battle, Xiaofeng finally subdued the beast. He picked up the frightened Wan'er and gently wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. Wan'er looked at Xiao Feng's firm eyes and heroic posture, and her heart was full of gratitude and admiration.

This experience deepened the friendship between the two. They support each other and face life's challenges together. Wan'er's bravery and kindness infected Xiaofeng and made him more cheerful and optimistic. And Xiaofeng's mystery and power also make Wan'er full of anticipation and curiosity about life.

As time passed, both Wan'er and Xiaofeng grew up. Wan'er is slim and smart; Xiaofeng has become handsome and chic, and his skills are extraordinary. The relationship between the two has gradually sublimated into deep love.

However, their path to love was not smooth. The people in the village talked a lot about their relationship, believing that their identities were too different to be together. But Wan'er and Xiaofeng were not swayed by these gossips, they firmly believed that their feelings were sincere and worth cherishing.

In the end, Wan'er and Xiaofeng overcame many difficulties and came together. They became husband and wife and managed a mountain forest of their own together. They planted herbs in this mountain forest and treated the sick; They help the villagers solve their difficulties and convey kindness and love.

Their story spread in Qingyang Village and became a good story in people's mouths. People say that Wan'er and Xiaofeng are a natural couple, and their love has been tested and tempered, and finally blooms with dazzling light.

The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

And the valley that once gave birth to ginseng has also become a testimony of their love. When spring comes, the herbs in the valley bloom and give off a faint aroma. The aroma seems to tell the story of Wan'er and Xiaofeng, making people feel the power and beauty of love.

After Wan'er and Xiaofeng got married, their lives were simple and happy. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and together they run the mountain forest and herb garden. Wan'er is smart and clever, and is good at growing and concocting herbs; Xiao Feng is very skilled, often going out to hunt and bringing abundant food to the family.

Their love is also like the herbs in the valley, which has experienced the baptism of wind and rain, and has become more and more tenacious and deep. They support each other to face life's challenges together. Whether it is a difficulty or joy, they are willing to share it with each other and get through it together.

However, the calm days did not last long. One day, a sudden flood broke out in the mountains, and many villagers' homes were washed away. Wan'er and Xiaofeng saw all this, and their hearts were full of worry. They decided to put aside what they were doing and go to help the villagers who had been affected by the disaster.

They went door-to-door and delivered food and herbs to the villagers. With their own hands, they built temporary shelters for the villagers. Their kindness touched the villagers, and they all expressed their desire to work together to rebuild their homes.

In the process of helping the villagers, Wan'er and Xiaofeng discover an herb that can treat common ailments after flooding. They immediately began to collect and concoct the herb and distribute it to the villagers who needed it. The effect of this herb is very good, and many villagers have been relieved of their illness.

The stepmother was jealous of her stepdaughter and drove her up the mountain to look for ginseng, and met a boy hugging a white fox under the tree

After the flood, Qingyang Village gradually regained its former vitality with the help of Wan'er and Xiaofeng. The villagers' gratitude to them was palpable, and they became the most respected people in the village.

However, Wan'er and Xiaofeng were not complacent because of this. They remain humble and kind, and continue to help the villagers. They know that their happiness comes from the support and trust of the villagers, and they are willing to use their strength to repay this trust.

Time flies, and the story of Wan'er and Xiaofeng has been passed down from generation to generation in Qingyang Village. Their love, their kindness, their bravery and wisdom have all become models for future generations to follow. Whenever someone mentions their story, they sigh and rejoice in their happy ending.

And the valley that once witnessed the love between Wan'er and Xiaofeng has also become a holy place in the hearts of the villagers. Every spring, everyone comes here to pay homage to the souls of the loving couple and pray for their blessing and protection.

In this mysterious and beautiful mountain forest, the story of Wan'er and Xiaofeng will be sung forever, and their love will never wither like the herbs in the valley.

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