
The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

The blacksmith rushed to meet his dead mother on the road at night

In an ancient and quiet town, there is a blacksmith named Li Tiezhu, who is known for his exquisite craftsmanship. He was a burly man, with a resolute countenance, and a pair of large hands that were rough and powerful, a testimony to his many years of tempering iron. Li Tiezhu has a bold and helpful personality, and the residents of the town are full of praise for him.

In the evening, dark clouds were thick, thunder was rumbling, and a rainstorm was coming. Li Tiezhu had just finished building a sharp hoe for a farmer and was packing up his tools and preparing to go home. Seeing this, the farmer persuaded him to stay and shelter from the rain, but Li Tiezhu waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't care if I get drenched in the rain, and I still have my wife and children waiting for me at home." ”

Li Tiezhu put on a robe, put on a hat, carried a lantern, and set foot on the way home. The night is getting darker, the wind and rain are combined, and the road under your feet is barely visible on the muddy path. Li Tiezhu walked shallow and shallow, but thinking about the warmth of home in his heart, he couldn't help but speed up a little.

After walking for a while, Li Tiezhu suddenly found a dilapidated temple in front of him, and the temple door was ajar, as if inviting him to go in to take shelter from the rain. Li Tiezhu hesitated for a moment, but thinking of the expectant eyes of his wife and children at home, he still decided to continue on his way. At this moment, a cold wind blew, and there were strange sounds in the temple, as if someone was whispering. Li Tiezhu's heart tightened and he quickened his pace.

At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in his sight. It was a middle-aged woman with a kind face and a look of concern in her eyes. Li Tiezhu was stunned, because the woman was his mother, who had been dead for many years. He couldn't believe his eyes, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Mother, is it you?" ”

The woman smiled and nodded, and said softly, "Iron pillar, why are you still in a hurry with such a heavy rain?" Li Tiezhu burst into tears, threw himself into his mother's arms, and choked up: "Mother, I miss you so much." How did you end up here? ”

The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

The mother gently stroked his head and said softly, "Child, I know you are hard. But you have to remember to persevere no matter what difficulties come your way. Also, you can't go in that ruined temple to take shelter from the rain. ”

Li Tiezhu's heart sank and asked, "Why?" Mother, do you know something? The mother's face suddenly became solemn, and she said in a low voice: "That temple is not clean, and there are evil spirits at work. If you go in, I am afraid that you will be in danger. ”

After Li Tiezhu heard this, he was afraid for a while. He shuddered as he remembered the strange voice he had just heard. He held his mother's hand tightly and said, "Mother, then you can go home with me." I want to see you every day. ”

The mother shook her head and sighed, "Son, I am no longer in this world. I can show up just to remind you. You have to live well and take care of your family. After saying that, the mother's figure gradually became blurred.

Li Tiezhu stretched out his hand in a panic, trying to grab his mother, but only grabbed a piece of nothingness. He shouted his mother's name, but all he could do was the howling wind and the pouring rain.

Li Tiezhu stood in place, his heart full of endless sadness and loss. He knew that his mother had left him forever. But he also understands that his mother's words are meant to protect him from danger.

He wiped away his tears, took a deep breath, puffed up his chest, and continued on his way home. He knows that no matter how many difficulties and dangers lie ahead, he must face them strongly, because he is the pillar of the family and the support of his wife and children.

The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Li Tiezhu's clothes were already soaked. But instead of stopping, he picked up the pace. He knew that only by returning home as soon as possible could he give his wife and children peace of mind.

Just as he was about to walk out of the forest, he glanced back at the dilapidated temple. I saw that the temple was crumbling in the wind and rain, as if it would collapse at any moment. He was glad in his heart, glad that he didn't go in to take shelter from the rain, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Finally, Li Tiezhu returned home. He pushed open the door and saw his wife holding the child anxiously waiting for him. Seeing him return safely, his wife wept with joy and hugged him tightly. Li Tiezhu also shed tears of happiness, he knew that no matter what difficulties he encountered, as long as he had the company and support of his family, he would be able to face everything bravely.

Since then, Li Tiezhu has cherished the time with his family more and worked harder. He used his own hands to create a warm and happy home for his family. And he often thinks of his mother's words, always reminding himself to be strong, brave and kind.

The dilapidated temple collapsed in a rainstorm not long after, reducing it to ruins. The townspeople said that it was a symbol of the expulsion of the evil spirit, and that it was also the result of Li Tiezhu's mother's blessing in the heavens. And Li Tiezhu silently thanked his mother in his heart and thanked her for giving him a second chance at life.

Since that night, Li Tiezhu's life seems to have returned to peace. He worked hard every day, taking care of his wife and children, but his heart was always haunted by his mother's advice and instructions that night. In the dead of night, he would think of his mother's kind face and warm words, and his heart would be filled with endless thoughts.

The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

The days passed, and in the blink of an eye it was autumn. On this day, news came from the town that a ferocious beast had appeared in the nearby mountains and had injured many passers-by. The people of the town are terrified, fearing that they will be the next target of the beast.

After Li Tiezhu heard about this, he couldn't help but think of his mother's words. He knew that as the blacksmith in the town, he had a responsibility to protect the safety of his fellow villagers. So, he decided to step up and get rid of the beast for the people of the town.

He crafted a sharp iron spear and prepared to head into the mountains to find the beast's tracks. Before leaving, he went to his mother's grave and silently prayed that his mother would bless him with a safe return.

Li Tiezhu carried an iron spear on his back and set foot on the road to the mountain. The mountain road was rough and full of thorns, but he was undaunted and went all the way. After several days of searching, he finally found the trail of the beast.

It was a huge black bear with fierce eyes and exposed fangs. Li Tiezhu's heart froze, but he did not flinch, but raised the iron spear and bravely rushed towards the black bear. After a fierce struggle, Li Tiezhu finally subdued the black bear and eliminated a harm for the people.

After the people in the town learned the news, they came to congratulate Li Tiezhu. They praised him as the hero of the town and the guardian of everyone. Li Tiezhu modestly said that he just did what he was supposed to do.

In the evening, Li Tiezhu returned home, tired but satisfied. He sat in front of the stove, watching his wife's busy figure, and his heart was full of happiness. At this moment, a breeze blew, and he seemed to smell his mother's familiar breath again.

The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

He raised his head and looked out the window, only to see a bright moon hanging high and the stars shining. His heart moved, and he seemed to understand something. He knew that his mother had always been by his side, silently guarding him, giving him strength and courage.

Since then, Li Tiezhu has strengthened his beliefs, and he has used his actions to protect the peace of the town and the happiness of his family. And the adventures of that rainy night and the teachings of his mother have also become the most valuable treasures in his life, guiding him to a better future.

Li Tiezhu's story of getting rid of the black bear became a good story in the town, and his fame gradually spread throughout the neighboring villages and towns. However, instead of being complacent, he became more humble and low-key. He knows that his success is inseparable from his mother's teachings and the support of his fellow villagers.

Day after day, year after year, Li Tiezhu's blacksmith shop prospered, and he gradually became the richest man in town. However, he did not forget his original intention, and still insisted on working hard every day, using his own hands to create various farm tools and household tools for the villagers.

On this day, Li Tiezhu was busy in the shop when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. When he walked out of the shop, he saw a group of villagers running in a panic, shouting, "The monster is coming!" Youkai are coming! ”

Li Tiezhu was shocked and hurriedly inquired about the situation. It turned out that a huge monster suddenly appeared in the nearby mountain forest, it was huge and powerful, and it had already hurt many innocent villagers. The villagers had no choice but to flee in all directions.

The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

After Li Tiezhu heard this, a strong sense of responsibility surged in his heart. He knew that as the town's blacksmith and former hero, he had an obligation to protect the safety of his fellow villagers. So, he decided to stand up again and eradicate harm for the people.

He returned to the shop and began crafting a weapon capable of dealing with youkai. He worked day and night, forgetting to sleep and eat, and finally built a powerful hammer. He took his hammer and set out on his way to the mountains.

The mountain road was rugged, but Li Tiezhu was undaunted. He climbed mountain after mountain peak and finally came to the cave where the youkai were hiding. He took a deep breath and raised his hammer, ready to start a life-and-death struggle with the youkai.

At this moment, a gentle wind blew, and he seemed to smell his mother's breath again. He looked back, but saw an empty mountain forest. His heart moved, and he seemed to hear his mother's voice: "Iron Pillar, go and fight bravely." I will always be with you. ”

A warm current surged in Li Tiezhu's heart, and he felt his mother's support and encouragement. Convinced, he raised his hammer and rushed into the cave. After a thrilling fight, he finally defeated the monster and did no harm to the people.

When Li Tiezhu returned to the town with the corpse of the monster, the villagers poured into the streets, cheering for his victory. They are proud to have such a hero, and they are also relieved to have such a guardian.

The blacksmith rushed to meet the dead mother on the night road, the dead mother: don't take shelter from the rain in the broken temple

Li Tiezhu modestly said that he just did what he was supposed to do. He knew that his mother's teachings had always guided him in his heart to become a brave, kind, and responsible person.

Since then, Li Tiezhu's reputation has become even louder, and his deeds have been praised through the ages. And that rainy night, that ruined temple, and the kind dead mother have also become eternal legends in the hearts of the people of the town. When night falls and the moonlight shines on the land, people are reminded of the brave blacksmith and the miraculous dead mother he met.