
Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

author:My Chef Lai

"The pomegranate blossoms shine brightly in May, and the first fruits of the pomegranate are seen between the branches", the pomegranate flowers are in full bloom in May, and the small pomegranate fruits that bear fruit can be seen between the branches and leaves. May is the alternating season of spring and summer, and the weather slowly changes from warm to hot. In this climate, the diet should be adjusted appropriately and eat less beef, lamb and pork. Because beef and mutton belong to hair and are hot food, eating too much will make the body more dry. Pork is high in fat, greasy to eat, and easy to gain weight.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

Some people say that you should eat mutton in summer, but now that it has just entered summer, it belongs to the early summer season. And the custom of eating mutton is on dog days, at least after the summer heat, and then eat it on dog days. Therefore, entering May, we must eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that our legs and feet are strong, and our spirits are strong.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

Whelk chicken wings are a very delicious casserole dish, with its delicious taste and rich nutrition, which can not only satisfy cravings, but also enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

Chicken wings are high-protein and low-fat meat foods, and the nature is not lukewarm, dry, cold or cold, in early summer, choose to eat chicken, better than eating mutton and pork.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

The snail meat is rich in protein and amino acids, which is why it tastes so delicious. In addition, the snail is also rich in vitamins and a variety of trace elements, which can replenish trace elements for the body after eating.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

Here's how to make a chicken wing pot with radish:

Ingredients: 150 grams of whelks, 9 chicken wings, small onions, garlic, ginger, shallots.

Seasonings required: salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, pepper, starch, cooking oil.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

1. Clean the chicken wings, then cut them in the middle, add a pinch of salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and 1 tablespoon of cooking wine. Add another tablespoon of starch and marinate for more than 10 minutes.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

2. Clean the snails, put the cleaned snails into a pot, add some water, cooking wine and green onion and ginger. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, remove and set aside.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

3. Heat the oil, first put the marinated chicken wings in the pan and fry until the surface of the chicken wings is browned, turn off the heat and set aside.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

4. Prepare a casserole, add oil after heating, add ginger, garlic and onion and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the snails and continue to stir-fry for about three minutes.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

5. Then put the fried chicken wings into the casserole, pour in some cooking wine, add a spoonful of soy sauce to taste, then cover the casserole lid, and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

After 6 or 5 minutes, sprinkle some shallots, stir-fry evenly, and then you can get out of the pot.

Entering May, eat less mutton and pork, and eat more of these two kinds of meat, so that your legs and feet are strong, and your spirit is headed

The chicken absorbs the umami of the snail, and the meat is tender and delicious, while the meat of the snail is still chewy.
