
Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

My neighbor's Lao Wang's blood pressure has been unstable recently, and after the doctor carefully inquired about his lifestyle habits, he found that the problem may be in his daily diet.

Lao Wang always thought that eating more green vegetables must be good for his health, but he didn't expect that some green vegetables are green;

But for people with high blood pressure, it can cause blood pressure to rise unexpectedly.

Today, I want to talk to you about high blood pressure and diet.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

We all know that high blood pressure is a health problem that should not be underestimated, and diet plays a vital role in controlling blood pressure.

But you know what? Some seemingly light green vegetables are not suitable for people with high blood pressure.

First, 3 kinds of greens that patients with high blood pressure should be careful of

1. Pickled vegetables

Do you like that plate of pickles or kimchi on the table? Despite their delicious taste, they hide the secret weapon of high blood pressure - salt.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

These pickled products are made with a lot of salt just because of the unique flavor.

But the sodium in salt can make our blood pressure rise quietly, which is not good for people with high blood pressure.

2. Boiled vegetables

I know that many people like to boil it in water to reduce their fat intake.

However, boiled food does not mean a low-salt diet.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

Many times, in order to enhance the taste, we will sprinkle a handful of salt on the boiled dishes, or serve them with soy sauce, bean paste, etc.

While these seasonings make dishes tastier, they also make sodium levels skyrocket.

3. Kelp and other seaweeds

Seaweed foods such as kelp and seaweed are rich in iodine, which is important for thyroid function.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

However, they also contain more sodium, just like salt, which can increase blood pressure if consumed in excess.

So, as wonderful as a gift from the ocean is, eat it in moderation.

Second, how should patients with hypertension control sodium intake in their daily diet

1. Reduce the use of salt and condiments with high sodium content in cooking

During the cooking process, less salt and condiments with high sodium content, such as monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc., are used.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

These condiments can increase the taste of food, but excessive intake can increase the risk of high blood pressure.

2. Avoid or reduce processed foods with high sodium content

Many processed foods contain high amounts of sodium, such as pickles, ham, roasted nuts and pickled products.

These foods should be avoided or reduced as much as possible.

3. Use a quantitative salt spoon

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

During cooking, it is recommended to use a dosing salt spoon, which allows you to control the amount of salt;

Help remind yourself and others to control your sodium intake.

4. Add salt at the end of the stir-fry

Do not put salt too early so that it does not seep into the food cubes during cooking;

Instead, more salt is needed to have the same salty taste.

5. Choose fresh food

In the choice of food, it is recommended not to eat pickled and smoked food;

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

Because these foods are preserved with a lot of salt, they are high in sodium.

6. Be aware of other sources of sodium

In addition to table salt, some carbonated drinks, functional drinks or sports drinks can contain sodium.

These beverages are not recommended unless they are truly needed.

7. Choose low-sodium salt appropriately

People with good renal function, i.e., normal urine output, can choose low-sodium salt.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

Low-sodium salt contains 30% potassium chloride and 70% sodium chloride, which can reduce sodium intake.

8. Calcium supplementation is also very important

Calcium is a trace element that the human body needs to supplement, and proper calcium supplementation can increase the contractility of the myocardium;

The calcium flow of vascular intimal cells is relatively stable and not prone to damage.

3. How do hypertensive patients exercise to lower blood pressure?

People with high blood pressure should prioritize aerobic exercise when choosing an exercise program:

Such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc., these exercises can improve heart and lung function, promote blood circulation, and lower blood pressure.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week.

In addition, people with high blood pressure can choose mild to moderate strength training:

Such as weightlifting, push-ups, sit-ups, etc., which help to build muscle strength and endurance and improve the body's metabolism.

Strength training is recommended at least twice a week.

Flexibility training is also a suitable type of exercise for people with high blood pressure:

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

Such as yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc.;

These exercises can improve the body's flexibility and balance, reducing the risk of sports injuries.

It is recommended to do flexibility training at least twice a week.

People with high blood pressure should consult their doctor before starting any exercise program;

To ensure that the type and intensity of exercise chosen is appropriate for the individual's health condition.

Tell your parents: Eat less of the 4 kinds of vegetables for high blood pressure, be careful to let your blood pressure rise, and remove them from the table as soon as possible

During exercise, care should be taken to gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise to avoid excessive fatigue and injury.

At the same time, patients with hypertension should also pay attention to the adjustment of diet and lifestyle habits;

For example, reduce salt intake, quit smoking and limit alcohol, etc., to achieve a better blood pressure lowering effect.

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