
The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

author:Foshan News

"There are many mothers among my students, they are very interested in handmade clothes, and want to make clothes for their babies by themselves, or make cheongsams for themselves and their mothers......" Before Mother's Day this year, Chancheng Baoma Xueyu, as an industry expert, was invited to be a guest on the radio program, telling her love for her current profession.

On Mother's Day, insurance salesman Ah Fang spent half a day in the office, wanting to take advantage of his free time to rush his performance. And her children play happily in the exclusive children's corner more than ten meters away from the office seat and accompany their mother to work.

They are in different industries, but what they have in common is that their profession can meet the needs of "taking care of the baby with one hand and making money with the other", and has a resounding name - "Mother Gang".

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

Xue Yu at work. / Photo by Lin Xiaoping, reporter of Chancheng Rong Media Center

As the name suggests, the "mother's post" is designed for women who are raising children, and refers to the employment positions provided for women who are of legal working age and have the obligation to support children under the age of 12, so that mothers can balance work and childcare.

For these mothers who are engaged in the "mother post" in Chancheng, what does the "mother post" bring to them, and what are their views and suggestions?

Dare to switch tracks

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Before becoming a stay-at-home mother, Xue Yu was a fashion designer, and the studio business was booming. However, after giving birth to a child, in Xue Yu's own words, the former "workaholic" has become a "burnt" novice mother. Xue Yu thought about it again and again, and decided to press the pause button on her career and concentrate on taking care of the baby.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

Xue Yu worked as a lecturer at salon activities. / Courtesy of the interviewee

Last year, when the child turned one and a half years old, Xue Yu wanted to return to the workplace, and was willing to "downgrade her salary", and after looking for 3 months, she found an opportunity to work in the company's back-office. I thought it was a position that was "close to home and less work", but who knew that it was not going well. In order to take care of the children, Xue Yu asked for leave and was late several times, and felt the strange eyes cast by her colleagues who did not understand.

Later, Xue Yu came into contact with the "Mother Gang" public welfare training class in Chancheng. "This opened my career thinking and made me decide to regain my old professional skills, learn new skills, and seek a new career track." Xue Yu said.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

Xue Yu put into work. / Photo by Lin Xiaoping, reporter of Chancheng Rong Media Center

After more than half a year of learning and art training, this year, Xue Yu joined Foshan Aimei Culture Media Company, which is the "Chancheng Lingjie Mamagang (Hong Kong) High-quality Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base". Xue Yu has become a clothing stylist, and can flexibly take orders according to customer appointments.

Now, Xue Yu has regained the "initiative" in work and life. She said that she only allocates two or three days a week for work, and the rest of the time is used to accompany her children, take care of her family, and carry out self-media operations and other learning improvements. "In the first two weeks of May, I completed 2 salon lecturers' business orders and 2 sewing hand private lessons, and I have received more than 5,000 yuan in income." Xue Yu said happily.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

In September 2023, a flexible employment public welfare training class in Chancheng focused on the "door-to-door economy" content of nail art. /Data map

"At this stage, I define myself as a freelancer with my family at the center of my life." Xue Yu believes that the society should develop more flexible employment opportunities suitable for women of childbearing age, so that leaving mothers can also have abundant employment opportunities and outlets.

Some survey conclusions confirm Xue Yu's view. Last year, the Women's Research Institute of the All-China Women's Federation conducted a survey on the situation of stay-at-home mothers under the age of 40 in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, showing that more than eighty percent of them have plans to re-employ, and nearly half of them hope to be able to work part-time and flexibly.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

Foshan's "Kung Fu Sister-in-law" domestic labor service brand provides free skills training for students. /Data map

In Chancheng, the Human Resources and Social Security, the Women's Federation and other departments have actively promoted "She Employment", and in recent years, they have vigorously created employment service brands such as "Chancheng Lingjie Magang (Hong Kong)", Foshan "Kung Fu Family Sister-in-law", "New Entrepreneur Alliance", etc., which have basically realized the "doorstep employment service circle", quietly affecting many women and their families.

Take care of the baby at work

Open a different kind of workplace "open hanging" mode

Recently, the topic of "Can the mother's post alleviate women's employment anxiety after childbirth" has been on the hot search and aroused heated discussions among netizens. In the view of Li Beibei, who is engaged in the "mother post", the "mother post" position does allow him to take care of family and work.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

Li Beibei at work. / Courtesy of the interviewee

About four years ago, Li Beibei quit his job as a general worker and took care of the baby full-time in Chancheng. "Before, because of my youngest daughter's health and the need to take care of the child in an all-round way, I chose to become a full-time mother. Later, when my youngest daughter's health improved, I wanted to find a job with flexible hours and take on some of the financial burden for my family. ”

In August last year, Li Beibei saw the job posting for the "Mother Gang" position in the gig market of the "Creative Gathering Industry" in Chancheng District, and after two rounds of interviews, she was admitted as the "Mother Gang" on-site service specialist, mainly responsible for collecting local gig jobs and providing services for flexible employees.

Li Beibei said that every day, she goes to work on time after sending her children to school, and she can also get off work a little earlier in the afternoon and pick up her children home. To this end, she has worked very hard and has helped many people find part-time jobs.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

On March 6 this year, the site of the special job fair for women in Chancheng District. / Photo by Chancheng financial media reporter Lin Xiaoping

A few years after leaving her job, Bao's mother Afang also found a satisfactory "mother post" job. Different from Li Beibei's public welfare position, Ah Fang works for an insurance company. "We have a team of more than 200 people, and the Bao Ma employees account for six or seven percent, and they are all respected at some age, and more importantly, the needs of the Gu family with the baby can be accepted." Ah Fang said.

As a telesales customer service, Ah Fang needs to work for seven or eight hours on a working day, but the commuting time is relatively flexible, and temporary leave is allowed. If you can control the working hours, you will get more for more work. ”

In order to make it easier for employees to settle their children, Ah Fang's company has also set up a children's reading corner in the office, and Ah Fang and her colleagues often bring their children to work.

A Fang said that now her monthly salary can maintain more than six or seven thousand yuan, although the work is not easy, but she can also pursue her career goals while taking care of her family.

There is a large demand for high-quality "mother posts".

Bao Ma suggested: quantity and quality should be improved

Three months ago, Xiaoxuan, the mother of two children in Chancheng, resigned from a state-owned enterprise, and after spending a period of rest and "empty", she hoped to find a job that did not require long-term overtime. Xiaoxuan found that at present, whether it is a women's special job fair or a "mother post" position, there are more and more positions.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

In January, Foshan (Chancheng) Employment Assistance Month was the scene of the new business format special job fair. / Photo by Chancheng financial media reporter Lin Xiaoping

Xiaoxuan said that since the spring, she has participated in four job fairs and encountered a number of "mother post" positions, but these positions focus on childcare agencies, domestic services, community gig workers, beauty salons and other work content, which does not match her years of experience in bidding and bidding.

"I'm confident in my abilities and experience, and I don't want to be on the margins of the company, so I don't want to be on the margins." Xiaoxuan said.

At work, Xue Yu will come into contact with many mothers who have been elite in the industry, and she has a similar view to Xiaoxuan: "Many mothers are very good, before giving birth, they may have become department heads, business backbones, they are eager to find high-quality mothers, so that they can return and quickly adapt to the workplace." ”

In Xue Yu's view, enterprises can set up a certain number of "mother posts" for core positions, allowing mother-in-law employees to have a "transition period".

"This kind of position should adopt a humanized management mechanism, do not forcibly arrange overtime, when the mother post staff encounter the baby is sick, vaccinated and other things and ask for leave, to be able to quickly approve leave. After the transition period is completed, these employees will be transferred back to their normal posts, so as to motivate capable Bao Ma employees to continue to work hard for their personal careers. Xue Yu said.

In August last year, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Provincial Women's Federation issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the "Mother Gang" Employment Model, proposing that within three years, all parts of the province should extensively cultivate "mother posts", strengthen the supply of public employment services, strengthen the protection of labor rights and interests of "mother posts" employees, and carry out the identification of provincial "mother posts" employment bases.

The mother gang is "on fire", occupying the hot search for days, what do the Chancheng mothers who are engaged in this position say?

On October 14 last year, the site of the "Fashion Professional Makeup" public welfare training class in Chancheng District. /Data map

According to the relevant person in charge of the Chancheng District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, since the beginning of this year, the bureau has held 8 special job fairs for women, key groups such as "mother posts" and new business formats. Next, the bureau will continue to actively collect enterprise information, establish a unified directory, vigorously encourage and guide these enterprises to promote the development of "mother posts", optimize the working environment, and establish facilities such as maternal and infant rooms to provide welfare infant and child care services for mothers.

At the same time, the bureau will continue to optimize the construction of the gig market for creative agglomeration industries and the gig market for human resources in Chancheng District, promote high-quality employment of gig workers, and improve the level of public services.

Text/Chancheng financial media reporters Lin Xiaoping and Guo Meihuan