
The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

author:Starfire Life

As soon as she got home from work, Brother Feng's aunt Zhao Feixin suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and was quickly sent to the hospital emergency department, where the doctor told her that her blood pressure was seriously elevated, and she had a sudden heart attack and needed emergency treatment. Brother Feng's family was very worried and didn't understand why Auntie's body suddenly had problems.

The doctor explained in detail: "If you have high blood pressure, you should pay attention to three problems in the summer, and if you are not careful, it will cause serious consequences." ”

The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

Only then did Brother Feng know that Aunt Zhao's seemingly healthy habits were actually endangering herself.

Aunt Zhao usually likes fitness very much, and after coming back from work, she basically doesn't rest much, so she goes to the gym to exercise, regardless of whether the weather is still hot, she thinks that hot weather exercise can sweat more.

But I never imagined that it was precisely because of such thoughts that I ended up in the hospital!

Doctors remind: patients with high blood pressure should do three things less

Recently, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, especially for friends with high blood pressure, you need to be extra careful. As Aunt Zhao's story tells us, people with high blood pressure are more likely to have problems in hot weather.

The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

Don't do strenuous exercise in the heat!

High temperatures will increase the temperature of our body, and the heart will beat faster in order to regulate the body temperature, which is a big burden on the heart. Especially friends like Aunt Zhao, who work outside every day, can easily induce cardiovascular disease when exposed to the scorching sun for a long time.

On hot days, we try to choose some relaxing activities in the morning and evening when the temperature is low, such as walking or simple stretching exercises.

The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

Exercise in moderation, and don't run or do strenuous physical work in the scorching sun, which is dangerous.

Eat less salt!

Salt is found in many of the foods we eat, especially some pickled foods, fast foods, and snacks. A high-salt diet can lead to an increase in blood pressure, and in hot weather, a high-salt diet is more harmful because it increases the burden on the heart and increases the risk of heart attack.

The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

According to doctors, there are many more emergency visits in patients with high blood pressure due to a high-salt diet in summer than in winter.

Usually, everyone should pay attention to less salt when cooking, try to eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, and keep the diet light.

Don't be too intense about the emotional stress!

Mood swings can also cause a sharp rise in blood pressure, putting additional strain on the heart. Many people have various pressures in their lives, and work, family, and financial problems will all affect them.

These pressures can be even more intense in hot weather, especially hawkers like Aunt Zhao, who go out early and return late every day, running around for a living, which is very stressful.

The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

We need to learn to regulate our emotions and keep our minds at peace, and we can relax ourselves by listening to music, reading books, chatting with friends, etc. When you encounter troubles, don't be alone in your heart, you can talk to family and friends to release the pressure in time.

To control blood pressure, these 3 points are inseparable

Go to bed and wake up on time every day to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to an increase in blood pressure and can also affect heart health.

Many people like to stay up late watching TV or playing with their mobile phones, and these habits are especially bad for people with high blood pressure. We should develop a good habit of going to bed early and waking up early, try to relax before going to bed, don't do things that are too exciting, and give ourselves a quiet sleeping environment.

The young woman had a sudden heart attack and went to the emergency department, and the doctor reminded: The weather is hot, and there are 3 things to do less for high blood pressure, don't be careless

Exercise has great benefits for cardiovascular health, but pay attention to moderate amounts. As we mentioned earlier, instead of strenuous exercise in the heat, you can choose to do some light activities in the morning and evening when the temperature is low, playing badminton or tai chi, these exercises are not very intense, but they are very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

People with high blood pressure should have a light diet, eat less high-salt, high-fat foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat some whole grains and nuts in moderation. Eat a balanced diet every day to ensure a comprehensive nutritional intake. It is also very important to drink enough water, as the body is prone to dehydration due to excessive sweating in summer.

Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water, two drinks in the morning, two drinks in the afternoon, and try not to drink water after nine o'clock in the evening, if it doesn't affect sleep, there should be no big ups and downs in blood pressure. If you can't control it, you need to take medication!

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