
A month and a half after the Baltimore Bridge in the United States was broken, the solution was to blow up the bridge.

author:Military analysis

When the bridge in the United States was broken, it was surprising that the bridge that had been violently struck was not repaired and cared for as it should be, but fell into a precarious situation, as if it could be destroyed at any moment. Recall a sensational incident not so long ago, that is, a few weeks ago, the Baltimore Bridge in the United States collapsed due to the impact of a large container ship with a loud bang. However, it is puzzling that despite the fact that more than a month has passed since the accident, the US government has made the decision to demolish the entire bridge.

A month and a half after the Baltimore Bridge in the United States was broken, the solution was to blow up the bridge.

Back in the night of March 26, a container ship named Dalí was quietly sailing in the night, but accidentally collided with the Francis Scottkey Bridge outside the port of Baltimore, USA, and the bridge collapsed at that moment. Because the Dalí was so embedded in the bridge's steel structure, it was impossible for the bridge to be repaired in a short period of time, which not only made the main shipping lane outside the Port of Baltimore impassable, but also had serious economic consequences.

Imagine that if this container ship could not be moved out quickly, the repair of the bridge would not have been able to start, which would lead to incalculable economic losses on a daily basis. This situation has undoubtedly brought great pressure and challenges to the local government and residents.

According to the latest reports, the U.S. government was originally optimistic about resolving the bridge accident, and is expected to overcome the difficulties and restore normal traffic on the bridge within a week or two, and no more than three weeks. However, the complexity and difficulty of the actual operation was far greater than expected, resulting in lengthy delays in the restoration work.

This can include human and financial resources as well as difficult technical challenges. After more than a month of hard work and struggle, it was not until yesterday, May 12, that the US government made the difficult decision to create conditions for the Dali freighter, which was stuck at the bottom of the bridge, to get out of the trap by means of controlled blasting. However, due to sudden adverse weather conditions, blasting operations scheduled for yesterday had to be postponed and are expected to continue later today or the next day.

This will undoubtedly increase the difficulty and risk of blasting. Despite a month and a half of tireless efforts by the Government, the progress made has been disappointing. In particular, the plan to rescue the freighter by blasting part of the bridge structure has aroused widespread public doubts and concern. Public doubts have raised questions about the government's ability and efficiency in handling such incidents.

This could affect the credibility and image of the government. It is worth noting that the U.S. government has not always been so slow. For example, the train bombing in Ohio in the first half of last year won widespread public praise for the speed and efficiency of the government's handling of the incident. However, the handling of the bridge accident has exposed the limitations and challenges that the government may have in responding to emergencies. This could affect the credibility and image of the government.

On July 4, 2020, a serious railway accident in the eastern part of Ohio suddenly derailed, causing a fire and a large amount of smoke that could be clearly observed even from a weather radar station. In this crisis situation, toxic fumes can be fatal; Regrettably, on the third day after the incident,

The local emergency authorities took a dangerous step – a controlled release of toxic on-board gases. However, some people may still have doubts about this: what is controlled release? In fact, this was an improper way of handling the explosion, which led to the rise and spread of toxic gases such as phosgene and hydrogen chloride, forcing the community to evacuate within a radius of several kilometers. The reason for this is that these gases are highly toxic. In the face of such a situation, we are deeply aware of the need to be cautious and vigilant in order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

In this train accident, the hesitation and lag of the US side in emergency response work are also undoubted. For example, in dealing with the problem of long train jams, the US government has opted for arbitrary blasting methods to deal with it, without fully foreseeing the possible vicious consequences. When they are facing the same problem now, they are ambivalent about it, and after thinking about it, it took as long as a month and a half. Therefore, we should draw profound lessons from this incident and act cautiously in dealing with various issues to prevent a similar catastrophe from happening again.

In addition to this, we need to pay attention to many issues related to infrastructure development. For example, the bridge across the river reached the 50-year design life of most bridges in the United States in 1977 and should be retired. However, due to many factors such as bipartisan disputes in American politics, lack of funds, and slow progress of the project, the bridge is still in service today, and finally collapsed under a slight impact. Therefore, we must strengthen the maintenance and management of infrastructure to ensure that it can operate safely and stably.

A closer look at the current state of bridges in the United States reveals that this is actually a microcosm of the overall worrisome state of the nation's infrastructure. These bridges are like the lifeblood arteries of the country, and their health status directly reflects the real constitution of the country. In fact, much of America's infrastructure is in deep decline, including broken public roads, bridges, and aging power networks. Behind this decline, it is either due to a long-term lack of meticulous maintenance, or because the parts that should be replaced have been shelved for a long time and have not been updated in time.

Today, the U.S. is facing unprecedented challenges, with frequent power outages, water system failures, substandard drinking water pipes, and grid tensions becoming commonplace. These issues have even alarmed Britain, a staunch ally of the United States. They point out that since the time of Eisenhower Howard, there has been little large-scale investment and renewal of infrastructure in the United States. This means that much of the existing infrastructure has been in service for nearly half of the history of the United States, and in the future, tragedies such as bridge collapses and railroad derailments are likely to be repeated and become a reality that the country will have to face.

In order to effectively solve the problem of backward infrastructure, in addition to the previously mentioned measures such as increasing investment, strengthening maintenance, promoting innovation, strengthening international cooperation and strengthening supervision, it is best to find China to build a new bridge after the bridge is demolished, and it is necessary to learn from us infrastructure masters modestly, improve the quality and level of national infrastructure, and provide solid support for economic and social development.

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