
Relaxation of purchase restrictions in order to destock?


There are only 6 places left in the country - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hainan, Tianjin, and some property market purchase restriction measures, and other cities have basically completely opened the purchase restrictions, and there are various first sets of recognition discounts.

The current mainstream understanding is:

The author thinks:

The introduction of market mechanisms is essential

If you are told now that the automobile market produces more than it supplies and needs to be destocked, will ordinary people take immediate action to buy a car?

The answer is: maybe more on the sidelines, maybe there are all kinds of expectations, even unrealistic expectations, for the price to fall. If you really encounter the 55 Shopping Festival and the 66 Shopping Festival, some short-term coupons will be issued, and car consumers may not take immediate action.


Relaxation of purchase restrictions in order to destock?

The author thinks that allowing consumers to choose goods freely means that the most marketable products will surface in one fell swoop; The most unmarketable products can only be destocked in a variety of ways.

The results are available in the laboratory

Pitting housing against consumption of other products was a once-popular narrative. The specific logic is this: because everyone went to the property market to go into debt and consume, emptied six pockets, and became a "millionaire", there is no money for normal consumption. Consumption in the property market squeezes out other consumption.

The work in the laboratory was carried out in accordance with the set procedures. The masses are too active in speculative consumption, and with the comprehensive upgrade of purchase restrictions, they are almost completely squeezed out. Until the end, normal consumption, because of the decline in the price of goods, also gradually withdrew. The overall sales of the property market have regressed year by year, falling to the current level of "a little unbearable". How can those impassioned "economists" say that they want to "save the property market"?

The explicit reduction of property market prices, according to the experimental logic of the laboratory, should be more satisfying. Is it really up to satisfaction now?

Relaxation of purchase restrictions in order to destock?

Let's be honest: how can there be a situation where the valuation of fixed assets of the family has declined, but the satisfaction of the head of the family has increased?

Restore the basic ecology of the property market

The property market and the stock market are by far the most important place where money is held. In the future, there may be buildings in the virtual world, virtual money, and artworks in the virtual world, but at the moment we are still living in the real world.

The basic function of the property market is to provide residential products that meet the needs and take away tens of percent of the income in the hands of residents. Macro control can be reflected in planning opinions, land supply, and loan policies. The micro control is actually left to developers and consumers to play in the market.

As for the difficult households at the bottom, it is something that the government should do, and it should be two lines with the property market. The correct formulation is: Some people take the security channel to solve the housing problem.

Relaxation of purchase restrictions in order to destock?

Let consumer opinion leaders come in. Change all kinds of restrictions on consumption to encourage consumption. For example, not only to withdraw from the purchase limit, but also to publicly announce the cancellation of the purchase limit for 5 years and 10 years.

It is also necessary to encourage long-term ownership of real estate, not to engage in short-term behavior, and not to engage in excessive or slow consumption. You are short and I am short, everyone will wash and eat a section of radish, and then it will turn from the flame to the iceberg, and people can't bear it when it's hot and cold.

The property market has been engaged in for decades, involving the basic property of the vast majority of urban residents, and the purchase restriction or cancellation of purchase restrictions is tied to the shortage of products and the oversupply.