
The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held

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The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held
The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held

On May 14, the 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the Xiangtan truck and online car-hailing drivers' union membership deployment meeting was held in the Municipal Transportation Bureau. Xiangtan Municipal Transportation Bureau Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Director Xiangtan City Federation of Trade Unions Party Group Members, Vice Chairman Luo Jun attended the meeting and delivered a speech, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions relevant departments and all the staff of the Bureau of Trade Unions, the counties and urban transportation bureaus, bureau units, new employment forms of trade unions, social trade union workers attended the meeting, the Municipal Transportation Bureau system trade union chairman Comrade Tong Zheng presided over the meeting and made a work report.

The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held
The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the second plenary session of the 19th Municipal General Committee and the provincial transportation industry trade union work conference; listened to the 2023 trade union work report of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, and arranged and deployed the key points of the trade union work in 2024; The commendation notice of advanced units and individuals in the work of the trade union of the transportation system in 2023 was read out and awards were presented; Arrangements were made for the establishment and membership of trucks and online car-hailing drivers in Xiangtan City, and all counties and cities made statements.

The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held
The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held
The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held
The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held

2024 is a crucial year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and it is also the first year for implementing the spirit of the 18th National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions and the goals and tasks of the 17th National Congress of Provincial Trade Unions. The trade union of Xiangtan Transportation Bureau will aim to achieve the "five strong and five high", maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature as the main line, strengthen the empowerment of the soul, the craftsman, the heart, the foundation, and the integrity, adhere to the political guidance, adhere to the service positioning, adhere to the grassroots orientation, adhere to the employee-oriented, adhere to the internal strong external tree, and strive to build a loyal trade union, a struggle trade union, a warm trade union, a dynamic trade union, a clean trade union, and effectively play the role of a bridge between the party and the masses of workers. In order to promote the high-quality development of transportation in our city and strive to be the pioneer of modern new Xiangtan, we should contribute our due strength.

The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held

Luo Jun

He spoke highly of the work of the trade union in the transportation system in recent years, and put forward the following five suggestions: First, improve ideological understanding, in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's exposition on the work of the working class and trade unions, realize the importance of harmony and stability in the industry, attach great importance to it and implement it. The second is to clarify the work objectives, according to the issued documents, subdivide the head enterprises and trucks, online car-hailing and other fields to establish and join the union, to ensure that the trade unions at all levels are clear and conscientiously implemented. The third is to intensify work to guide platform enterprises, territorial trade unions and the transportation system to cooperate and innovate methods to achieve full coverage, and the established trade unions need to transform from "tangible" to "effective". Fourth, strengthen coordination and linkage, strengthen the cooperation and linkage between departments and superiors and subordinates, and ensure efficient and smooth work. Fifth, create an atmosphere of public opinion, use propaganda means to promote the integration of online and offline unionization, and closely unite workers in new forms of business around the party.

The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held


On behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to the trade union cadres who have worked hard and selflessly in the past year. I hope that everyone will actively keep up with the advanced and do a better job in the work of the trade union.

On the work of the trade union in 2024, we will emphasize forward:

1. Grasp the political direction and be a "clear person" who will always be loyal to the party.

Transportation and economic and social development, people's production and life are closely linked, the city's transportation system trade union organizations should study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the working class and trade union work as the primary task, with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, to promote the theory of in-depth practice.

2. Grasp the overall situation of the center and be a "test catcher" for high-quality development. The trade union organization of the city's transportation system should gather transportation forces, cultivate transportation talents, tell traffic stories, give full play to the role of bridges, anchor the goals and tasks of the Xiangtan chapter of building a transportation power, unite the majority of cadres and workers, and make contributions based on their posts.

3. Grasp the main responsibilities and main business, and be the "mother's family" who is in close contact with the service workers. Trade unions are the representatives and defenders of the interests of workers. As the "mother's family" of the industry workers, the trade union organization of the city's transportation system should do a good job in serving the workers, safeguard the rights and interests of the workers, accelerate the establishment of unions, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the workers, and serve the workers wholeheartedly.

Fourth, grasp the mission requirements, and be honest and honest "doers". The trade union organization of the city's transportation system should take the initiative to comply with the new requirements of the new era, effectively enhance the ability to do a good job in the work of the masses, work hard to strengthen the construction of work style, improve the ability to perform duties, and improve the quality of the team, and constantly enhance the attractiveness, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the transportation trade union, and strive to create a first-class system trade union in the city.

Correspondent: Tong Zheng

The 2024 citywide transportation system trade union work conference and the deployment meeting for the establishment of trucks and online car-hailing drivers will be held

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