
The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

author:Puffs on the third floor
[This content is an adaptation of a short fictional story, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

My name is Li Wenjing, I am 63 years old this year, to be honest, what I remember the most and hurt the most at this age is still related to my husband Wang Cheng.

I met him in a factory, he was the workshop director, I was an ordinary worker, I was not very old at that time, I saw Wang Cheng, a young man who was gentle, humble and polite, I instantly fell in love with him, and it didn't take long for us to be together, and the days went on day by day.

How can the wages of the factory be enough to live, Wang has become a breadwinner, always working overtime, sometimes in the middle of the night three watches do not go home, I know that he is desperate to earn money for the family, and I have never blamed him, but the trick of fate did not stop there, until one night........

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

I remember that it was very late that day, Wang Cheng hadn't come home yet, I thought he was working overtime again, so I didn't pay too much attention to it, suddenly, his mobile phone kept lighting up on the coffee table in the living room, accompanied by a vibrating sound, I stepped forward to take a look, it turned out to be a string of messages from an unknown number.

Out of curiosity, I clicked on it, only to see that it was written: "Honey, are you working overtime tonight?" I'll be waiting for you at home." There is also a red lip emoji, my God, this is clearly an ambiguous text message sent by a flirting woman to Wang Cheng!

I was weak, slumped on the sofa, my phone slid to the ground weakly, tears were rolling in my eyes, my heart was dripping blood, Wang Cheng... Wang Cheng actually ...... Our marriage for so many years was killed by him himself? All the enthusiasm and love, as well as the years we worked together, were abandoned by him casually?

This night, I stayed awake until dawn, until Wang Cheng yawned and came home, I looked at his back like stagnant water, and I could no longer feel the warmth and tenderness of the past, and in this way, we quickly fell into a cold war, maintaining a precarious balance every day.

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

To be honest, I really want to directly question Wang Cheng what is going on, but every time the words come to my mouth, I am so uncomfortable that I can't say a word, we have given each other too much, I am reluctant to just deny them all, I have been with him for nearly 50 years, even if I suffered the pain of betrayal, but the memories of those years are still the most valuable treasure!

I gritted my teeth and silently endured this kind of pain, I didn't want to hurt the feelings of my children and grandchildren, and I didn't want to destroy this seemingly happy home, I chose to use silence to suppress my inner grief and questioning.

In the blink of an eye, another few years have passed.....

I put all my energy into my family and children, I am full of energy, I am busy every day, I am the ultimate Rolex, during the day, I will wash and clean at home, carefully cook three meals, and make sure that Wang Cheng can come home with a hot meal.

In the evenings, I would catch my grandchildren wandering outside and order them to do their homework and review their homework, for fear that they would be seduced by the impetuosity of modern society at a young age.

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

My world seems to revolve around this small home, and I do my best to maintain this home, as if I can temporarily forget those unspeakable pasts, as long as there are people around me who need my love and dedication, I have the motivation and goal to live.

However, just when I thought I could finally be relieved, fate hit me again, one night, I was cooking as usual and waiting for Wang Cheng to come home, but in the second half of the night, he still did not come back, I didn't answer the phone, and the messages were lost.

I began to worry, and hurriedly called Wang Cheng's colleague, but learned that he had already left after work, I stayed awake all night, all anxious, and the next morning, an unfamiliar number called, saying that it was from the hospital, and Wang Cheng was in a car accident and was being rescued.....

I rushed to the hospital in a daze, looked at Wang Cheng who was dying in the intensive care unit, and finally couldn't help but sob, can he still survive? Should I go... To see him one last time? However, those old memories began to play back in my mind, and all kinds of entanglements and pains made me almost breathless......

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

While I was struggling in agony, a strange woman rushed in and almost knocked me to the ground, she was wearing heavy makeup, she was full of charm, and even the crying looked a little out of place.

"Wang Cheng! My Wang Cheng, ah....." She threw herself down in front of Wang Cheng's bed, tears raining down, and I was stunned on the spot by her posture of a passionate mistress. The nurse came over to reassure her: "Are you....?" ”

"I'm his wife! We've been in love for years, but not publicly......" she said, sobbing.

I was hit so hard that I almost suffocated, it turned out that Wang Cheng had been treating our marriage as a shameful thing for so many years and wanted to hide it in front of outsiders? Am I the wife he can't show off?

Just as I was dizzy, the woman who claimed to be Wang Cheng's wife suddenly looked at me and looked me up and down from head to toe. "You.... Who are you? She stopped crying and glanced me up and down with disdain, and I said with difficulty, "I....... I'm his wife........"

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

"You?" She was so shocked by my words that she almost jumped, "How can you be my Wang Cheng's wife?" We're a real couple! ”

Her words were like a heavy blow, my legs went limp, I collapsed to the ground, my eyes went black, only vaguely saw her smug smile and the nurses hurried over to help me.....

In a blink of an eye, my illusions were completely shattered, it turned out that I had been deceiving myself, there was no husband and wife love between me and Wang Cheng many years ago, I was just deceived by him for so many years, and I have been living in the lies he made up......

Just as I was about to blur my consciousness, a voice pulled me back to reality, "Ma'am, are you okay?" A doctor crouched beside me and asked with concern, and I reluctantly nodded.

"Is what the woman said true? Mr. Wang has been outside.... Another family? The doctor asked cautiously.

I nodded weakly, tears welled up in my eyes again, the doctor sighed when he saw this, and after a while said, "Madam, Mr. Wang's condition is very critical, we have tried our best, but I'm afraid it will ........"

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

His voice grew quieter, and my heart tightened, waiting for his final verdict, "I'm afraid..... You'll have to make your own choice," the doctor lowered his eyelids, "we can continue to save him, but the prospect is very slim, and we can.... Let him go and let him die peacefully. ”

This time it was my turn to be stupid, and the doctor's words were like a hammer, slamming my heart, and I shivered all over my body, and cold sweat flowed.

Give up on salvage? Just let Wang Cheng die? However, even though we have lost love for each other, we have all experienced those nearly 50 years together! He betrayed his marriage, but all my youth was dedicated to this family! How could I just give up his life with my own hands?

But on the other hand, if I choose to continue to maintain his life, will I still have to suffer his betrayal and hurt again and again, as I did before? Am I going to be tricked by him for the rest of my life, and I will be treated by him as a poor creature for eternity and eternity?

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

There were memories, contradictions, and pain rushing through my mind, and I was almost overwhelmed by them, and the doctor asked me over and over again, but I couldn't answer. My heart is broken....

Seeing my resolute expression, the doctor nodded wordlessly, made a gesture, and several nurses quickly entered the ward and began to remove various life support devices for Wang Cheng.

I stared at their skillful movements, my heart was extremely calm, the past scenes seemed to be leaving me, and there was only a pure land left in front of my eyes, waiting for a new life to come again.

The woman who claimed to be Wang Cheng's wife saw this, was stunned for a while, and suddenly began to cry loudly, fell to the ground, holding her head in her hands, almost heartbreaking, I looked at her embarrassed appearance, suddenly a little soft-hearted, and was about to open her mouth to comfort her a few words, but I heard her muttering in tears:

"No... That's impossible... We have so much to offer.... Where do I belong......"

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

It turned out that she was just crying for herself, and it had nothing to do with Wang Cheng's life or death, my pity suddenly disappeared, and I no longer had any sympathy for this speculative little prostitute.

At this moment, Wang Cheng suddenly coughed violently, as if he was about to cough out his lungs, I subconsciously stood up and took a few steps closer to him, but stopped when I was close to him, and I stared at his face, which I was once extremely familiar with, with a painful look, as if asking for help from me.

But I didn't come closer, I didn't comfort him, all the love and hatred had burned out in my heart, I just calmly watched his vitality pass away little by little, and waited until the doctor announced that he was completely dead, and then I spoke, in a flat tone:

"Rest in peace. From now on, I will completely let go of the burden in my heart, forget all this, and pursue a new life of my own. ”

With that, I turned around and left the hospital, facing the dazzling sun outside, and walked back to freedom, and the past years were like a nightmare.

It took me decades to complete a self-redemption, and now I will start all over again, using all the remaining opportunities and hopes in my life to take good care of myself.

The wife was "cuckolded" by her husband for 30 years, and her husband had a car accident late at night, and the wife: gave up treatment

The first thing I did after leaving the hospital was to completely cut off the relationship with the filthy little prostitute, I sold the property that Wang Cheng gave her, and even took interest to get back all my alimony, and I ignored her crazy entanglement and abuse, and let her digest all this.

Then I quit my, devoted myself to the business I loved, I opened a small flower shop, and lived a good life, cultivating flowers by myself every day, watching them emerge from budding to blooming, and my mood became more and more comfortable.

I no longer have the drama of love in my life, but I have obtained a nobler and purer happiness than love, and now I think that I did not commit suicide because of all the hardships I experienced back then, but chose to go all the way and finally achieve liberation in life, I should really thank God for his mercy.

Although there is still a long way to go, there are still many unknowns waiting for me, but I have the courage and enthusiasm to face it, because I finally realized that only by living independently can I truly have my own life. [Moon]

[This story is purely fictional, the people and things in the story are fictional, the purpose is only necessary for the description of the plot, easy to read and understand, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence]