
How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

author:A minute in the world

At 4 a.m. on November 19, 1950, the first batch of Chinese volunteers to fight in North Korea arrived in Pyongyang under the leadership of Mr. Peng.

At this time, there was an embarrassing scene, they found that they could not find the North Korean high-level, and later learned that Kim Il Sung was fighting guerrilla warfare in the mountains with four divisions, and these soldiers were almost all teenagers, because the Korean People's Army had almost been wiped out......

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

The Korean Peninsula was divided into two, and the United States and the Soviet Union played a game against South Korea and openly provoked

The reason for the outbreak of the Korean War was that the United States defined the war as a war of aggression, which was provoked by North Korea's invasion of the south.

In fact, the outbreak of the Korean War was caused by both the legacy of World War II and the ambition of the United States to divide the peninsula in two and prop up the South Korean government to permanently divide the Korean Peninsula.

In August 1945, with the signing of the instrument of surrender by the Emperor of Japan, World War II ended once and for all, and the anti-fascist war was won.

Japan's colonial rule over Korea collapsed. The situation on the peninsula at that time was that the north was liberated by the Soviet Red Army, while the south was occupied by American troops.

On September 19 of the same year, Kim Il-sung, the commander of the North Korean guerrillas, returned to Pyongyang, 25 years after he left his homeland.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

In 1946, when the Provisional People's Committee of Korea was established, the United States still did not withdraw from the peninsula, and the Korean people were very angry about the fact that the United States had not withdrawn from the peninsula and supported various government departments that had worked for them during the Japanese colonial rule.

Later, when the U.S. military insulted female students in south Korea, university professors in Seoul went on strike to protest the U.S. military's actions and demand an apology, and the protest soon spread to all secondary schools in south Korea.

Seeing that the situation was getting bigger and bigger, the US military even did not hesitate to use force to suppress it, taking this opportunity to carry out a large-scale purge of left-wing people, and many progressive youth and social activists were arrested.

In solidarity with the brave students and teachers, local railway workers also went on strike, resulting in bloody clashes with the US military, which resulted in the death of more than 70 workers and the arrest of more than 2,000 workers and farmers.

In 1947, representatives of the United States and the Soviet Union held a meeting in Moscow to discuss the peninsula issue, after which the two sides issued a joint proclamation.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

At this time, the peace process on the Korean Peninsula had begun to see the light of day, but the United States was determined to completely divide the Korean Peninsula into two, and the negotiations reached a deadlock under their deliberate sabotage.

The reason why the United States insists on supporting the forces in south Korea is that after more than two years of purges, there are more and more pro-American forces in the south of the peninsula.

In September of the same year, the United States proposed to convene a four-party meeting to discuss the Korean Peninsula issue, and the US representative openly pointed out that the joint report of the Soviet-US-Korean Joint Committee was compiled.

This statement directly exposed the ambitions of the United States, which in 1948 forcibly established the United Nations Commission on Korea, bypassing international law and relevant United Nations regulations.

After the news reached the peninsula, the people of South Korea once again staged huge demonstrations, and more than 50 protests were held in Seoul, Busan, Gyeong, Sangdo, and other places in a single day.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

The DPRK has also come forward to state that the "UN Interim Committee on the Korean Question" is illegal and that the DPRK people will never recognize it.

A mass rally of 600,000 people was held in the northern part of the peninsula to call for the reunification of the North and the South.

In the face of the protests of the local people one after another, the United States continued to go its own way, and under their manipulation, South Korea held so-called elections, and Syngman Rhee came to power as a matter of course, and the DPRK actually fell into a state of division.

The Syngman Rhee government was also very ambitious, hoping to use force to unify the North and the South, and on June 25, 1950, the South Korean puppet regime ordered its troops to move north.

In the face of such a blatant provocation, North Korean leader Kim Il Sung ordered a counterattack, and the Korean War broke out. It is worth mentioning that the North Korean people called this war the "Fatherland Liberation War".

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

The Korean People's Army suffered heavy casualties, and child soldiers became the main force of the army

From June 25 to July 30, more than 6,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea were annihilated, and the South Korean army also lost 70,000 people, and the commander of the 24th Division of the U.S. Army in South Korea, William Dean, was captured alive.

At the beginning of August, the Korean People's Army captured Suwon, Incheon, Daejeon, and Gunsan, and more than half of the southern part of the peninsula was occupied.

Next, Kim Il Sung invested nearly 200,000 troops to continue southward, and the main force of South Korea was surrounded by the Korean People's Army in Busan, Daegu and other places, and the reunification of the north and the south was close at hand.

The United States did not expect that the pro-American forces in South Korea, which it supported, would be so dish-oriented, and in desperation, it decided to play in person.

Douglas MacArthur, a well-known five-star general in the United States, commanded many island landing operations during World War II, and was also the general with the most experience in amphibious landing operations among the US generals.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

He believed that the peninsula was surrounded by sea on three sides, and the total length of the coastline was nearly 9,000 meters, and that the choice of a landing site could quickly turn the tide of the war.

At that time, some military strategists and strategists, including China, had predicted McCarcer's prediction, believing that US troops would land from Incheon-Seoul and Jinnampo-Pyongyang, and reminded North Korea to strengthen the defense of the two areas.

Unsurprisingly, MacArthur ultimately settled on the Inchon landing, located in the middle of the west bank of Korea.

It is only a little more than 30 kilometers from Incheon to Seoul, and there is also the nearby Gimpo airport, where landing can also directly cut off the supply lines of the Korean People's Army to the front line.

On 30 August, MacArthur gave a formal order for the 10th Army to land at Inchon to seize Seoul and Gimpo airports, and the Navy to be on standby in nearby ports to provide necessary support with the landing force.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

Half a month later, MacArthur led the U.S. military to launch a counterattack against the Korean People's Army, and the Battle of Inchon reversed the situation on the Korean Peninsula. How can the Korean People's Army, which has been advancing all the way, be able to defeat the US military with advanced equipment?

The US Air Force dispatched a number of fighter planes to cooperate with ground troops to directly cover the fire and indiscriminately bomb the Korean People's Army, and an army of more than 2,000 people was wiped out in an instant.

Kim Il Sung brought in reinforcements, but under the powerful offensive of the United States, these soldiers were only given away, and the Syngman Rhee regime had the support of the United States, and the relatively weak North Korean People's Army was beaten badly, and the chief of the General Staff, Kang Jian, was killed.

For a time, the Korean People's Army was leaderless, running and surrendering, and the US-ROK coalition captured more than 20,000 people and killed more than 10,000 on the battlefield.

At the beginning of the war, there were 200,000 Korean People's troops, but when they finally retreated to the "38th parallel," there were only about a few tens of thousands.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

Taking advantage of the victory, the US-ROK coalition pursued the attack all the way to the vicinity of Panmunjom and approached the "38th parallel." In the vicinity of Panmunjom, the US forces once again gave full play to their superiority in firepower and carried out wanton and indiscriminate bombardment of the main force of the Korean People's Army.

The war continued to advance northward, and in the end, the Korean People's Army had less than 20,000 men left, and in October 1950 it was forced to the Chusan area of Sinuiju, where the flames of war gradually spread to the Yalu River on the border between China and North Korea.

Kim Il Sung hid in the mountains to fight guerrillas, and the Chinese People's Volunteers fought in Korea

When the United States first intervened in the Korean War, our side had already issued a warning not to spread the flames of war to the Yalu River. Faced with China's warnings, the United States ignored them, and the Korean People's Army forced them near the Yalu River.

In fact, since the US military stationed in North Korea to support the Syngman Rhee government, the mainland has already gained insight into the ambitions of the United States and wants to plant a nail in East Asia.

In October 1950, there were many discussions about whether or not to help North Korea, and the first generation of leaders came to the conclusion that this battle must be fought.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

If China does not intervene, once the United States occupies Korea, it will be like a knife directly stuck in the head of the mainland, and the three eastern provinces, which are the richest in resources, will not be able to carry out safe production construction.

If the United States again co-opts Southeast Asia, it will be equivalent to sticking another knife in the mainland's foot, and East Asia will never have peace.

On October 8, 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army was formed, and Mr. Peng served as the commander of the People's Volunteers.

When Mr. Peng arrived in North Korea with the volunteers, he was surprised to find that he could not find the North Korean government, and even the supreme leader Kim Il Sung did not know where to go.

The Korean People's Army in Pyongyang was unable to contact him because the communications facilities had been bombed by the US military.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

Our personnel had a great deal of trouble to find Kim Il Sung, who had taken refuge in the mountains and was ready to continue fighting guerrilla warfare, which he was best at. At that time, Kim Il Sung also showed the strength of 4 divisions, which at first glance seemed quite a lot.

But when all these soldiers were assembled, the volunteers were shocked, because they were all child soldiers, most of them were between 12 and 15 years old, and there was not a single adult man.

Seeing such a situation, Mr. Peng also realized that this war was indeed very cruel, and he had to formulate a strict battle plan next. When the volunteers entered the DPRK, they brought enough ammunition, but they did not have enough daily necessities, so they felt that they could supply them locally.

Unbeknownst to them, the 17-nation coalition led by the United States carried out indiscriminate bombing of the infrastructure facilities in the northern part of the peninsula, and not only the soldiers were hungry, but even the common people had nothing to eat, and the North Korean child soldiers even begged the mainland volunteers for food.

The volunteers also found that the mountains here were bare everywhere, in stark contrast to the green hills on the other side of the Yalu River, mainly because the bombing of the US military had left a large area of land in the northern part of the peninsula without grass.

How badly North Korea was beaten before the volunteers went, the veteran recalled: I couldn't find the government, and the doll carried a gun

In the winter of 1950, the people of North Korea had to rely on frozen potatoes to survive, and the logistics of the volunteers were also difficult.

Fortunately, relying on strong willpower and faith, the Volunteers successively won victories in important battles such as the Yunshan Battle, the Xinxingli Battle, the Shangganling Campaign, and the Maliangshan Counterattack Operation, and retreated the 17-nation combined army with advanced equipment to the south of the 38th parallel.

The People's Volunteers entered the DPRK to fight, and in 2 years and 9 months, the myth of the invincibility of the US army was broken, and on July 27, 1953, the parties signed the "Korean Armistice Agreement" at Panmunjom. However, the loss behind this is poignant, and the volunteer army has sacrificed a full 197,000 people.

This war is known as the battle for the founding of China, and China, which has just risen from the ruins, must also fight this battle, and it is this battle that has brought the mainland more than half a century of peace in East Asia.

Now that the smoke of war on the Korean Peninsula has dissipated, the friendship forged by the Chinese and DPRK peoples with their lives is still strong. What do you think differently about this?

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