
Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians
Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Text: Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

The official sources of information referred to in this article are reproduced at the end of the article.


Durian has always been an "unattainable" fruit for ordinary people, and last year, a burst of "durian blind box" wind on the Internet made the price of this king of fruits soar and remain high.

In Yicai's report in April last year, the growth of this fruit on some e-commerce platforms was also unusually prominent, with an increase of about 711% compared with the same period in 2022.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Although durian is expensive, it is a very popular fruit in the mainland, and China has become the world's largest importer, exporter and consumer of durian in recent years.

In 2023, Chinese consumers will eat about 1.4 million tons of durian, and many people are also very concerned about when the "durian freedom" will be realized.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

And now in everyone's expectations, the price of durian has officially ushered in a big dive, and in the reports of relevant media, compared with last month, the price of durian has dropped by half.

Moreover, the number of people eating durian on the mainland is gradually decreasing, which is "bad news" for Thailand and Vietnam, which rely on the export of fruits to the mainland to achieve economic development.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In particular, durian in eastern Thailand is now entering the peak season, and a large number of durians are on the market, and the output of domestic durian in the mainland is also coming out with good news, which is expected to exceed 250 tons.

So for durian lovers in the mainland, is the moment to realize "durian freedom" really coming? Can domestic durian replace imported durian and meet the needs of consumers?

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

[Durian prices fell in half]

On the 10th of this month, CCTV released a report, saying that in May, many fruits in the season have seen a "big dive" in prices after they are listed.

Kunming's fruit market has an average daily entry of nearly 1,000 catties, and the price of some durians has even fallen to a low price of 10 yuan per catty.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

At that time, there were almost every day in the fruit market with durian trucks entering the market, and the total number of vehicles was about 70 every day.

Therefore, the price of durian has declined, and some merchants will sell durian on sale, and some prices can buy a kilogram for 20 yuan.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In addition, the fruit market also ushered in many citizens who stopped, and some citizens also said their experience of buying durian, and if they came a little later, they could buy durian for 20 yuan each.

But this citizen also said that the taste of durian in the evening will not be too good, so he still likes to buy a little more expensive to eat, and it is worth mentioning that even if the price of durian has fallen sharply now, it is inevitable that fewer and fewer people will eat it.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

You must know that the mainland is the largest durian importer and exporter, and this tropical fruit with a hard appearance and a tropical fruit that smells different from each other tightly affects the taste buds of Chinese.

There are even people who can't stand durian, a fruit with a very impactful taste, and after plucking up the courage to take a bite, they fall madly in love.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization in 2022, the amount of durian imported by the mainland in this year accounted for 82% of the global consumption of this fruit.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In September last year, data showed that global demand for the fruit soared by 400 percent, with the mainland market accounting for 91 percent of it.

This fruit is mainly distributed in Southeast Asia, and the more common durian products in mainland China are mainly from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

In the economic development of these countries, the export of fruits occupies a very important position, taking Vietnam as an example, the export of fruits is a big bright spot in the export of agricultural products in this country.

For the whole of 2023, the country's exports in the fruit industry reached US$5.69 billion, an increase of 70% compared to the same period in 2022, with durian being the most exported product.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Vietnam's main fruit exporters are China, the United States, Japan and South Korea, as well as the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, among which the Chinese market is Vietnam's largest export market, accounting for more than 65%.

So even if the price falls in half, the number of consumers of durian has not increased significantly, what is the reason behind this?

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

[What is the reason behind it]

First of all, many people realize that the cost performance of durian is not so much, and last year, there was a sudden rise of a great wind in China to open a "durian blind box".

It can be clearly seen that in some videos of opening durians, some are simply "durian assassins", because not all durians are full of flesh.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

A durian bought for hundreds of dollars by bad luck has two-thirds of the empty shell after opening, and there is not much actual flesh.

Therefore, the price of this fruit is not affordable for everyone, and in the eyes of most ordinary people, it is better to buy a durian than to buy other fruits.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

This is more cost-effective, and it is more suitable for families to eat, of course, it is also the general environment, people's consumption concepts are constantly changing.

All walks of life can more or less feel that the current economic environment is not very good, many people are facing unemployment, and those who want to quit are afraid to quit for fear of not being able to find the next job that can make a living.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Even young people who spend a lot of money will consider the issue of cost performance when buying things now, and during the durian fever last year, there was also a certain amount of public opinion and so on.

Because the popularity of durian was too high at that time, it aroused the curiosity of many people, and everyone wanted to taste what the "king of fruits" tasted like, so it promoted a wave of durian consumption fever.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

When this heat dissipates, many people are no longer interested in this fruit, and durian is not suitable for eating too much, and the nutritional perpetrators of durian are indeed high.

But its essence is still a tropical fruit, and eating more high-calorie things is also easy to catch fire, and in the current situation of weight loss, fitness, health preservation and other modes, the sales of durian will also be affected to a certain extent.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

For some people with chronic diseases, eating too much durian will increase the burden on the body, and the health of the body will be more affected.

This situation is absolutely unwilling to be seen in those durian producing countries, after all, China's order volume accounts for the majority of the majority, and the loss of such a large market in China is a very huge loss for their economic development.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Anyone would be worried that China will no longer pay for the high price of imported durian, in fact, there have been such price declines before, but after a while, the "noble" price of durian has recovered.

In this report, in fact, it was also said that around May 20, the price per catty of durian will be lowered to a certain extent, but as the goods on the way are all out, the price of this fruit will rise.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

[How about domestic durian in mainland China? 】

But perhaps our import volume will still fluctuate to a certain extent, first of all, the factors we mentioned earlier, and the other is that the output of domestic durian in the mainland has also made a huge breakthrough.

Domestic durians in mainland China will be listed from mid-May to July, and the planting area of Hainan Province has reached 40,000 mu.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

This year, the output of durian in this province has reached about 200 tons, compared with last year, there is a two-to-three-fold increase, and it is expected to exceed 250 tons.

Last year, the price of domestically produced durian in mainland China was even higher than that of imported durian, but this is essentially because there are relatively few areas on the mainland where this fruit is grown.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Because of the limitation of the regional climate, the cost of cultivation will greatly increase to a large extent, and the yield will be scarce, and the price will naturally be high.

In fact, as early as the 60s of the last century, the mainland tried to introduce durian, but the survival rate was not high at that time, and we had not yet mastered large-scale cultivation and precise control of sunshine, temperature and humidity.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Therefore, at that time, the survival rate in some tropical areas such as the edge of Hainan was only about 30%, and now with the development of various technologies, the survival rate of durian seedlings in mainland China has reached more than 95%.

However, a tropical crops research institute of the Continental Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences also said that our domestic durian is "tree ripe", so it is better than imported durian in terms of taste and freshness.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

However, the price may not be significantly reduced, because due to the restrictions of planting technology and climate, mass production cannot be achieved now, but domestic durian is still greatly anticipated.

In the future, if we can successfully achieve mass production of this fruit, then for consumers, "durian freedom" may really be realized, and the mainland will no longer need to import a large number of durians from abroad, and there will be no need for other countries to pinch us in price.

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians
Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

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Ministry of Commerce reported on January 3, 2024 on "Vietnam's fruit exports increased by 70% year-on-year in 2023".

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Guangzhou Daily's article on May 14, 2024 on "Price Drop - Half "Durian Freedom" is Coming? ".

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians

Hainan Daily reported on January 7, 2024 that "the total output of Hainan durian is expected to reach 250 tons this year".

Durian free? The price plummeted by half, and Taiyue was sad: China no longer pays for high-priced durians


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