
Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

author:Raven-kun's first aid workplace

In China's tram market, Xpeng Motors has always played the role of a "science and engineering man", running at the forefront based on technology.

However, what is puzzling is that the sales of Xpeng, which has achieved good results, have fallen below the 10,000 mark in recent months. The ideal car, which is often criticized for its "lack of technical content", is becoming more and more brilliant.

I don't know how many people have wondered, what is the reason behind this?

Is the price too expensive, or the name is not good, or should it not be pure electric? Actually, it's neither!

According to many car owners, three aspects are a bit bad - especially the last one, which is a bit disappointing to experience.


Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

First of all, it's its marketing system, which is really a bit confusing.

Obviously, you see that there are discounts on the poster, but the offline stores can't do it, but you say you can't do it, but the employee in-app purchase system is outrageous - the whole thing makes consumers confused.

In my own experience, I found store A to buy a car, and there was no discount; went to store B, and the result was again, and it was not small.

You have no idea what their pricing logic and system look like!

What's even more outrageous is that during the pick-up process, in case of new activities, some stores can add them, while others cannot.

Last year's Double 12 promotion is a typical example: some car owners bought cars for the same time, but some people got the right to 1,500 kWh of electricity for four years, and some people did not.

Those angry car owners who suffered losses vowed never to buy Xiaopeng's cars again!

Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

That's all there is to it – after all, buy early, enjoy early, buy late and get discounts.

The point is, the company also often has a mystery.

For example, last month, Xpeng suddenly announced that the 2023 Xpeng P7 dropped by 140,000, which made car owners who spent 300,000 yuan to buy a car in previous years feel at a loss.

The problem is that it's not really a price cut, it's just about dealing with inventory.

Obviously, this batch of cars can be digested through second-hand channels and distribution channels, but it is necessary to officially announce that the owner of the car will be stabbed in the back and lower his brand image, which is completely incomprehensible.

Of course, the product is good enough, which is not a big problem, after all, "the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys", as long as the product is good enough, it can always attract many people.

Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

But the second problem comes, that is, the quality control is a bit average.

Although on the whole, there are no fatal problems with the model, but there are many small flaws, which always make consumers dissatisfied.

Take the Xpeng G6 as an example, this model has been criticized for the "frozen leg door" problem.

The reason is that in the cold winter, the left side of the car is very cold, and the warm air is almost not felt - the key is not that 1-2 people have such a problem, and many car owners have similar complaints.

Until now, there is no clear statement on whether this issue will be resolved.

Some voices say that it has been resolved through OTA; Some say that the new batch of models has been optimized for this problem; There are also claims that older owners can upgrade for free, but the specifics are still vague.

If you have a clear friend, you can talk about the specific situation.

Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

In addition, the G9 model has also encountered some problems.

Some car owners reported that among the old models, there was a batch of motor noise problems; Although the new model does not have this trouble, there are still many cases of millimeter-wave radar failures in the first batch of vehicles.

These problems, while not serious, are enough to annoy.

It is also for these reasons that many car owners have begun to question their choices and complain about the problems they have encountered, which has undoubtedly affected sales.

Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

Finally, the organizational skills are a bit weak.

At least compared to NIO and ideals, it is weak.

This may not only be a personal feeling, but also a lot of details.

For example, Zhou Hongyi recently tested the Xiaopeng Huitian flying car live, but because the test flight procedures of Xiaopeng could not be completed, the test drive of the flying car could not take off, which made Zhou Hongyi angry.

Truth be told, that's incredible for any company.

Because such an important marketing event is still broadcast live, the procedures have not been completed in advance, which is just a joke.

Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

It's just a time, or it can be said to be an oversight, but recently Pengchang has also carried out a plan for AI Dimensity to try and experience 10,000 people, which was originally a simple technical test.

The results were unsatisfactory: some users had the problem of upgrade failure, and some users had successfully registered, but did not receive any push; There are also users who receive the push and then disappear.

All kinds of chaos in it make people angry and funny, and the whole thing is speechless.

In addition, in terms of after-sales service and car delivery, there seem to be such signs: in addition to urging the purchase of in-store insurance, the sense of ritual and after-sales service of delivery is unsatisfactory.

Why is the glorious Xiaopeng Motors in the past less than 10,000 sold a month? The 3 reasons are real and need to be improved

In general, Xpeng Motors' products are very poor, and the technology is not good? Not really!

The problem is that this company has too many mysterious operations, which directly affects its brand image, and over time, it naturally has a huge impact on sales.

If you want to turn the tables, you must also start from these aspects to save your reputation and image.

After that, it is certainly not difficult to stabilize monthly sales of more than 10,000 yuan, not to mention 2-30,000 yuan.


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