
After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

author:Raven-kun's first aid workplace

Many people always have hesitations and concerns before buying an electric car. After all, the widely circulated belief that trams are prone to spontaneous combustion and lack of range does not seem to be reliable.

However, once you actually own a tram, you will find that compared to traditional petrol cars, the three major experiences offered by trams are refreshing and really refreshing.

While this may sound hypocritical, those who have felt it will tell you that it is.

After all, a lot of problems are simply fed up in the era of oil trucks!


After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

The first reason is that many people are fed up with the expensive cost of refueling.

After all, 20 years ago, No. 92 gasoline was only 2.1 yuan a liter, and now, it is as high as 8 yuan per liter.

Every time I go to the gas station, I feel that instead of filling up the gas, I am bleeding my wallet.

Therefore, some short-distance trips often become that you don't need a car if you can do without a car: because a little calculation will find that it is not as cost-effective as taking a taxi, and you can pay less parking fees.

But since the change of trains, everything has changed.

Because compared with oil trucks, the cost of use per kilometer is only 0.15 yuan, and if you install a home charger, the cost can be lower.

After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

It is also because of this that many car friends are talking about the fact that they can't wait to drive when they go out to buy groceries now, it's like they don't need money, it's so cool.

Although some will say, isn't your time worth it? Running at high speed is a waste of life.

But think about it the other way, a gas station, it costs 400 yuan for 5 minutes to fill up the gas. But as long as you take a 20-minute break at the gas station, you can get a discount of 300 yuan, will you rest?

I believe that the vast majority of people will choose the latter, because ordinary people's time is really not worth much.

This is also the reason why when they hear that oil prices are going to rise, many people will queue up overnight to refuel.

After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

The second reason is that many people are disgusted with the bad ride experience.

To put it bluntly, the noise of petrol trucks is too obvious compared to trams: the noise of the engine, combined with the feedback from the road surface, is simply overwhelming.

A slightly more expensive oil car is fine, but any cheaper one is simply torture.

For example, some time ago, I occasionally hit a fuel-powered online car-hailing car, and the vibration and noise didn't send me away, which was really uncomfortable.

The tram is different, let alone roaring, and even the slightest loud noise is rarely seen.

It's just that the noise is okay, but it's actually bearable, because there is a solution - but the smell inside the oil truck is really unsolvable.

Especially in the hot summer, the stuffy and smelly smell of oil makes people faint.

After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

Not to mention that you can buy some fragrance to cover up the smell, but if you compare it, you will find that no matter how you deal with it, the oil car will have an oily smell, and if you add the fragrance, it will only become an oil smell with a fragrance.

Of course, people who drive oil cars all year round may not feel it, because you are used to it.

But when I got used to the train, I could feel the uncomfortable smell as soon as I got back on the train.

This is also the reason why many people drive the tram and can't go back to the petrol car.

After all, with such a huge difference, the sense of improvement is too obvious.

In the words of a car friend: our Mercedes-Benz and Tesla have coexisted for more than a year, and we thought that it would be more convenient to have an extra car. As a result, everyone was only willing to drive a Tesla, and Mercedes-Benz was put on hold for more than a year, and a thick layer of dust accumulated on the car.

After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

The third reason is that they are fed up with the handling feedback of petrol trucks.

It's okay that I haven't tried the tram, but once I have experienced it, you will find that the petrol car often gives people a sense of lag in handling, especially in the process of acceleration and braking, it feels like driving a tractor, always half a beat slower.

But the tram is different, its motor can achieve instantaneous response, without waiting for the engine speed to increase or the gearbox to intervene, it is easy to achieve "people and vehicles" - almost just walk and stop when you want, without a trace of mud and water.

Of course, you can use millions of luxury cars to disprove this point of view: if it's just a 1.5 self-priming, 1.2t, 1.5T internal combustion engine - in this era, only the motor is powered.

After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

In addition, due to the low center of gravity and higher torsional rigidity of the tram, the stability of the body will also be better, and it will be much more stable than the gasoline car when overtaking and cornering.

This is not nonsense, in comparison, you will find that the torsional rigidity of the current mainstream trams has come to 40,000Nm/deg, and when you put it on the oil body, there is no million, and you can't buy a body of this level at all.

Coupled with advanced features such as dual-chamber air suspension and active CDC, which are common in electric cars, the driving experience is greatly enhanced.

According to the experts, even millions of petrol trucks, the ultimate driving experience created by first-class engineers is only barely up to the default settings of electric cars.

After buying a tram, I realized how cool these 3 things are: not hypocrisy, but fed up!

In general, many things are not experienced and have no right to speak.

Anyone who has experienced a good tram will find that its driving experience and comfort are far superior to those of the same level of gasoline cars.

It is also because of this that many people said that since they opened the train, they have not been able to go back to the petrol train.