
Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a sunny morning, Zhang Haitang walked into a well-known hospital in the center of the city with a little nervousness.

Zhang Haitang is an ordinary middle school history teacher, who is busy preparing and lecturing on weekdays, and does not pay much attention to his health. Recently, however, he felt exhausted, often feeling thirsty and urinating frequently, which made him have to face possible health problems.

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

He came to the hospital to do a full check-up, specifically to check his blood sugar levels, as he has a genetic history of diabetes in his family. While waiting for the results of the examination, Zhang Haitang was uneasy and full of thoughts.

He remembered that when he was a child, his grandfather used to tell him about the importance of health, and he didn't listen to it very well at that time, but now he feels the importance of his grandfather's words. The results came in, and the doctor's expression seemed to indicate not so good news.

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

Zhang Haitang's fasting blood sugar value is high, which has reached the standard of prediabetes. The doctor, an experienced internal medicine physician named Liu Jiannian, has seen countless similar cases, but he is always patient and meticulous every time he faces a patient.

Dr. Liu looked at Zhang Haitang with a smile and said, "Teacher Zhang, I have read your test results, your blood sugar is indeed a little high, we need to talk about your eating habits. ”

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

Zhang Haitang nodded, his expression solemn, he knew that the advice he was going to hear next might make him have to change a lot of his lifestyle.

"You know, Mr. Zhang, a lot of people think that high blood sugar means you have to absolutely avoid rice and pasta, but that's not exactly the case. What we need is a balance. ”

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

"The key is to choose foods with a low glycemic index, such as brown rice and whole-grain pasta, which can help you better control your blood sugar. ”

Dr. Lau then gave a detailed explanation of the three main substances that diabetics should avoid in their daily diet. First of all, he stressed the importance of avoiding foods high in sugar, as these foods can quickly increase blood sugar, which is very bad for diabetics.

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

He went on to talk about reducing salt intake, which not only helps control blood pressure, but also helps to better manage blood sugar levels.

Finally, Dr Lau emphasised the importance of reducing fats, especially saturated and trans fats, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is a double whammy for diabetics.

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

Zhang Haitang listened carefully and nodded from time to time. He thought he would be told to give up a lot of his favorite foods, but Dr. Lau's advice actually puts more emphasis on choosing healthy ingredients and adjusting cooking methods.

"For example, when stir-frying, you can put less oil and try to cook by steaming and boiling, which can not only reduce the intake of fat, but also retain the nutrients of the food." Dr. Lau continued.

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

The conversation shifted to physical exercise. Dr. Lau specifically recommends a moderate amount of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, which can help improve the body's insulin sensitivity and is a good way to control blood sugar.

Zhang Haitang wrote down these suggestions and had a plan of action in mind. After about an hour of consultation, Zhang Haitang was about to leave when a question suddenly came to mind: "Dr. Liu, I often hear that drinking coffee affects blood sugar, is this true?" ”

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

Dr. Liu smiled and replied, "That's a good question. In fact, moderate amounts of coffee may have a slight positive effect on blood sugar, especially black coffee. ”

"Of course, provided that there is no sugar and no milk. Some of the compounds in coffee can help improve insulin sensitivity, but the key word is 'in moderation'. Overdose can be counterproductive. ”

Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

Zhang Haitang thanked Dr. Liu for his advice and answers, and was full of confidence in his future lifestyle adjustments. He knows that as long as he follows his doctor's advice and adjusts his diet and lifestyle habits appropriately, blood sugar control is completely achievable.

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Can't eat rice with high blood sugar? The doctor emphasized many times: I don't want blood sugar to "explode", and I should eat less of the 3 things

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