
The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

author:Möngke talks about health

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Huang Daming's nose has been itching, and this feeling has been going on for months.

He thought it was just because spring came, there was a lot of pollen, and he was allergic, so he bought some anti-allergy drugs and treated them indiscriminately at home.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

But as time passed, the itching sensation in his nose became stronger and stronger, and he even began to have symptoms of nasal congestion and headache, which made him a little unable to sit still.

"Maybe it's a cold, just drink plenty of hot water." Huang Daming's wife, Li Xiaofang, is the kind of person who never makes a fuss about minor illnesses and pains, and she can always explain all complex issues in the simplest way.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

Although Huang Daming works as a technical support worker in an electrical appliance company and knows nothing about medical knowledge, he still decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Huang Daming was examined by a doctor after arriving at the hospital, and the doctor recommended a comprehensive nasopharyngoscopy. The results of the examination were unexpected, and Huang Daming was diagnosed with medium-stage nasopharyngeal cancer.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

The doctor said in a deep voice, "It's too late to find out. He explained that nasopharyngeal cancer is often difficult to diagnose in the early stages because the early symptoms are not obvious and can easily be ignored or mistaken for just a common allergy or cold.

By the time obvious symptoms appear, such as persistent nasal congestion, tinnitus, and headache, the condition is usually more serious.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

At this time, Huang Daming had mixed feelings in his heart, on the one hand, he was worried about his health, and on the other hand, he was also thinking about why this disease was so cunning and difficult to discover. Seeing that he was preoccupied, the doctor patiently introduced him to some basic knowledge of nasopharyngeal cancer.

"Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a malignant tumor that occurs in the nasopharynx, which is located between the back of the nasal cavity and the throat. In the initial stage, it may only cause some non-specific symptoms, such as nasal congestion, nasal reflux, etc., and many people will mistake it for ordinary rhinitis. ”

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

"As the tumor grows, it may compress the ear, causing tinnitus or hearing loss; If the tumor continues to develop, it may also invade the surrounding nerves, causing numbness or pain in the facial muscles. ”

The doctor explained while displaying relevant anatomical images and case photos on the computer. It was only at this time that Huang Daming truly felt the complexity of medicine and the mystery of the human body.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

He felt that this illness was a reminder to him and a wake-up call to the importance of health and the need for regular check-ups.

In the weeks that followed, Huang began treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy. During his treatment, he experienced many physical and psychological challenges, but gradually learned how to find joy and hope in life.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

During the treatment, Wong met many patients with the same conditions as him, and they encouraged each other to share their treatment experience and attitude towards life. This special friendship gave him a lot of psychological support and made him stronger in the face of illness.

Over time, Huang Daming's condition improved significantly, and doctors began to gradually reduce the intensity of treatment. During a follow-up examination, the doctor told him that the tumor had shrunk significantly and that his treatment was working very well.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

The news made both Huang Daming and his family very happy, and they realized that although there is still a long way to go, at least there is a glimmer of hope.

This experience not only gave Huang Daming a new understanding of life, but also made him cherish the time with his family and friends even more. Eventually, after more than a year of treatment, Huang Daming's condition was brought under control, and he gradually returned to his normal work and life.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

He often recalls the hardships and challenges along the way, and is full of emotion. During a follow-up visit, Huang Daming asked the doctor, "Why is nasopharyngeal cancer so difficult to detect in the early stage?" ”

The doctor replied, "This is mainly because the nasopharyngeal area is relatively insidious and the early symptoms are atypical. That's why I often recommend that even if it's a minor symptom, it's best to have regular check-ups, especially if you have a family history of the disease. In this way, problems can be detected early and the success rate of treatment can be improved. ”

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

Huang Daming nodded when he heard this, and deeply remembered the doctor's words. He knows that there is still a long way to go, but as long as he persists and cares, there will always be hope. From this experience, he learned a lot, not only about illness, but also about the true meaning of life and strength.

The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out

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The man had an itchy nose and thought it was an allergy, so he went to the hospital to check out nasopharyngeal cancer, and the doctor: It was too late to find out