
The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Qin Xiaomei, your recent hair loss is too serious, it's not just a matter of age." Dr. Lee, the family doctor, frowned, his eyes shining a hint of concern behind his magnifying glasses.

Qin Xiaomei sat opposite, caressing her increasingly thinning hairline a little helplessly.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

Qin Xiaomei, a retired principal who is about to celebrate her 65th birthday, decided to try vegetarianism by chance ten years ago, and since then, she has been following this diet consistently.

I thought it would be a healthy way of life, but now it seems that the problem is a bit complicated.

Dr. Li advised Qin Xiaomei to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to see if there were any other health problems.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

When she arrived at the hospital, Qin Xiaomei underwent a series of tests, including blood tests, electrocardiograms, and bone density tests.

The results showed that Qin Xiaomei's physical condition was significantly different from that of ordinary peers.

"Your blood test showed a severe iron deficiency, which is one of the main causes of your hair loss." Physician Zhang Hua explained in detail,

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

"Iron is essential for the body's synthesis of hemoglobin, which is essential for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Prolonged iron deficiency can lead to anemia, and hair growth is closely related to the nutrients in the blood. ”

Dr. Zhang Hua continued, "Moreover, the results of your bone density test are not very optimistic. Your bone density is 15% lower than the average person, which may be related to your long-term vegetarian diet.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

Typically, non-vegetarians consume more protein and calcium, which are key elements for maintaining bone health, by eating foods such as meat. ”

After listening to these analyses, Qin Xiaomei was a little frustrated, but she also became deeply interested in these new discoveries.

"So, how do I adjust my eating habits?" She asked.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

Dr. Zhang Hua advises that Qin Xiaomei does not have to give up a vegetarian diet altogether, but can consider adding some animal foods, such as fish and dairy products, which can provide essential iron and calcium.

"At the same time, I recommend that you take daily supplements of vitamin B12 and D, which are also common nutritional deficiencies in vegetarians."

Qin Xiaomei decided to adjust her diet according to the doctor's advice. A few months later, she had another medical check-up and her condition improved significantly.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

Her iron levels have rebounded, her hair loss has eased, and her bone density has improved, although it is still lower than normal.

In this story, there's a very unique point of view: while a vegetarian diet is widely recognized as a healthy lifestyle, it can also pose some health risks if not properly managed.

This view is supported by a wide range of data in the medical community. For example, according to a large study involving half a million people, iron deficiency rates among long-term vegetarians are as high as 40%, compared with only 20% among non-vegetarians.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

In addition, vegetarians have a 30% higher risk of fractures than non-vegetarians.

In Qin Xiaomei's story, despite the fact that a vegetarian diet brought some problems, with proper adjustments and supplementation, she managed to improve her health.

This shows that even vegetarians can achieve a healthy lifestyle through scientific dietary management.

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?

Faced with such a situation, we can't help but ask: can vegans avoid such health problems if they undergo a comprehensive nutritional assessment before starting their dietary journey?

In this regard, a detailed analysis and guidance of the nutritional intake of a large number of vegetarians may be the key to preventing such problems.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 65-year-old aunt has insisted on being a vegetarian for 10 years, and after going for a physical examination, what is the difference between her body and ordinary people?