
A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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That day, 17-year-old Zhao Mingze's abdomen hurt so much that he almost bent into a ball. He pressed his stomach desperately, and every breath felt like a blade slashing, and the intense pain made his face as pale as paper.

The family hurriedly sent him to the nearest hospital, and all this happened so suddenly that even Zhao Mingze himself couldn't figure out what was going on.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

The hospital's emergency room was blinded, and Zhao Mingze was quickly pushed into the consultation room, and a middle-aged doctor quickly took over his case. The doctor, Dr. Li, carefully examined Zhao Mingze's abdomen and then noticed those unusual dark spots on his lips.

He calmly told Zhao Mingze and his family that the initial suspicion was bowel cancer, and explained that the dark spots on the lips may be due to the accumulation of toxins in the body caused by the spread of cancer cells, which eventually led to the deposition of melanin on the lips.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

Dr. Li immediately arranged a series of emergency tests, including blood tests, CT scans and endoscopy. At the same time, he explained in detail some common causes of bowel cancer, such as long-term poor eating habits, genetic factors, etc., although the specific causes vary in each case.

Zhao Mingze is actually an ordinary high school student, in addition to his studies, his biggest hobby is playing chess. He is a member of the school chess club and often plays against his classmates in his spare time.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

Zhao Mingze's life seems to be peaceful and ordinary, but now this sudden illness is like a lightning bolt, breaking his ordinary daily life. While waiting for the test results, Dr. Li recounted the story of another patient to comfort Zhao.

The patient had come to the clinic with similar symptoms, and eventually after a series of treatments, the condition improved significantly. The results of Zhao Mingze's examination are out. Dr. Li immediately discussed the treatment plan with his family and decided to perform the surgery as soon as possible.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

During this time, Dr. Li explained the process of the operation and possible complications, and he used easy-to-understand language to ensure that Zhao Mingze and his family fully understood what was going to happen next.

During those two days, Zhao tried to stay calm, thinking about his future and how he could continue his chess training while he recovered. He suddenly realized that life is like a game of chess, every decision is crucial, and all he needs to do now is to follow the doctor's advice and take this step.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

On the day of the operation, Zhao Mingze was sent to a sterile operating room, and the doctors and nurses were ready, and the atmosphere was serious and tense. The operation lasted several hours, and Dr. Li and his team accurately removed the tumor and performed the necessary cleanup.

After the operation, Dr. Li reported to Zhao Mingze's family that the operation was very successful, the tumor had been completely removed, and the prognosis was preliminarily good. Zhao Mingze recovered for a period of time in the intensive care unit, and then transferred to the general ward, where the recovery period began.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

During his recovery, Dr. Li often visited him, bringing some words of encouragement and some light-hearted conversations to ease Zhao's nervousness. Dr. Li told him that although he is now out of danger, his lifestyle and eating habits in the coming months will be key to his recovery.

He particularly stressed the importance of a balanced diet and appropriate physical activity, and advised Zhao to minimize sitting still for long periods of time and participate in more light physical activity.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

Gradually, he felt his strength regain, although he still felt quite weak at first. During this time, he also had more time to think about his life and his future. Zhao Mingze decided that once he fully recovered, he would cherish every day more and face every challenge in life with a more positive attitude.

He returned to school to continue his studies and returned to the chess club to continue his chess training. No matter how unpredictable life is, as long as we maintain a positive attitude and are willing to accept professional help, we can always find a way to overcome difficulties.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

Zhao Mingze's experience is not only a battle for the body, but also a profound baptism for the spirit. The most important lesson he learned was to feel with our hearts and cope with love, no matter where life takes us.

For a young patient like Zhao, what are the risks of delaying treatment, and how does this affect his long-term health and quality of life? For this condition, the importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment cannot be overstated. Untreated, bowel cancer can quickly spread to other parts of the body, leading to exacerbations and even life-threatening conditions.

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

Both doctors and patients themselves must prioritize early symptoms so that action can be taken as soon as possible to improve survival and reduce the risk of long-term complications.

What do you think about bowel cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 17-year-old boy with a "black mole" on his lips went to the hospital with unbearable abdominal pain, and the doctor: Hurry up and rescue!

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