
The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Every time I see myself in the mirror, do I feel that my tongue has changed color again?"

Aunt Li, an ordinary retired teacher, has recently begun to pay attention to the color and texture of her tongue. She had heard that the tongue could reflect the health of the human body, so she carefully examined her tongue every day.

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Dr. Zhang explained in detail the three conditions that appear on the tongue that can be signs of a physical health problem and require early medical attention.

If there are unusual white patches on the tongue, it could be a sign of oral candida infection, especially in older people with weakened immune systems, Dr Teo noted.

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

"This condition is often associated with poor oral hygiene or chronic diseases, and can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as antibiotics," he explains. ”

Secondly, Dr. Teo talked about the abnormally rosy tongue, which can be a sign of vitamin B12 or iron deficiency. "The tongue with this symptom usually looks smooth because it loses its normal tongue lines," he mentions. If these nutrients are not replenished in a timely manner, it may lead to further health problems. ”

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Finally, Dr. Cheung reminds everyone to be aware of pain or abnormal lumps on the tongue. "If the lump on the tongue does not go away for a long time, or if the tongue often feels pain, it may be an early sign of oral cancer," he said seriously. Oral cancer may not have many noticeable symptoms in the early stages, so early detection and treatment are crucial. ”

Aunt Li and the other residents learned more about how to observe and understand the condition of their tongues. Everyone has expressed that they should pay more attention to their oral health and seek medical attention in time when they find abnormalities. "Dr. Zhang, how often should we have our tongue checked to effectively monitor our health?"

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Dr. Zhang replied with a smile, "I recommend that you check the color and surface condition of your tongue with a mirror every day after brushing your teeth. If you notice any of the abnormalities I mentioned above, you should make an appointment to see a doctor in time. In addition, a comprehensive dental check-up should be done at least once a year so that possible oral health problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner. ”

Through Dr. Zhang's advice, Auntie Lee and her friends learned how to observe their tongue as a simple and effective way to detect their own health.

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

"In addition to examining the tongue, we should also focus on overall lifestyle habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol are the enemies of oral health," he said. These habits not only affect the health of the tongue but also increase the risk of oral cancer. ”

The audience listened very attentively, and many began to realize that oral health is much more than just brushing and flossing, and that it is closely related to a person's overall health. After the meeting, many residents said that they would adjust their lifestyle habits and conduct regular oral health self-examinations.

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

An old gentleman raised his hand and asked, "Dr. Zhang, can you tell us more about how we should tell if we need to seek medical attention immediately if we find an abnormality in our daily life?" ”

If you have a sudden, persistent pain or burning sensation on your tongue, or an ulcer that doesn't heal on its own, this could be a precursor to mouth cancer and you should seek medical attention immediately.

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

If you have unusually thick white patches on your tongue or if you have significant changes in the surface of your tongue, such as dark red spots, these can also be signs of an underlying health problem.

Finally, if a sudden change in the shape or color of the tongue is noticed, this is also a cause for concern. Of course, anytime you feel unsure or worried about your symptoms, the safest thing to do is to consult a medical professional.

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Through this exchange, the residents not only deepened their understanding of the tongue as a "detector" of the body, but also learned how to correctly interpret these signals and when to seek help from a doctor.

Dr. Zhang's lecture not only provided professional medical knowledge, but also stimulated the enthusiasm of community residents for a healthy lifestyle, so that more people began to pay attention to the health details of daily life, which has a long-term positive impact on improving the health level of the whole community.

What do you think about the fact that the tongue reflects good health? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The tongue is the "detector" of the body? Doctor: If you have these 3 conditions on your tongue, seek medical attention as soon as possible

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