
There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Aunt Zhang, you eat this folded ear root every day, what's wrong with eating?" Aunt Zhang is a well-known "Folded Ear Root Fanatic" in the vegetable market, and she chews a handful of Folded Ear Root as a snack every day, and I heard that it is good for the body.

Aunt Zhang came to the hospital today and said that her stomach had been a little uncomfortable recently.

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

Aunt Zhang is a retired teacher, and she is usually quite strong, but in the past few days, she always feels bloated, and her stomach is turning upside down, so that she can't even eat her favorite folded ear root. She thought she had some serious illness and came to see Dr. Liu.

Dr. Liu gave her a brief examination first, and then said, "Aunt Zhang, I don't think you have a big problem, mainly because you have eaten too much ear roots." ”

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

Folded ear root, scientific name Houttuynia cordata, is a medicinal and edible plant. Folklore has it that the root of the ear can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce inflammation and antibacterial, and have many benefits. But as Dr. Liu said, not everyone is suitable for eating origami every day.

Dr. Liu patiently explained to Aunt Zhang: "There are indeed many benefits to folding ear roots. First of all, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, which can boost immunity. Especially in the case of cold and fever, the root of the ear can play a certain antiviral role. ”

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

The volatile oil contained in the root of the folded ear has a significant antibacterial and antiviral effect. In addition, the root also contains a lot of flavonoids, which have antioxidant effects, help to slow down aging and protect the cardiovascular system.

"In addition, the folded ear root can also promote digestion and relieve constipation." Dr. Liu continued, "It is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and help with bowel movements. ”

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

The dietary fiber content in the folded ear root is as high as 20%, and these fibers can effectively increase the volume of stool, shorten the residence time in the intestine, and prevent constipation. At the same time, dietary fiber can also adsorb harmful substances in the intestines and play a certain role in detoxification.

Although there are many benefits of folded ear root, it is not suitable for everyone. Dr. Liu continued to explain: "Aunt Zhang, your gastrointestinal function is not particularly good, and you have cold ears and roots, and eating too much can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort. ”

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

Those with cold spleen and stomach deficiency are easy to cause diarrhea, stomach pain and other uncomfortable symptoms after eating. Therefore, people with weak gastrointestinal function, especially the elderly and children, should not consume a large amount of folded ear root.

"In addition, there is another group of people who also eat less origami roots." Dr. Liu pointed to a poster on the wall, which read, "People with allergies should use with caution." "Folded ear root contains a variety of volatile oils and alkaloids, and some people will be allergic to it and have symptoms such as rash and itching."

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

The volatile oils and alkaloids in the root of the folded ear may cause allergic reactions, especially in people with allergies, who are prone to rashes, itching, dyspnea and other allergic symptoms after consumption. Therefore, people with allergies should be especially cautious when consuming origami root.

After hearing this, Aunt Zhang smiled a little embarrassedly: "Doctor Liu, I really don't pay attention to these things usually, I just know that the root of the ear is good, so I eat hard." ”

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

Dr. Liu smiled and said, "Folding ear roots is really good, but we also have to pay attention to the amount, and eating it in moderation can be good for the body." Stop for a few days to see if your stomach is better. ”

She suddenly thought that she had heard that the root of the ear can fight cancer, so she asked Dr. Liu: "Dr. Liu, I heard that the root of the ear can also fight cancer, is this true?" ”

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "Folded ear root does have a certain anti-cancer effect. "The flavonoids and polysaccharides in the root of the folded ear have the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis of cancer cells. Experiments have shown that these components have a significant inhibitory effect on various cancer cells such as lung cancer, liver cancer, and gastric cancer.

However, Dr. Liu also emphasized: "However, the root of the ear cannot replace the formal anti-cancer treatment, and can only be used as an auxiliary means." Cancer patients should still rely on the hospital's treatment plan, and the root of the ear is only an auxiliary role. She decided to adjust her diet when she returned home and no longer blindly ate origami roots.

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

Folded ear root has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, relieving cough and reducing phlegm. Its volatile oil components can relax the trachea, reduce tracheal spasm, and have a certain effect on relieving cough symptoms.

In Dr. Liu's clinic, the story continues every day, and everyone has different worries and questions. Dr. Liu used his professional knowledge and patience to help everyone answer questions and impart health knowledge, so that the elderly in the community can live a healthy and happy life.

There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

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There are many benefits to eating origami root, but it's not for everyone! Doctor reminds: 2 types of people eat less

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