
Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

author:The Grass of the Ancient Tree


A cigarette after a meal, happy like a fairy!

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

有网友看到2023年《Nature Communications》刊登的一篇文章,《尼古丁通过增强NAMPT活性来重新平衡NAD稳态并改善雄性小鼠的衰老相关symptoms》。

I feel that smoking is still beneficial, at least I have an excuse to smoke.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

It turned out to be the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and through experiments, it was found that ingesting a small amount of nicotine can delay aging and even prolong life by 40%!

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

So is it possible to achieve this effect by smoking cigarettes containing nicotine? Is this approach advisable?

1. Can smoking delay aging?

Whether it has an effect or not, let's look at the experiment first.

This conclusion was reached by the experimenters on the body of mice.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

They first prepared two batches of mice, one of which drank normal water and the other with a small amount of nicotine.

As this nicotine water enters the gut of the mice, some of the nicotine is metabolized by the liver, but some of it enters their bloodstream.

Later, the experimenters found that mice that drank nicotine water seemed to age more slowly.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Finally, after many experimental observations, the results were obtained:

Nicotine can rebalance NAD homeostasis and improve aging in male mice by enhancing NAMPT activity.

The rats had 0.25 nanograms of nicotine in their blood.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Therefore, some netizens think that smoking can also delay aging and enhance physical fitness. So is this hasty judgment correct?

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

If the results of this study are also applicable to humans, then how much smoke does an adult smoke if he wants to achieve a blood level of 0.25 nanograms per milliliter?

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Let's move on.

Suppose that 0.5 milligrams of nicotine enters the human bloodstream per cigarette, which is 500,000 nanograms.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

A 50 kg person, the blood content in his body is about 50*70 ml, that is, 3500 ml of blood, 500,000 divided by 3.5 million, then smoking a cigarette will make the nicotine content of the whole body blood reach 14.28 nanograms per ml.

So 0.2 cigarettes are enough for a 100-pound adult to reach the nicotine content of 0.25 in the body of a mouse.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

However, long-term smoking can be addictive, and few smokers can guarantee that they only smoke 0.2 cigarettes a day, and they may smoke one or two cigarettes a day at the beginning, and slowly more and more.

What's more, there is still a big difference between humans and mice, mice ingest nicotine by drinking water, the stimulation brought by nicotine will be relatively slow, and at the end of the test, mice do not have nicotine dependence.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

However, people are ingested through smoking, and the stimulation is more violent, and the concentration in the blood will reach 400 times that of mice in a few seconds, and it is easier to become dependent on cigarettes.

What's more, the tar and other harmful substances in cigarettes can cause harm to the respiratory tract, so smoking is more harmful to the body than good.

If you want to slow down aging, choosing healthy foods is more cost-effective.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Eat potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and mushrooms, which are healthy foods that are good for your health and can be eaten with confidence.

So is it advisable to slow down aging by smoking?

2. Is it advisable to delay aging by smoking?

It is worth noting that the conclusion that nicotine delays aging is obtained in mice, and it is not known whether nicotine has the same effect on the human body.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Therefore, for friends who want to delay aging by smoking, it is better to dispel their thoughts as early as possible, and it is not advisable to delay aging by smoking.

It is even likely to have the opposite effect, accelerating the aging rate of the skin, and may even aggravate skin wrinkles and dark spots.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Not only that, smoking is one of the globally recognized ways of causing cancer, and not only smokers will be harmed, but secondhand smoke will also be harmful.

Regarding whether nicotine can delay aging and whether it is applicable to humans, the Voice of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (the official account of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) has refuted rumors.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

They state that nicotine ≠ cigarettes, and that nicotine is composed of (C10H14N2), a neuroalkaloid of the Solanaceae family.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Subsequently, we were analyzed to analyze the mechanism of nicotine to delay aging.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Before coming to this conclusion, they still have three premises, which are "low dose", "drinking" and "non-addictive".

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Therefore, mice only get the benefits of nicotine, and do not secrete dopamine continuously like humans, thus "smoking addiction".

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Further clinical trials are needed on whether low-dose nicotine can slow down aging in people.

So don't let the wind be the rain just because you see the conclusion of this experiment.

Not only that, but e-cigarettes are not recommended for everyone to try.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Because people who smoke e-cigarettes will slowly become addicted to nicotine, most people will feel "not addicted" and start smoking directly.

But if a person is asked to smoke directly, then the first time they will basically feel choked, and they are not even willing to try the second time, so they will naturally not regret their nicotine addiction.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

However, e-cigarettes are different, it is actually glycerin atomization, because there is less combustion, there is less tar, which is the same cancer in the smoke, and there is also less choking, which lowers the threshold for smoking.

But even if an e-cigarette smells like a fruit of various flavors, it is not a fruit, but a real cigarette, and once addicted, it will smoke and upgrade, and eventually become an "old smoker".

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Therefore, the best way is to smoke less or even not at all, which is also a better explanation for physical health.

But what exactly is the "password" of longevity?


In fact, the real code of immortality is hidden in our ordinary lives.

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

The first is the diet, eat more low-calorie grains, such as corn and potatoes, as well as a variety of fresh vegetables, and of course, meat, because it contains the protein that our body needs.

After that, it is necessary to maintain a good routine and rest habits, exercise properly, and stop and rest when you feel tired.

Finally, it's good to maintain a good attitude, after all, it's less than ten years to laugh!

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

Sources of information in this article:

[1] Nature Communications, 2023 02-17, "Nicotine Rebalances NAD Homeostasis and Ameliorates Aging-Related Symptoms in Male Mice by Enhancing NAMPT Activity"

Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors
[2] Netinfo Yutian, 2023-03-14, "Internet Rumor Crusher, the latest research says nicotine anti-aging "amazing"? If you want to live forever, don't expect smoking丨Hot spots are more real"
Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors
[3] Voice of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2023-09-19, "Is nicotine anti-aging mechanism also applicable to humans?" | Refutation of rumors"
Nicotine slows down aging! Smoking or longevity code, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased knowledge after refuting rumors

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