
The owner of the Great Wall gun was killed by the neck of the electric tent on the roof of the car, and the tent manufacturer said that it was suspected of improper operation


Whip bull news on May 15, #长城炮车主被车顶电动帐篷卡脖身亡#话题引起多人关注.

The owner of the Great Wall gun was killed by the neck of the electric tent on the roof of the car, and the tent manufacturer said that it was suspected of improper operation

On May 13, some netizens reported that the owner of a Great Wall cannon car in Chengdu was unfortunately killed by an electric roof tent, questioning the existence of hidden dangers in the vehicle.

A friend of the owner of the car told the reporter who called the emergency that it had just been half a month since she picked up the car, and on May 11, the owner had an accident when she was operating the tent to lift the roof, and she had tried to operate the key to save people unsuccessfully.

On the 14th, the relevant person in charge of the sales side of Great Wall Motor said that relevant personnel have been connected with the family. The manufacturer of the rooftop tent involved in the accident said that it had docked with the lawyer of the deceased's family, "At present, it seems that the party did not operate in accordance with the process of the instructions and caused the accident, and is cooperating with the notarization and finding out the truth." ”

Netizens questioned this response, saying that there is no basic security protection? It seems that the risk of the car is quite large.

The owner of the Great Wall gun was killed by the neck of the electric tent on the roof of the car, and the tent manufacturer said that it was suspected of improper operation
The owner of the Great Wall gun was killed by the neck of the electric tent on the roof of the car, and the tent manufacturer said that it was suspected of improper operation

So far, the results of the investigation have not been released, and there has been no new response from Great Wall Motors.

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