
In this life, the worst cause and effect is not knowing "gratitude"

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

The ancients said: "The retribution of good and evil follows you like a shadow; Three generations of cause and effect, the cycle is not lost. ”

Everything is linked to each other, and it will continue.

What happened at the moment, what was gained, and what was lost is actually a hint of what will happen in the future.

A wise person takes ten steps to see one step at a time, and ten steps beyond it is the fruit.

Ignorant people, one step is one step, and the next step is the consequences.

As a man, I am not afraid that after paying, there is no return, and I am afraid that after getting benefits, I will be indifferent.

paid, with a clear conscience; If you don't reciprocate, people's hearts are sinister.

In this life, the worst cause and effect is not knowing "gratitude"


People are in high places: If you are not grateful to the people at the bottom, your foundation will collapse.

There's a good saying: "When you go to a high place, be kind to the people around you, because when you go back, you will meet them." ”

The tragedy is that many people get carried away when they go up. Got rid of the people who had struggled with him, and didn't even bother to look back.

Only when he fell off the altar did he suddenly realize that he was not a god, but lived in the world.

During the reign of Tang Dezong, Li Xilie, Li Na and other vassal kings went their own ways and did not obey the deployment of the imperial court.

Li Xilie sent troops to surround Xiangcheng and continued to expand his power.

In order to lift the siege of Xiangcheng as soon as possible, Tang Dezong issued an edict to let Jingyuan's soldiers rush to Xiangcheng.

Jingyuan Jiedu made Yao Lingyan follow the arrangement of the edict and bring the soldiers to the capital.

The rapid march caused the generals to be tired and hungry, and everyone wanted to resupply in the capital, eat a good meal, and get some rewards.

It's a pity that the generals only got some coarse food.

Some soldiers threw their rice bowls on the ground: "We work hard for the court, and we will die in the battlefield ...... the enemy."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the soldiers were full of complaints, and temporarily decided to attack the capital.

When Tang Dezong heard the news, he hurriedly sent a messenger to send brocade silk and gold silk to the soldiers, but it was too late, and the soldiers' anger reached the extreme.

The "Jingyuan Mutiny" broke out, and Tang Dezong was driven out of the capital and fled to Mukden.

We can compare the soldiers who are on the road day and night, hungry and hungry, and are still criticized; The palace is still singing and dancing, all dressed and fed. How can the soldiers at the bottom be convinced?

The ancients said: "The people are in power, and then the gentleman is in place." ”

The ordinary toiling masses cannot be at peace, so can the king be safe and sound?

A person in a lower place, like water, can propel a boat forward, or it can set off huge waves; People in lower places, such as soil, can nourish trees, and they can also collapse because of soil and water, causing trees to fall.

No matter how high a mountain is, it is also composed of a stone and a sand; No matter how tall the building is, it is a combination of bricks and tiles.

You are in a high place, and it is the people at the bottom who lift you up. And, Feng Shui takes turns, and you can't be on high forever.

Learn to be grateful to those at the bottom and let go of your arrogance, so that you can avoid retribution.

In this life, the worst cause and effect is not knowing "gratitude"


People are in difficulty: they are not grateful to the nobles, and they betray their relatives and leave.

Many people are prone to the illusion that "if someone else is rich and powerful, they should help you." ”

Ascend Mien, fight Mi Qiu. Such a situation is caused by ungratitude.

Don't forget, people help you once or twice, but when they see you and don't give anything back, they will be chilled and refuse to help.

Let's talk about Tang Dezong again.

Shuofang Jiedu made Li Huaiguang hear that the emperor was trapped in Mukden, so he rushed over to rescue him.

Just when Tang Dezong was about to starve, Li Huaiguang arrived and defeated the rebels.

Tang Dezong, who turned the crisis into peace, ignored Li Huaiguang's merits. Prime Minister Lu Qi and Li Huaiguang had a grudge, so they said bad things one after another, causing Tang Dezong to be even more grateful.

After a while, Tang Dezong was still suspicious of Li Huaiguang.

After Li Huaiguang was cold, he did not move, causing Tang Dezong to be restless and fled from Mukden to Liangzhou.

If a person, after receiving a favor, returns the favor and takes revenge, then he is more vicious than a passer-by, and he will be guilty of his own evil deeds.

In this world, no one should help you, but people will see your difficulties and give you some benefits.

The person who reciprocates the help is warm, so he will continue to help you. Your reward proves that you are not a poor person.

From a certain point of view, there is a need for courtesy and exchange between you and your nobles. Being noble to each other is the best way to socialize.

People are expensive, but you are poor, which is undoubtedly harming yourself.

In this life, the worst cause and effect is not knowing "gratitude"


People in the family: ungrateful to their parents, the family is ruined and poor.

On Zhihu, someone asked such a question: "Born in a fourth-tier city, my parents can't help me develop my career, do I still have to be grateful?" ”

The most admirable answer is: "What do you want to feed you from being so small a tadpole to now being as big as a pig?" ”

Yes, your parents helped you grow up and sent you to school. Aren't you going to walk the road after that?

You have to be supported by your parents all your life, and you have to be raised by your parents as a rich second generation, how shameless it is.

Shakespeare famously said, "The ingratitude of a child is like one of your hands bringing food into one of his mouths, and one of his mouths biting off your other hand." ”

Your parents feed you, but you bite your parents' hands - ten fingers are connected to the heart, and it hurts.

A person who is not even filial to his parents should not let anything kind. From now on, everyone will scoff at it, what future will there be?

If you cooperate with a customer and find that the customer is in a gnawing old person, it is estimated that you will soon stop cooperating, such a person is not trustworthy.

If you have been treating your parents badly, and you have to be nominated by the people in the village, this will not be possible.

Mencius said, "Only by being filial to one's parents can one relieve one's worries." ”

If you treat your parents as people to be grateful for all your life, you will find that there is really a lot of love in life, and life will shine because of it.

If you love your parents, your parents will love you more; People around you, give you a thumbs up.

In this life, the worst cause and effect is not knowing "gratitude"


Let's look at the ancients' interpretation of "grace".

En, Huiya; Benefactor, benevolence; In this way, the grace of the upper and lower is combined.

Kindness is benefit, the embodiment of benevolence and righteousness, and the beginning of unity.

You can be ordinary or poor, but you can't be unconscionable.

Don't let evil thoughts take over your heart, and your conscience will hurt.

May you and I, but do good deeds, and don't ask about the future.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.