
Huxiang culture is a model of excellent traditional Chinese culture

author:Xinxiang Review
Huxiang culture is a model of excellent traditional Chinese culture


Huxiang culture is a model of excellent traditional Chinese culture

Study and Research Group of the Propaganda Department of the Changsha Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

From the strange and romantic immortal poems and poems, the thousand-year-old orthodox learning and theory of the Taoist lineage, to the Yueyang Tower, a famous building in the world by Dongting Lake, the Yuelu Academy, a thousand-year-old school at the foot of Yuelu Mountain, and then to the bright red background that is impregnated for the national independence, national prosperity and happiness of the people, the profound heritage of Huxiang culture is amazing, highlighting the ideological core and value essence of Chinese civilization, and is a unique resource in the major mission of the times to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and build a cultural power, and it is an important historical reference for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nationIt is necessary for the sons and daughters of Hunan to take up the glorious mission of integrity and innovation.

Huxiang culture highlights the pluralistic unity of Chinese civilization. Hunan is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization, and Huxiang culture is one of the rich and colorful regional cultures of China. Major archaeological discoveries such as Mawangdui, Yuchanyan, Gaomiao, Chengtou Mountain, Tanheli, Liye, Changsha Kiln, Laosicheng and other major archaeological discoveries are all extraordinary imprints left by the ancestors of Hunan in the process of creating the source of Chinese civilization. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Chu culture and the Miao Manchu indigenous culture blended here, and Changsha had the reputation of "the hometown of Qujia". After the southern crossing of Yiguan, more advanced culture in the Central Plains was introduced to the land of Huxiang, until the Tang and Song dynasties, Li Bai, Du Fu, Yuan Jie, Liu Zongyuan, Liu Yuxi, Wang Changling, Yuan Zhen, Xin Qiji, Lu You and other literati gathered one after another, forming a prosperous scene of "many people who move to Kesao will meet here" and "there is no poetry if you don't go to Xiaoxiang". With Yuelu Academy and Shigu Academy among the four major academies in the country, Hunan has become a national cultural and educational center, and Zhou Dunyi, the founder of the Song and Ming Dynasty science and science pioneers, and others are active here, injecting science factors into Huxiang culture and forming a far-reaching Huxiang school. In the face of "great changes unseen in 3,000 years" in modern times, countless sons and daughters of Huxiang have gone forward and sought up and down, winning the reputation of "a modern history, half of Hunan books". The October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China, and a large number of Hunan people walked out of their hometowns and wrote with struggle and blood the magnificent epic of "a thousand drops of Red Army blood per inch of land, one heroic body at a time", and achieved the brilliant glory of "within ten steps, there must be fragrant grass". Huxiang culture plays a unique charm along the road of Chinese civilization, is an important element of Chinese civilization in diversity and integration, and contributes wisdom and strength to the sustainable development of mainland civilization.

Huxiang culture contributes to the construction of the main body of Chinese culture. The history of the formation and development of Huxiang culture is a history of participating in the construction of Chinese culture. The historical conditions, development opportunities, and unique contributions of the rise of Huxiang culture are closely related to the construction of the subjectivity of Chinese culture. During the Chu and Han dynasties, the Huxiang region became an important area for the derivation of Chu culture, and Qu Yuan led the creation of a unique poetic form "Chu Ci", which promoted the diversified integration and historical construction of Chinese culture with unique artistic creation and profound thoughts, making the Jingchu culture, which is far away from the Central Plains, one of the three major regional cultures of Chinese culture. During the Song and Song dynasties, Zhou Dunyi of the Northern Song Dynasty pioneered science, and the education of the Southern Song Dynasty Academy flourished, and in the Ming and Qing dynasties, "there is a Hegel in the West and a Wang Chuanshan in the East", Wang Fuzhi developed science, and the Huxiang culture gradually rose, realizing the subjective construction of Chinese culture on the basis of absorbing Buddhist culture. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Huxiang culture entered its heyday, and in the face of the huge impact of strong Western culture, Huxiang aspirants actively absorbed foreign advanced artifact culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture on the one hand, and on the other hand, adhered to the Chinese cultural tradition and core value system, and strived to realize the reconstruction of the subjectivity of Chinese culture. At present, we must adhere to our individual characteristics, integrate into global civilization, open the door to international cultural exchanges that embrace the world and embrace the future, such as the "World Capital of Media Arts", and find our own passionate and unique "voice" in the "Belt and Road" and "chorus", so that Huxiang culture can show its permanent charm and style of the times.

Huxiang culture inherits the civilization genes of Chinese culture. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development: "There are many important elements of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which together shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese culture", and comprehensively and systematically explained the civilization genes of Chinese culture, that is, outstanding continuity, outstanding innovation, outstanding unity, outstanding inclusiveness, and outstanding peace. Huxiang culture is rooted in the land of Sanxiang, which not only inherits the civilization genes of "continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness and peace" of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also maintains the distinctive regional characteristics of "seeking the basics, seeking change, seeking truth, seeking common ground and seeking innovation". The most significant feature of Huxiang culture is the feeling of "worrying about the world", which is the position of Chinese culture that "the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband", and it is the foundation of the people's hearts that the Chinese civilization continues to this day in the form of a state. The most significant pursuit of Huxiang culture is to "seek truth from facts" and "apply it to the world", which is also the practical wisdom of the development and growth of Chinese culture. The most significant tradition of Huxiang culture is the courage of "seeking innovation" and the spirit of "thinking about change", which is the genetic code of Chinese culture. Facing the new journey, we should give full play to Hunan's active role in the local practice of culture and the process of internationalization, promote the "integration of culture and technology" to innovate a new model of digital cultural production, comprehensively enhance the brand influence and international popularity of the "Cultural Hunan Army", and better undertake the new cultural mission.

Huxiang culture highlights the great spirit of the Chinese nation. With more than 5,000 years of splendid civilization, more than 170 years of unyielding struggle, and more than 70 years of marching with high songs, the Chinese nation has formed a great national spirit of unity, peace-loving, industrious, courageous, and unremitting self-improvement with patriotism as the core. Huxiang culture has been infiltrated by the pre-Qin, Hunan and Chu cultures and the sophistication of the Central Plains of the Song and Ming dynasties, giving birth to many outstanding Huxiang characters, and has created a reputation such as "Hunan Talent Half Country", "Zhongxing General Shijiu Huxiang", "Half of China's modern history is written by Hunan people", "No Hunan can not be an army" and so on. Since Qu Jia, the sons and daughters of Huxiang have been committed to promoting the construction and development of Chinese culture, and have always been based on the development of the country and the prosperity of the nation. For example, Qu Yuan's spirit of exploration of "the road is long, I will go up and down and seek", Fan Zhongyan's "The Story of Yueyang Tower" "The worries of the world first, and the joy of the world after the world" The spirit of melancholy, Wang Fu's practical spirit of "the only instrument in the world" and "the unity of knowledge and action", Wei Yuan's innovative spirit of "mastering the skills of the master to control the country", Zeng Guofan's spirit of putting others before himself regardless of family and personal fame and fortune, Tan Sitong's sacrificial spirit of "I smile to the sky with a horizontal sword, and go to leave the liver and gallbladder two Kunlun", Cai Yi's revolutionary spirit of "rebuilding the first person in the republic", and Mao Zedong Struggle with the sky, struggle with the earth, struggle with people, and the spirit of dedication, and so on. Huxiang culture has given birth to Huxiang heroes, and the Huxiang spirit displayed by Huxiang scholars has demonstrated the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

Based on a new starting point and facing a new future, we must deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought, take root in the fertile soil of Huxiang, continue the cultural context of Huxiang, promote the development of the cause with the continuation of civilization, help national rejuvenation with cultural revitalization, promote cultural prosperity with cultural innovation, win competitive advantages with cultural breakthroughs, and contribute to the writing of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Selected from "Xinxiang Review" Issue 9, 2024

First instance: Chen Jiaqi

Second trial: Wu Jin

Third trial: Zhang Qinfan

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Huxiang culture is a model of excellent traditional Chinese culture

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